Recent content by Kiryu - Freelance Yakuza

  1. K

    Discussion "Evangelism is war" is still alive at MS. Phil Spencer refers to xCloud as a platform hardcore Xbox fans should "evangelize".

    Yeah, I think the biggest difference between Nintendo fanboys, the ones who accept anything the company does, and the rest is that they won't bother you by telling you how amazing the company is, they'll spend their time saying that among themselves.
  2. K

    Discussion Sony should drop the MLB license and pull the game from Xbox

    How the fact that someone else is playing the game affect my personal life?
  3. K

    Discussion [Dunkey] Uncharted 4 Revisited

    The game has excellent combat hidden between long walking sessions. I agree with the positive points shown in the video, but I still think it was the most dragged-out Uncharted. Lost Legacy, on the other hand, is perfect. It takes the wonderful combat from the previous game and doesn't drag it out.
  4. K

    Discussion Sony's new handheld console?

    Sony can't provide good exclusives to 2 devices at the same time
  5. K

    Discussion Nobody is playing Halo Infinite

    There are more people playing Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation than Halo Infinite o.o 343i the i is for incompetence
  6. K

    Discussion "Evangelism is war" is still alive at MS. Phil Spencer refers to xCloud as a platform hardcore Xbox fans should "evangelize".

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I had no idea that Microsoft had a dedicated department for creating fanboys, and now everything makes more sense. Every company has its crazy fans, but I've never seen people as aggressive as the crazy Xbox fans.
  7. K

    Discussion Ctrl+Alt+Deceive: All The Dirt, Info, Lies, and LOLs We Found During FTC vs. Microsoft

    Amazing work OP please, don't forget to update #19 so people can understand better the evangelize part