You drank the cool aid. MS still does the same things Sony did over 10 years ago (digital only console, streaming, etc).
There is no short term benefits, their eco-system is starved for exclusive games, their rental service is no better than the competition (I don't care for either)... All MS really have is a social media presence and a bunch of non-gamers shill (obviously, they have nothing to play but CoD and other generic games you can get anywhere).
I wouldn't say that I drank the cool aid because as easily as I switched to Xbox as my primary gaming console for this generation, I can just as easily switch back to PlayStation next generation. I went from PS/PS2 to Xbox 360 to PS4 to Series X as my primary. Am I heavily favoring Microsoft and Xbox this generation? Yes but I did the same with PS4, 360 and so forth. I'm always going to favor my primary just like those here favor their primary which is PlayStation. The only major difference is that I don't get upset over what Microsoft or Sony does or doesn't do. I simply use what they both offer to my benefit and that's literally it.
I agree in regards to the exclusive games but compared to the first 2 years of PS4, Series X has been better for me quality wise. Quantity no but quality yes so I have really no valid reason to complain. Also, if 2023 gives me 2+ exclusives for the year and I complete both of them, then to be honest, im not going to care about the empty 2022 year. Hell, I don't even care now because I have 5 games in a 6 1/2 week span starting with A Plague Tale Requiem. It's not like I don't have any games at all to play.
Exclusive wise, I have had droughts with Sony and PS5. There's always going to be droughts either due to there not being any exclusives in general or there's exclusives but they're not for me. Both sides have had droughts for me personally but that's where the third party multi-platform games come in. There's always something for me to play. And always will be.
I see Game Pass as better than PlayStation Plus because of the day one games, exclusives or multi-platform. Multi-platform wise, I had Outriders, The Ascent, have Plague Tale Requiem in another week and I have a few scheduled for 2023 where as of right now, Sony hasn't added a single day one game that's of any interest to me. And im not expecting them to either because I don't see them spending the money required and even if they do, there's no guarantee that the game is for me. Microsoft adds so many day one games that percentage wise, I know im going to average at least 2 a year on Game Pass excluding Microsoft's first party games.
I simply don't have any major issues or complaints with what Microsoft is doing right now. I like their direction and I like that they're staying very aggressive with acquisitions. I'm way more hyped and excited for their game roadmap than I ever have been. Do they have issues and whatnot? Yes. But so does Sony and every other company. No company is perfect nor will any company ever be perfect.
I also didn't have any major exclusives for PS4 until 2016/2017. I didn't complain that the first 2+ years was "meh" for me at best so why would I not be the same for Microsoft and Xbox this generation? If 2023 ends up empty or shitty, I guarantee that no one will rant more about it on this forum than me.