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    Xbox GameInformer: Avowed is the same length as Outer Worlds (13- 40 hours)

    So they went from Fallout at home to TES at home.
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    Discussion PS5 Pro: Will there be any killer App games? (Digital Foundry Video)

    Cyberpunk with RT and PSSR is a given.
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    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    He started the PC ports. People around here love to blame Jim for this but it was Shawn Layden who started talking about PC ports in 2018 and even admitted in a podcast that it was his idea.
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    Playstation Former PlayStation head says we need to "get this platform war thing out of the way" and "get down to one standard home console"

    Why are you surprised? This is the guy who initiated PC releases in 2018/2019
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    Discussion Developers were asked about porting games to Xbox “It’s not worth it if the game isn’t on Game Pass”

    I was told Gamepass would actually increase software sales. Gamepass and the lack of Xbox marketing and mindshare outside of NA are the two biggest reasons of their demise.
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    Analysis [French] Launch Aligned Xbox Series is the Worst Performing Xbox

    Not much different in Germany. The Xbox brand is dead all over Europe. No marketing, no mindshare, AI translated customer service and shit localization.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    You're the one who's constantly talking about the end of Playstation. Can you show me this Steam console? I'd like to buy one and stick it to Sony.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    Not talking about you. He keeps bringing up Steam consoles and how they would be the end of Playstation.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    Sell it and move on then. You already play on PC so what's the point in getting this upset over it?
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    Dude, you clearly don't understand the concept of a Steam console /s But for real, this place makes Resetera look sane. So much for this being a good place for PlayStation fans, lol.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    Well, too bad it doesn't exist. Maybe you should make one. You could ask GabeN for help.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    I've said this a million times but not everyone wants do deal with PC gaming.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    I bet you'd like that. But yeah, keep dreaming about your Steam console.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    "Playstation will do just fine" is much more plausible than "Valve will make a console and put Sony out of business"
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    And you keep talking about a "what if" console that sounds nice in theory but doesn't actually exist. As far as Xbox goes, they're cooked. They have no mass market appeal.
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    Discussion why PlayStation won't fail even without true exclusive games

    Yeah but that's all it is, a concept. It only exists in your head. You keep talking about it like it's a real thing. The thing is, Valve has tried before and failed. I bet Valve doesn't even have the logistics to put enough systems on shelf, let alone outproduce Sony. Valve can't even bother...