Lego Horizon Adventures is on Switch because Playstation Studio’s Guerrilla Games wanted the game to reach more people


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Reach more people....
Reach more...

This is why PS Portal sucks ass. It should have been a new Portable PS. Some peeps won't spend the console money, but they would buy a feature rich/competent standalone Portable PS for cheaper than the console price, in order to have the games pre-building-up and playable, before dipping on the big brother console later.

That's how you fucking "reach more people".
Not giving your GAMES to PC/Deck/Switch.
Stupid fucks!
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Polyphony is goat, they should expand that team to get an arcade racer going, Sony has too many western studios for their own good
Evolution studios wanted to be the arcade branch to Polyphony and pitch that idea to Sony. Who turned it down and that's how DriveClub was born instead... A game Sony themselves set up to fail


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Evolution studios wanted to be the arcade branch to Polyphony and pitch that idea to Sony. Who turned it down and that's how DriveClub was born instead... A game Sony themselves set up to fail
DriveClub failed due technical issues from Evolution Studios.
They fucked the game at launch... it had to be halt and be relaunched months late.

They even had to cancel the PS+ free version for months due these technical issues... it took 8 months to Evolution Studios fix the shit on their side to allow the release a PS+ free version... if the PS+ free version was released before it should just make the disaster even bigger.

Due massive refunds it was a big loss to Sony.
You can't fuck up something so bad and believe you won't have consequences... the consequences were clear... Evolution Studios closed.

I have no ideia how people can defend Evolution Studios.
Their fuck up were bigger than Halo: The Master Chief Collection launch fuck up.

It is up there in the biggest launch disaster with Cyberpunk 2077 and No Man Sky.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
DriveClub failed due technical issues from Evolution Studios.
They fucked the game at launch... it had to be halt and be relaunched months late.

They even had to cancel the PS+ free version for months due these technical issues.

Due massive refunds it was a big loss to Sony.
You can't fuck up something so bad and believe you won't have consequences... the consequences were clear... Evolution Studios closed.
They were rushing development because Sony backed them into a corner by announcing the release date thus giving them a deadline and then claimed the game would be free on PS+ at the PS4 reveal showcase 🤔.

Eventually the game got delayed however when that wasn't possible and I'm sure that's where the issues started.

A for game that was meant to be on PS+ it's also baffling they never allowed them a huge public beta which again would have solved all the issues lol.

Even so the game still sold almost 5 million. I dunno where you got this "massive refunds" from but sure. Yes, some wanted a refund but stop exaggerating.

And even so this has nothing to do with what my actual posts was about
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27 Jun 2023
Your examples of Apple and Netflix are great, these are companies that are all about exclusives. Sony thinks they are smarter than them and decided to follow the example of Xbox, good luck lmao.

Valve is another one, they have stopped releasing their games on PlayStation and didn't even bother with PSVR2 despite their big VR push. Sony is now their bitch.
The thing that Valve & Gave found out is if they seek profit & growth slower then competitors & focus on there slow but growing platforms other competitors like Xbox & PS would kill each other by seeking that profit & growth faster ultimately taking them out of competition. Look at Xbox they was once bigger then Steam & now Steam is bigger & has all of there games day 1 taking 30% cuts the same is happening with PS porting there games on PC.

Valve/Steam & Nintendo knows the 30% cut from the platform/storefront is more valuable then expanding on other direct competitor platform where they have no control, have to share cuts while also diminishing your own platform & storefront ultimately harming your ability to sell hardware & get 30% cuts. Apple, Netflix & Disney understands this.

