Anybody else enjoy playing cinematic single player games on 30fps?


29 Sep 2022
I always feel torn about this. On the one hand- yes, memes aside, 30fps really does look more cinematic. That's thanks to some combination of simple association (I'm used to low framerates from films and associate them with that medium) and the fact that motion blur/general poor motion clarity serves to hide flaws in animation and let our brains fill in the gaps.

On the other hand, 30fps means nasty input latency and an overall sub-par experience in fast combat. It's hard to say whether the filmic experience is worth it when the actual interactivity is so badly compromised when it matters the most.

For games that make a sharp distinction between "in combat" and "not in combat", I wonder whether it would make sense to run them at different framerates. 30 for cutscenes, exploration, maybe stealth; switch to 60 when the bullets start flying. You could even give it an in-game explanation (adrenaline rush is helping you to see the situation more clearly).

This would also allow the resolution or other quality settings to be ramped up for the slow 30fps sections where you'll most appreciate them, and dropped for combat where you're least likely to notice the difference.

I think it's important that at least SOME gameplay run at the same framerate as cutscenes, though. Otherwise you create a disconnect between cutscenes and gameplay, which you really want to avoid. Maybe you could even switch to 60 for particularly intense/violent cutscenes, so it matches the gameplay switches.
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Active member
30 Jun 2022
Red Dead 2 on PC @ 60 fps made the game playable for me, it felt like shit on consoles at 30 fps. I'm all for a weighty feel and all but RDR 2 it was to it's detriment
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
You do realise movies are shot at 30 fps, right? If a game runs at 30 fps it feels more cinematic than playing at 60 fps. that's the purpose of these type of games, they are like movies. playing at 60 fps takes away the cinematic feel that i personally prefer while playing these type of games. for shooting multiplayer games and fighting games I prefer 60 fps Tho. It's just a personal preference.

Sorry, but wrong. Movies are shot at 24fps.

Deleted member 13

I played red dead 2 recently on PC and I have been playing at 30 fps. 60fps really takes the cinematic feel i guess, and honestly i would rather have better viduals. it also feels more like irl, especially in cutscenes. 60 fps is good for competitive multiplayer shooting games, but for single player games like the last of us, resident evil, etc.. i prefer 30 fps. Anybody else?
I'm the same. 30FPS with non-FPS games is perfect for me. I'd rather have the visuals too.


60FPS for me. If I wanted to stay with 30FPS, I would still be playing games on last generation hardware.


26 Jun 2022
You do realise movies are shot at 30 fps, right? If a game runs at 30 fps it feels more cinematic than playing at 60 fps. that's the purpose of these type of games, they are like movies. playing at 60 fps takes away the cinematic feel that i personally prefer while playing these type of games. for shooting multiplayer games and fighting games I prefer 60 fps Tho. It's just a personal preference.
Movies are shot at 24fps.

Games are not movies, 30 fps is a compromise for 3d Games because consoles couldn't hold 60fps with the level of details or CPUs couldn't push enough of whatever to run the games at 60fps. Just like old 2d games did, since the old Atari 2600.

You can rationalize it all you want, yes it can still be tolerable when you need to.
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2 Jul 2022
LMAO 💀 have you ever played a game at 30 fps? 💀 It doesn't look hideous at all or lose any image clarity 💀 fps has nothing to do with image clarity that's the resolution 💀 Seemes like you have an fps OCD like majority of PC players💀also visuals >>>>> framerate

Yes, but majority of objects irl don't move past 60fps.
You lose temporal resolution with a lower framerate.
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Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
Movies are shot at 24fps.

Games are not movies, 30 fps is a compromise for 3d Games because consoles couldn't hold 60fps with the level of details or CPUs couldn't push enough of whatever to run the games at 60fps. Just like old 2d games did, since the old Atari 2600.

You can rationalize it all you want, yes it can still be tolerable when you need to.
I don't care if the hardware can run it or not... I could buy you and your whole PC and Toyota car. 60fps just looks like an absolute abomination on some games, especially horror games where playing these type of games isn't about the movment, it's about the horror and cinematic factor. the last of us 2 at 60 fps looks absolutely retarded. PC players will just uncap the framerate to feel superior without realising it just doesn't work for every game. It's just a stupid trend.


I play on very high sensitivity in all games, so 30fps is not for me.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
I do but not because I don’t like 60 fps.
Only because 4k mode is a better choice sometimes and I like graphics
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Well-known member
4 Jul 2022
30 fps with
raster based graphic settings maxed out
ray-tracing maxed out
locked framerate with no fluctuations


Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
I swear you just come in here trying to one up your last bad take.
Except This is not a take, it's a preference. There are some intelligent people who also agree with me that not all games should be played at 60 fps.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but saying 30 fps lag when it clearly doesn't is so dumb. the only difference is the feel. 30 fps feels more cinematic because it close to how movies are shot, while 60fps feels more like real life.


26 Jun 2022
I don't care if the hardware can run it or not... I could buy you and your whole PC and Toyota car. 60fps just looks like an absolute abomination on some games, especially horror games where playing these type of games isn't about the movment, it's about the horror and cinematic factor. the last of us 2 at 60 fps looks absolutely retarded. PC players will just uncap the framerate to feel superior without realising it just doesn't work for every game. It's just a stupid trend.
You should consult.

It certainly work for any action game.


26 Jun 2022
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but saying 30 fps lag when it clearly doesn't is so dumb
I don't care what measures say, I have a much harder time aiming in games like uncharted 4 or tlou 1/2 in their original version because the temporal resolution is just too low for any thing where timing is important.

I still played them, but your "opinion" is only a blind repetition of old excuses for 30 fps.

Deleted member 13

Not sure why we are battling it out with people's preferences for FPS performance in a game.

We can all agree that a game at least needs to be at a consistent FPS no matter what's on screen.

60FPS is required for games that are FPS and used online. Even with this though, the bottleneck will be the online speed and not the GPU.

30FPS constant for 3rd person SP games should be ok to run as long as it's consistent.


3 Oct 2022
There is nothing "cinematic" about 30fps or any fps. Cinematic is used to describe the consistent pacing in certain chapters of a game. Cinematic experience is during a train sequence, a mountain slide or a car chase, whenever the pacing of the game is rather fixed and not variable up to the player, whether it is 20 or 240 fps.

That being said, as a veteran gamer i have enjoyed 4fps games in the past, eg Tetris. I do crave neither sub par fps, nor low resolution or ancient alpha and lighting effects and i see the beauty of modern games as it is. I fairly respect anyone's wish/opinion/preference to enjoy playing only videogames that output 60fps or more but i personally will never take that person seriously in a conversation regarding videogames, because videogames in their heart were never about resolutions/fps/graphics.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
There is nothing "cinematic" about 30fps or any fps. Cinematic is used to describe the consistent pacing in certain chapters of a game. Cinematic experience is during a train sequence, a mountain slide or a car chase, whenever the pacing of the game is rather fixed and not variable up to the player, whether it is 20 or 240 fps.

Wrong. There's a reason why movies are 24fps, for example.

Not to say games need to follow that formula, but framerate does impact the visual qualities of media. You can actually see by how much when modern tvs simulate 60fps and movies look like cheap soap operas with those modes enabled.