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  1. B

    Discussion Skyrim lead designer says it will be 'almost impossible' for Elder Scrolls 6 to meet fan expectations

    A sensible take. Few games live up to, let alone exceed, expectations of the OG game. I can't think of one example where a sequel outshines the original...
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    Discussion DF Richard Leadbetter: PS5 Pro vs PC value comparisons are less important than a potentially bleak future for console pricing

    Bringing up high GPU prices and PC Piracy should be a bannable offense. Neither are ground in reality. The people buying the top end GPU for gaming every iteration, are the same people who spend £5k on Loot boxes in COD; morons. As for piracy, it has a place in the preservation of games. Some...
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    PC Dragon Age: The Veilguard Presales Disappoint, Game Fails to Enter Steam Top 100

    The hero shooter skin walking as a dragon age game that gave the middle finger to DA fans doesn't sell well?
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    Discussion GTA6: Beginning Of The Next Gaming Crash?

    GTA 6 is releasing to a potential 80 million customers, not 160 million like GTA 5. Every player who migrates from GTA5 is at best, like for like revenue wise and at worst a net loss. Asking GTA5 players to start from scratch is a big ask, though going by FIFA and sports ball games, isn't...
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    Discussion Towerborne flopping harder then Concord

    No it didn't. Stop revising history. It got called out for being a crap game, with a shit design and worst of all, for not living up to the potential shown in the trailer. Get over it.
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    Discussion Reminder: Sony is working with AMD for a handheld with 2teraflops of GPU power

    Launching for £1250 on the twelfty of noverember.
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    Playstation PlayStation Pro Announced, 45% Faster, Pre Orders Available (November 7) | Starting $699.99

    If you can't figure out how to get a PC working then maybe consoles are about your skill set. It is literally plug and play.
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    Playstation PlayStation Pro Announced, 45% Faster, Pre Orders Available (November 7) | Starting $699.99

    To play what? There hasn't been a need to buy a cutting edge PC in 20 years
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    Discussion Towerborne flopping harder then Concord

    Are you including the paid shills on Reddit and ree? Tweets calling their fans morons or whatever, or is all of that just ignore to make it sound like Sony sent Concord out to die? Don't forget the Amazon show.
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    Discussion Towerborne flopping harder then Concord

    Did towerborne cost £200 million to make over 8 years backed by an aggressive marketing campaign? No? Then it's not a worse flop.
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    Playstation PlayStation Pro Announced, 45% Faster, Pre Orders Available (November 7) | Starting $699.99

    What's this obsession with 4070 and 4080s? Imagine paying that much money to play 4k when 1440p is more than enough.
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    Playstation Breaking: Concord is shutting down on September 6, full refunds. (Update: Servers Now Closed)

    You should, everyone is doing it; me, that guy...join the party.
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    Playstation PlayStation Pro Announced, 45% Faster, Pre Orders Available (November 7) | Starting $699.99

    What fantasy is this? I don't pay for yearly upgrades and I already own a sofa, thanks.
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    Playstation Breaking: Concord is shutting down on September 6, full refunds. (Update: Servers Now Closed)

    Are you really that dumb? Read the usernames, redrum
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    Discussion The Doomers and Gloomers, Sony is dying thread.

    Those people are morons. Anyone buying a high end GPU for gaming is a fucking moron. The tech isn't there for 4k to be worth it, especially on consoles and especially with the upres techniques available.