Nintendo knows this & seek other method then releasing there tenpole franchise on other platform especially direct competitor. You see Mario Kart on mobile but it’s not the definitive version it’s also doesn’t play as smooth or is content rich as Mario Kart on Nintendo platform. Mario Kart tour is a gatcha from what I know of & other Nintendo games like Mario run, Pikmin bloom acts as a way to expand ip by letting people outside the Nintendo platform a taste of the ip & since there exclusive games are permanently on Nintendo hardware if you want the real deal & further invest in the games/ip you buy a Nintendo console & Nintendo game on the Nintendo storefront where they get 100% not even mentioning mtx, subscription & other potential game sells from that 1 person. Nintendo also expands the Mario ip by making a Mario movie. Mario movie does good & people wanna try the games they have to buy a Nintendo console further pushing Nintendo console sells which is how they beat the PS2 record (atleast within time) Nintendo also expand w toys like a Lego Mario set toy that you can buy see Nintendo doesn’t make a Lego game because when Nintendo expands its ip Nintendo makes sure they own 100% of that expanded universe paper Mario, Mario kart, Mario 3d are all different genres, type of game & style which Nintendo fully owns. PS expanded by making a Lego horizon game where they ultimately don’t own the universe aloy is in because of Lego so PS is limited to its ability to expand without Lego having a say & getting payed 💀 if PS was smart they would license PS ip to 3rd party like Sega work on a Ratchet & Clank spin off Bandai work on a GOW souls like & SNK/NeoGeo making a metal slug type game using the Uncharted & TLOU ip these would all be great & these expanded universes in different genres, type & style Sony would fully owned allowing them to make films/anime, toys/merchandise & parks using these different versions of there ip.

Nintendo has a Mario park but they can also open a Mario kart park that’s solely go kart or a park using the design from paper Mario & bring family’s & children to learn how to origami make paper Mario cut outs. I’m just throwing ideas. Instead we have a directionless PS with brain dead leadership. They lost all notable PS jrpgs exclusive there now going multiplat & Sony didn’t buyout or invest in these Japanese publisher to ensure some sort of exclusive games with there notable franchise like we may not get FF17 exclusive but atleast get a FF game exclusive whether it’s a FF7 spin off or entirely new set of characters same for persona, dq, neir, konami ip etc. PS really should’ve bought level 5 a studio who has experience with jrpgs & went to sega, square & konai & say hey I wana buy a license to your notable ip to make 1 game & had level 5 a smaller multi team jrpg studio work on these license game to bring exclusive games but nah they bought a port studio to port away PS exclusives they don’t even port PC, Switch or mobile games into the PS platform like Nintendo is seemingly going to do with there new port studio it’s a embarrassment.

The lack of prioritization on the PS console & instead focus outside platforms they have no say, no ownership & are direct competitors who have exclusive & aren’t porting there exclusive games to PS.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
They were rushing development because Sony backed them into a corner by announcing the release date thus giving them a deadline and then claimed the game would be free on PS+ at the PS4 reveal showcase 🤔.

Eventually the game got delayed however when that wasn't possible and I'm sure that's where the issues started.

A for game that was meant to be on PS+ it's also baffling they never allowed them a huge public beta which again would have solved all the issues lol.

Even so the game still sold almost 5 million. I dunno where you got this "massive refunds" from but sure. Yes, some wanted a refund but stop exaggerating.

And even so this has nothing to do with what my actual posts was about
The game was delayed twice due Evolution Studio asking... it was suppose to be a launch title for PS4.
It released in October 2014 (a year late after several 2 delays).
Even so it was unplayable at launch.
6 months after launch it was still unplayable.

From launch until they fixed part of it (around May/June 2015) they have massive refunds.
They sold what they sold after they fixed most of the issues at bargain price... not at launch.

It was a big lose to Sony because the bargain price didn't recovered dev costs neither the huge extra time (over 6 months) to fix issues.

But for you it is Sony's fault not Evolution Studios's fault lol
The game was always planned by Evolution Studios to be a launch PS4 titles (November 2013).

Edit - Sorry I made a mistake... it had more than 2 delays.

Edit 2 - They had a Beta and Evolution Studio where confidente in the launch.

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27 Jun 2023
Personally, I've noticed this trend for a long time, and it's good that more people are starting to notice it.

