Another Forbes article (Tassi the guy you love) A PS5 Pro Will Feel Extra Unnecessary This Time Around


14 Jul 2022
Another hit piece. I don't understand the logic here though. It looks like Playstation’s success at generating revenue is not enough to.... I don't know.. pay for something?

From the article:

According to GamesIndustry Japan, conversations with third parties revealed how difficult it is to recover the current huge development costs with an install base of 100 million units, as even porting titles to Xbox consoles and PC doesn't help all that much. In their report, Toyo Securities highlights this issue as well, saying that this will become even more of a problem in the next generation of consoles, suggesting that Sony should stop seeking increased performance, which leads to increased development costs, and release a smaller system with bigger mass market appeal.

They're seriously suggesting something like the Series S is what Sony should focus on. It's insane how many ways different parties have claimed Sony should copy MS' failed strategies. Aside from that, focusing solely on console sales while ignoring game and accessory sales really highlights how poor this take is. They say "install base" but make no mention of sales (estimated or otherwise) of where the real money is - software.


28 Jun 2022
From the article:

They're seriously suggesting something like the Series S is what Sony should focus on. It's insane how many ways different parties have claimed Sony should copy MS' failed strategies. Aside from that, focusing solely on console sales while ignoring game and accessory sales really highlights how poor this take is. They say "install base" but make no mention of sales (estimated or otherwise) of where the real money is - software.
GP at stagnation, hardware sales in decline and game sales are basically non existent for Xbox games. How in the world is tht ever a win. These publications are insane and no way they aren't getting money under the table.


14 Jul 2022
GP at stagnation, hardware sales in decline and game sales are basically non existent for Xbox games. How in the world is tht ever a win. These publications are insane and no way they aren't getting money under the table.

It reminds me of the complaints Phil had about Sony in this infamous article:

“Sony is trying to protect its dominance on the console. The way they grow is by making Xbox smaller,” Spencer said.

“[Sony] has a very different view of the industry than we do. They don’t ship their games day and date on PC, they do not put their games into their subscription when they launch their games.”

You can tell he's frustrated that Sony refuses to copy his terrible strategies - strategies that have directly and now provably impacted Xbox in a negative way. So much so that their decline seems irrecoverable at this point. I also wouldn't be surprised if there is money under the table because there's always something that Sony should be doing. Some way they should be copying MS. I can easily imagine Phil having a hand in this kind of manipulation given his previous statements.


Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
From the article:

They're seriously suggesting something like the Series S is what Sony should focus on. It's insane how many ways different parties have claimed Sony should copy MS' failed strategies. Aside from that, focusing solely on console sales while ignoring game and accessory sales really highlights how poor this take is. They say "install base" but make no mention of sales (estimated or otherwise) of where the real money is - software.

Ironically Sony is the one that focused on designing an efficient system by removing as many bottlenecks as possible. The best in cost vs performance. It still is the best in that regard.

Who came out the door flaunting the highest number of Teraflops and bandwidth and a million meaningful buzzwords? A system with weird RAM setup and proven inefficient architecture? The most expensive to manufacture and can’t even run the best version of games?
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
It reminds me of the complaints Phil had about Sony in this infamous article:

You can tell he's frustrated that Sony refuses to copy his terrible strategies - strategies that have directly and now provably impacted Xbox in a negative way. So much so that their decline seems irrecoverable at this point. I also wouldn't be surprised if there is money under the table because there's always something that Sony should be doing. Some way they should be copying MS. I can easily imagine Phil having a hand in this kind of manipulation given his previous statements.

Oh you know it. Their strategy is designed around taking away every advantage PS has by brute force. Luckily PS still does its own thing and are not taking the bait.

Taking away PS’ highest grossing games is still not a good idea yet because Xbox is not selling enough consoles and either xbox players are broke AF or brainwashed into only playing welfarepass.

I’m going to bet that MS is going to try to buy all the chip manufacturing for next gen so there are no PS6 in stores.
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14 Jul 2022
Oh you know it. Their strategy is designed around taking away every advantage PS has by brute force. Luckily PS still does its own thing and are not taking the bait.

I can imagine Sony and Nintendo looking at Xbox floundering around with their poor strategies and just shaking their heads in bemusement. There's a reason why Xbox has always been third, after all. And even with all the complaining Phil does to the media about Sony, Sony has rarely responded and when they do - they're proven to be correct in their observations.


28 Jun 2022
I can imagine Sony and Nintendo looking at Xbox floundering around with their poor strategies and just shaking their heads in bemusement. There's a reason why Xbox has always been third, after all. And even with all the complaining Phil does to the media about Sony, Sony has rarely responded and when they do - they're proven to be correct in their observations.
Bosses don't respond to frivolous bs. It's gd they don't feed into the nonsense, they'd waste too much energy doing so.


Well-known member
30 Dec 2023
Another hit piece. I don't understand the logic here though. It looks like Playstation’s success at generating revenue is not enough to.... I don't know.. pay for something?

Who the hell comes up with this fan fiction?

You already see the crazies like Colt spreading this insane bs. Won’t cover the R&D costs? How do these people even breathe on their own boggles the mind.