Recent content by daniel777

  1. D

    Discussion Why did Crash and Spyro lose Playstation exclusivity after such huge success?

    They ought to be gotten back to Insidious Canine and Sleep deprived person, it very well may be a gigantic merits being something on a phase. I figure the being a fan would truly cherish that and it would merit the cash to make it right they could do a legitimate kart racer and crush...
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    News [Steam] Redfall failed to crack in top #100 during Launch Week

    Again I should raise since it was a real decent game, however Forespoken will by and by out graph the most recent Xbox selective, very much like it out diagrammed greetings fi rush that didn't appear on NPD.
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    Discussion Geoff Keighly hated Armored Core (Video)

    I despised my most memorable From Programming game and presently they are essentially one of on the off chance that not my most loved dev. Shu abhorred Devil's Spirits and would have dropped it on the off chance that he would be able.
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    Discussion New Dragon Age, Mass Effect may have live game storytelling

    Seems like a poop plan from an inept and insatiable partnership who need to drain an establishment instead of develop. to be expected however, ME1 was the main nice mass impact game DA1 was an astonishing, dull, old-school RPG that actually had the DNA of old Bio product. DA2 while fun I'm a...
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    Discussion A Playstation IP is seemingly being rumored to be getting an Anime Adaptation, what do you think it is?

    I'd very much want to see one more anime transformation of Gravity Rush, however since it previously got one, that Gravity Rush it's getting a film and that there is definitely not a game coming I figure it will not be it. I'd likewise cherish a Crash anime, it very well may be perfect in the...