This approach has already hit PS hard, and there will be even more damage in the future.
If there’s 1 or 2 franchise Sony/PS should’ve invested heavily in is Ratchet & Clank. R&C has so much potential as a sci fi sandbox platform whether it’s a 3D platform or a side scrolling Mario like platform or a Ratchet & Clank Tactics game would’ve all been cool & expanded R&C as a franchise reaching new audiences with the types & genres of game something Sony would’ve 100% own unlike the Lego Horizon games/universe.

Also demons souls/bloodborne should’ve been heavily invested knowing how sacred Fromsoft games are & having demon souls that birth the genre it’s criminal we haven’t seen sequels or spin of game like a Demon Souls/Bloodborne Tactics game, Demon Souls/Bloodborne Diablo like live service game or a DS/B fighting game in the veins of MK/Killer instinct. Instead we get a quadruple down on Horizon which is cool but all of these games could be developed by 3rd party partner with Guerilla games keeping an eye.

Where almost going 10 years without an uncharted game & the next uncharted game will likely be focusing on Nathan daughter. We should’ve got spin of uncharted games like I keep saying a Metal slug game using the uncharted universe would be cool & it could be price at $50 featuring 4 player online coop with TLOU & other PS associated skins sold for $3-$5


27 Jun 2023
I think it's to see if there is a demand for child games for Sony. If Sony can kidify some IP then they can go after the Nintendo market. This is a low risk game to test the waters where the IP is borrowed a put on a Lego game without wasting first parry studio resources.
So PS is gonna use PS studios to make games specifically to target Nintendo audiences lmao not even PS trust it’s ability to grown & bring family & a younger generation into its platform simply by making spin off games using its ip that are more artistic & focus on gameplay


27 Jun 2023
In Sony? Uh, yes? That's what happens when you have weak leadership that is deathly afraid to actually, you know, lead. You've got Hulst who only cares about being cuddly with devs and taking vacations, and Totoki who only cares about making short-term profit. Sony gives Valve and Nintendo hundreds of millions in revenue and when it asks something it goes like this:

Sony: "Hey Valve, you know we ported all our big singleplayer games to Steam and our GaaS are day one. How about you guys port Counter-strike 2 on PS5 and Half-Life Alyx on PSVR2?"

Valve: "lolno"

Sony: "Hey Nintendo, we are releasing a first-party game day one on your platform. How about you maybe port some of your smaller games years later?"

Nintendo: "lolno"

I don't understand how anyone can turn a blind eye to this. Sony is strengthening competitive platforms and the owners of those platforms do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reciprocate. It is ridiculous.
Nah that one Guerilla game dev saying he would want to see aloy on smash. Not “it would be cool to see aloy in a platform fighter using PS/Sony ip”

The first Nintendo did when Sony bought EVO was pull Smash of EVO lineup. Yet PS in the 4 years since they bought them show any signs of rebooting or purchasing a fighting game studio to make a platformer or translate PS ip to fighting games that could mainline EVO. Will see Aloy or Kratos on Smash before we see a PS platform fighter. Embarrassing. The narrow sight of short term profit & growth instead of long will kill PS & make PS end up like Xbox. Its even crazy to think PS is pushing this 3rd party when Switch 2 will be at the power of a PS4 & get all JRPGS day 1 if not a couple months later & COD, Battlefield & GTA6 will release on Switch 2 either day 1 or at a later date. Switch 2 not only getting the same 3rd party as PS they’ll likely get exclusive Asia/Mobile focus games by default because of there strong position in console/handheld & Japan. Nintendo is also massively expanding they’ve almost double in headcount which equates to more Nintendo games being made permanently exclusive to the Switch while also having cheaper online subscription.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
The game was delayed twice due Evolution Studio asking... it was suppose to be a launch title for PS4.
It released in October 2014 (a year late after several 2 delays).
Even so it was unplayable at launch.
6 months after launch it was still unplayable.

