Microsoft cautions developers to avoid curvy female characters


22 Jul 2022
Some people here are being denial of sweet baby inch already have a grip at certain part of playstation studios

Theyre on acepting stage now its quite saddening to see them becoming like this
Sweet Baby inc is just fixation for convo of a wider matter. They’re hardly the only ones, and let’s not pretend the corp hiring them doesn’t have synergies either…

This is a massive growth sector and a cash cow to many like striking a new gold mine. They will get their tendrils in everywhere to exploit a trend…..

“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has seen remarkable growth over the past decade. Once relegated to a sub-component within human resources, DEI has now evolved into a core business function. Despite the economic impact of COVID-19, DEI-related job postings increased by 123% between May and September of 20201. Organizations recognize the urgency of advancing DEI, especially as the workforce becomes more diverse. However, challenges remain, including the need for strategic investments, data collection, and accountability for change2. The global market for DEI is projected to reach $15.4 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 12.6%3. As companies invest in DEI staffing and specialists, the role of DEI officers dedicated to improving organizational diversity is flourishing4. 🌟


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
And black people existed in northern Europe THOUSANDS of years ago.

You keep repeating this nonsense as if it was true.

Depictions of black people are scarce in northern Europe for obvious reasons. There might have been individuals or small groups of black slaves, workers and even some wandering explorers during the Roman Empire, but there was never any relevant social interaction, households or villages made up of blacks.

Whatever agenda-pushed bullshit some game journos try to push constantly, is easily debunked by all the large-scale genetics studies made within Europe.

There's nothing wrong with facing the truth about different skin colors being much more segregated in a world without a long haul navy, planes and automobiles.
Nordics made up the Nordic Gods, and they obviously envisioned their gods with the same skin color as themselves. It's not because 5 vikings saw a black man during a trade trip that their clerics would decide that one of their gods was black after all. They obviously didn't.

But if you really think this isn't about political agendas, just imagine the meltdown from the same people defending a black Angrboda if someone decided to portray a Nigerian Orixá as a blond dude with blue eyes.


27 Feb 2024
Meh all this arguing is moot, this shit all started because gamers had "the audacity" to make a list of games. I don't give a shit if making a list makes you anti woke, racist, bigot, anyword-phobic, I only think one thing matters most- customer is king and if they want to make a fucking list you should allow them to make a fucking list. Personally I won't buy another insomniac game again as I got burned twice playing MJ and I can only imagine what would happen in the 3rd part.

Anyways we must agree that there is a culture problem in the gaming industry as a whole where the a major part of the customer base is despised
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22 Jul 2022
Well they don’t want any type to buy their consoles… they always made a good job to make everybody wants to buy the competition.

Like a lot of us joke… Uncle Phil is probably one of the best PlayStation marketing tool.

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25 Mar 2023
Meh all this arguing is moot, this shit all started because gamers had "the audacity" to make a list of games. I don't give a shit if making a list makes you anti woke, racist, bigot, anyword-phobic, I only think one thing matters most- customer is king and if they want to make a fucking list you should allow them to make a fucking list. Personally I won't buy another insomniac game again as I got burned twice playing MJ and I can only imagine what would happen in the 3rd part.

Anyways we must agree that there is a culture problem in the gaming industry as a whole where the a major part of the customer base is despised
Sweet Baby Inc is very dystopian. If any artist or writers needs Sweet Baby Inc help to do their work they should be fired because they must be useless and really bad at their jobs.
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Active member
8 Mar 2024
You lack nuance and are missing the key ingredient of politics at play at a larger scale. However, we were all innocent once, no harm, no foul

Good thing I don't care about the "politics at play" then. I play video games to have fun and not to go and get angry on Internet forums and social medias when a game doesn't cater to me.

The one thing that I have seen is that some people are angry that the girl in GoW Ragnarok isn't white. Like, do these people not have better things to do during the day? Guess not.
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25 Mar 2023
Good think I don't care about the "politics at play" then. I play video games to have fun and not to go and get angry on Internet forums and social medias when a game doesn't cater to me.