From launch until they fixed part of it (around May/June 2015) they have massive refunds.
They sold what they sold after they fixed most of the issues at bargain price... not at launch.

It was a big lose to Sony because the bargain price didn't recovered dev costs neither the huge extra time (over 6 months) to fix issues.

But for you it is Sony's fault not Evolution Studios's fault lol
The game was always planned by Evolution Studios to be a launch PS4 titles (November 2013).

Edit - Sorry I made a mistake... it had more than 2 delays.

Edit 2 - They had a Beta and Evolution Studio where confidente in the launch.

As I said if they had a "PUBLIC" beta which they didn't. They had a limited small beta which would not have foreseen the issues. It was a bonehead decision by Sony to not haves public beta for a game they were planning to use to relaunch PS+ into something bigger lol..

And the delays would have not have happened if Sony didn't announce the deadline from back in February and then claimed it would launch on PS+. They did the same thing to Naughty Dog back in 2010 which almost ruined Uncharted 3's launch as well which actually caused the game to launch in a buggy state, which resulted in them telling leadership they don't want another game announced until the studio signed off on it.

Now I'm not gonna argue on DriveClub as my post was about Evolution wanting to become the arcade branch to Polyphony initially but Sony shut down that pitch and so that's how DriveClub was born.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
As I said if they had a "PUBLIC" beta which they didn't. They had a limited small beta which would not have foreseen the issues. It was a bonehead decision by Sony to not haves public beta for a game they were planning to use to relaunch PS+ into something bigger lol..

And the delays would have not have happened if Sony didn't announce the deadline from back in February and then claimed it would launch on PS+. They did the same thing to Naughty Dog back in 2010 which almost ruined Uncharted 3's launch as well which actually caused the game to launch in a buggy state, which resulted in them telling leadership they don't want another game announced until the studio signed off on it.

Now I'm not gonna argue on DriveClub as my post was about Evolution wanting to become the arcade branch to Polyphony initially but Sony shut down that pitch and so that's how DriveClub was born.
Sorry but everything you said is Evolution Studio's fault.

They choose the dates.
They choose to ask for delayed (right so).
They choose to do Beta.
They choose to believe their Beta was enough and everything was fine.

Do you don't understand why Evolution Studio was killed by Sony?
Sony let Studios be free to do what they want until they started to lose that confidence in the studio.
That is why Studios at Sony can create what people calls "masterpieces"... because Sony give them independence.

But independence has a limit... when you fuck so bad Sony have to intervene and so choose what to do with the Studio.

You can't fuck up so bad as game developer and think there is no consequences 🤷‍♂️
After all Sony is investing in the risk project Evolution Studio showed to them.


27 Jun 2023
TBF, Astro's Playroom, Rift Apart, and the new Astro Bot already prove there is demand for kids games on PlayStation. Same with stuff like the Sonic games, Hogwarts Legacy etc.
Ratchet & Clank rift apart should’ve sold 5+ million considering the last numbers from the leaks where 4.3 million after 8 months R&C rift apart also launched when there was 20 million PS5 so the attachment & long tail has been very good for R&C rift apart.

Ratchet & Clank Rift apart is the 2nd best selling R&C game with the R&C PS4 selling 7 million which only reason it sold so many was due to the $40 launch price. If R&C rift apart launch price was $40 it likely would’ve sold 7+ million I think if PS releases R&C at the tail end of PS5 & price it at $50 they can break 10 million sells which would look really good for the R&C franchise (if I was PS I would do this solely for the positive headlines, show R&C & platformers like it can sell many copies on PS)


21 Jun 2022
Evolution studios wanted to be the arcade branch to Polyphony and pitch that idea to Sony. Who turned it down and that's how DriveClub was born instead... A game Sony themselves set up to fail
Driveclub had a huge delay, was released broken, without important promised features and content, and they needed a lot of time to fix it and add the missing stuff.