The one thing that I have seen is that some people are angry that the girl in GoW Ragnarok isn't white. Like, do these people not have better things to do during the day? Guess not.
I don't care if she is white or not, but now that I know that SSM was subjected to Sweet Baby Inc as a "consultant" it just cast a massive shadow into all of their creative choices. Why should we be ok with completely unnecessary censorship?

But I guess these devs all deserve to be subjected to censorship since they all seem to welcome it so easily. This is an industry that is mostly completely bankrupt creatively anyway with very few exceptions.


20 Jun 2022
Depictions of black people are scarce in northern Europe for obvious reasons. There might have been individuals or small groups of black slaves, workers and even some wandering explorers during the Roman Empire, but there was never any relevant social interaction, households or villages made up of blacks.
Me: Talks about pre-colonial pre-roman empire (pre-slavery pretty much)
You: "during the Roman Empire"

Facts: There were black people in northern europe BEFORE roman times. Way before. Thousands of years ago.

Whatever agenda-pushed bullshit some game journos try to push constantly, is easily debunked by all the large-scale genetics studies made within Europe.

These? Thanks for playing!

But if you really think this isn't about political agendas, just imagine the meltdown from the same people defending a black Angrboda if someone decided to portray a Nigerian Orixá as a blond dude with blue eyes.

I'm very ignorant as far as Orishas go, but if they don't have a defined skin tone, I personally would have zero issues with it i.e. idgaf.


18 Mar 2024
I'm not sure why I'm supposed to be angry about this?

Am I also supposed to be angry that Microsoft thinks male characters can show emotions like happiness or sadness?

Edit: Oh, I guess that is a bad thing...

“do you show male characters who display a full range of emotions, including joy, sadness, and vulnerability?”

Is it so rare to enjoy no nonsense hard men? Probably not, it’s why Jason Staten is hot property.

A man showing happiness is "woke" now, apparently.


27 Feb 2024
I expressed my reaction, which is confusion as to how so many people in this thread are upset about this.

It appears to be a relative non-issue and yet people are really riled up about it.
I think people are more expressing disdain for microsoft rather than getting mad, as it is their garbage games don't sell woke or not. Microsoft games have a bigger problem than their characters having a bigger bust/booty or not.


18 Mar 2024
Censorship is a non issue? 🤔

Who is being censored? Is this listing requirements that have to be followed? Or is it just a list of topics to think about?

The source article doesn't seem to indicate that anyone is censored over this issue, so I'm curious where you are seeing this?


8 May 2023
Who is being censored? Is this listing requirements that have to be followed? Or is it just a list of topics to think about?

The source article doesn't seem to indicate that anyone is censored over this issue, so I'm curious where you are seeing this?
Everyone knows that when your bosses make "suggestions", those "suggestions" are really just demands.

It's beyond obvious that it's being followed when we have crap like this coming from them 😂😂 Put 2 and 2 together bruh



18 Mar 2024
Everyone knows that when your bosses make "suggestions", those "suggestions" are really just demands.

It's beyond obvious that it's being followed when we have crap like this coming from them 😂😂 Put 2 and 2 together bruh


So no one is being censored, it's just more you are uncomfortable about the topic being discussed? I figure you would have more concrete examples otherwise.

What about that image am I supposed to be understanding?


25 Mar 2023
Who is being censored? Is this listing requirements that have to be followed? Or is it just a list of topics to think about?

The source article doesn't seem to indicate that anyone is censored over this issue, so I'm curious where you are seeing this?
If nobody is being censored or pushed to add things to their games that are not coming from their creative drive why are they being subjected to oversight from the likes of Sweet Baby Inc?

Why do they need to consult with others about what should be their own outlet of self expression? Aren't they the so called creatives after all? Then we end up with completely shit games and people act surprised as if that came from nowhere.