It was a mess because of Evolution, who weren't capable of releasing a complete and fixed game. As happened with many times, Sony had a lot of patience with them.
  • they're_right_you_know
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Driveclub had a huge delay, was released broken, without important promised features and content, and they needed a lot of time to fix it and add the missing stuff.

It was a mess because of Evolution, who weren't capable of releasing a complete and fixed game. As happened with many times, Sony had a lot of patience with them.
Trying to blame Sony for Evolution own failure was something I never understood.
Evolution killed themselves... not Sony.
They had a big opportunity to be one of the key studios at Sony but failed to delivery.
The key developers at Evolution expressed they know that.

It is sad? Yes... it fucking sad because it had a lot of talented guys there.
But if you look in another way it is an experience to grow up and I'm sure they are even better today whatever where they are.


25 Mar 2023
The thing that Valve & Gave found out is if they seek profit & growth slower then competitors & focus on there slow but growing platforms other competitors like Xbox & PS would kill each other by seeking that profit & growth faster ultimately taking them out of competition. Look at Xbox they was once bigger then Steam & now Steam is bigger & has all of there games day 1 taking 30% cuts the same is happening with PS porting there games on PC.

Valve/Steam & Nintendo knows the 30% cut from the platform/storefront is more valuable then expanding on other direct competitor platform where they have no control, have to share cuts while also diminishing your own platform & storefront ultimately harming your ability to sell hardware & get 30% cuts. Apple, Netflix & Disney understands this.

Nintendo knows this & seek other method then releasing there tenpole franchise on other platform especially direct competitor. You see Mario Kart on mobile but it’s not the definitive version it’s also doesn’t play as smooth or is content rich as Mario Kart on Nintendo platform. Mario Kart tour is a gatcha from what I know of & other Nintendo games like Mario run, Pikmin bloom acts as a way to expand ip by letting people outside the Nintendo platform a taste of the ip & since there exclusive games are permanently on Nintendo hardware if you want the real deal & further invest in the games/ip you buy a Nintendo console & Nintendo game on the Nintendo storefront where they get 100% not even mentioning mtx, subscription & other potential game sells from that 1 person. Nintendo also expands the Mario ip by making a Mario movie. Mario movie does good & people wanna try the games they have to buy a Nintendo console further pushing Nintendo console sells which is how they beat the PS2 record (atleast within time) Nintendo also expand w toys like a Lego Mario set toy that you can buy see Nintendo doesn’t make a Lego game because when Nintendo expands its ip Nintendo makes sure they own 100% of that expanded universe paper Mario, Mario kart, Mario 3d are all different genres, type of game & style which Nintendo fully owns. PS expanded by making a Lego horizon game where they ultimately don’t own the universe aloy is in because of Lego so PS is limited to its ability to expand without Lego having a say & getting payed 💀 if PS was smart they would license PS ip to 3rd party like Sega work on a Ratchet & Clank spin off Bandai work on a GOW souls like & SNK/NeoGeo making a metal slug type game using the Uncharted & TLOU ip these would all be great & these expanded universes in different genres, type & style Sony would fully owned allowing them to make films/anime, toys/merchandise & parks using these different versions of there ip.

Nintendo has a Mario park but they can also open a Mario kart park that’s solely go kart or a park using the design from paper Mario & bring family’s & children to learn how to origami make paper Mario cut outs. I’m just throwing ideas. Instead we have a directionless PS with brain dead leadership. They lost all notable PS jrpgs exclusive there now going multiplat & Sony didn’t buyout or invest in these Japanese publisher to ensure some sort of exclusive games with there notable franchise like we may not get FF17 exclusive but atleast get a FF game exclusive whether it’s a FF7 spin off or entirely new set of characters same for persona, dq, neir, konami ip etc. PS really should’ve bought level 5 a studio who has experience with jrpgs & went to sega, square & konai & say hey I wana buy a license to your notable ip to make 1 game & had level 5 a smaller multi team jrpg studio work on these license game to bring exclusive games but nah they bought a port studio to port away PS exclusives they don’t even port PC, Switch or mobile games into the PS platform like Nintendo is seemingly going to do with there new port studio it’s a embarrassment.

The lack of prioritization on the PS console & instead focus outside platforms they have no say, no ownership & are direct competitors who have exclusive & aren’t porting there exclusive games to PS.
Sony has to be one of the most stupid companies out there, that must be why they are so undervalued compared to their pears in pretty much all segments they operate in. Bean counters are the last type of leaders that a company in their position would need.

Sony has everything to be seen and be valued as Universal Music Group + Disney + Nintendo and much more combined but they fail miserably at showing themselves as that and each of their divisions seems to be devaluing the other.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Sorry but everything you said is Evolution Studio's fault.

They choose the dates.
They choose to ask for delayed (right so).
They choose to do Beta.
They choose to believe their Beta was enough and everything was fine.

Do you don't understand why Evolution Studio was killed by Sony?
Sony let Studios be free to do what they want until they started to lose that confidence in the studio.
That is why Studios at Sony can create what people calls "masterpieces"... because Sony give them independence.

But independence has a limit... when you fuck so bad Sony have to intervene and so choose what to do with the Studio.

You can't fuck up so bad as game developer and think there is no consequences 🤷‍♂️
After all Sony is investing in the risk project Evolution Studio showed to them.
I really don't care about what you are talking about honestly lol. My post was really about Evo wanting to be the arcade branch to Polyphony.

I guess you enjoy useless back & forths but not today


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Driveclub had a huge delay, was released broken, without important promised features and content, and they needed a lot of time to fix it and add the missing stuff.

It was a mess because of Evolution, who weren't capable of releasing a complete and fixed game. As happened with many times, Sony had a lot of patience with them.
Thank you for stating public knowledge
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27 Jun 2023
Switch makes more sense than PC.
Both Nintendo & Steam wants PS killed & here we are saying “no this platform makes sense no this platform makes sense for expansion” how about instead of the port focus Sony double down on there platform & bring more games out. You know how you target a new audience? You crate more quality games in different genres & styles exclusive to your platform.

Revive inFAMOUS, SOCOM, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Ape Escape, Wild Arms. Notice all expect 1 franchise has a iconic protagonist with a iconic design, story & gameplay.

Funny how people talk about reaching a new audience & expanding to other platform yet the one who have permanent exclusive games & solely focus on producing many many games onto its platform has the widest/diverse platform & consumer base I’m talking about Nintendo. It’s pretty simple you create games in different genre you then promote those games in many different ways you target a potential new audience who was never interested in PS or its games it produced but oh hey “that new game looks really cool where do I have to buy it to play it?” “Oh I have to buy a PS ok I’ll buy it it looks cool” “oh wow that was amazing oh what’s this game called Ape Escape it has funny monkeys & the universe looks so colorful & the protagonist Spike & the girl have cool design wow that blue hair boy looks cool wow that orange hair boy with the spikes hair is funny & cool” ima further invest in these franchise & PS oh wait “they’re coming out w a inFAMOUS 1 live action show god damn I gotta replay the game so I can watch the film” consumer further invest buying toys/merchandise “wow PS makes so many quality games what else do they have oh shit Jak & Daxter that’s so badass” PS expansion in audience & profit in the entertainment business should come from producing being creative producing entertainment that funnels consumer down to your fully own & control platform/stoefront ie Apple, Netflix, Disney or Nintendo.

PS output so abysmal that it’s easy to jump ship & or ignore the fomo. There’s always rumor that Apple will buy Disney to get ip & leverage it so the can enter the gaming/entertainment business which makes sense since they have a platform & storfront & there really just missing content/ip to bolster Apple Arcade, Apple TV & the Apple Store
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