As PlayStation outsells Xbox by well over 3:1, Digital Foundry discusses a new Xbox in 2026.


25 Mar 2023
2024 and these dudes are still talking about that Xbox 360, get over it. The Xbox 360 sucked, it imposed paid online and paywalls as the standard on console, it got outsold by the PS3 (even with RRoD inflating the numbers massively), it was outclassed on the exclusives front and MS abandoned it midgen to focus on Kinetic.

At one point the Xbox 360 was performing better than the PS3 ond multiplats, you could get one for half the price of a PS3 and still that wasn't enough. There is this revisionist history that attributes the success of a bunch of multiplayer and paid exclusives to MS.

Xbox 360 top 5 all time console? STFU 🤡


26 Jun 2022
Xbox 360 top 5 all time console? STFU John.
That remains the generation xbox stood a chance, they started very well (I knew people on the inside back then, the 360 sold well and people bought tons of games on it)... Early PS3 games were not that great, but in the end Sony did what they had to do to get back on track.

Xbox at least is paying its fair share of taxes, not all corporations are doing this!

5 sony consoles better than the 360

1 - PS 1
2 - PS 2
3 - PS 3
4 - PS 4
5 - PS 5

5 Nintendo consoles better than the 360
1 - NES
2 - SNES
3 - N64
3 - Gamecube
4 - Switch
5 - Not too sure about the others

Sega consoles better than the 360
Saturn (really, it has tons of great games)

MS console better than the 360
OG xbox (maybe)

The 360 had a good amount of indie titles because of their arcade thing, that was the thing that I envied the most as a PS3 owner... That and the better third party games.


8 Jan 2023
I remember seeing a clip from this on twitter and they were basically saying that it wasn't likely because new consoles take a really long time to go from the planning stage to something that can be sent to stores.


18 Jun 2023
I remember when Xbox fanboys wouldn't shut up about 12 teraflops, the "power" narrative, and how this generation was going to be different. We're 3 years in, Xbox has had nothing but an abysmal lineup of exclusive games, is on pace to sell even less than the Xbox One, and most 3rd party developers are heavily prioritizing the PS5 over it. Now that these fanboys got hit by a dose of reality, they've now moved on and started fantasizing about the next Xbox console... that will inevitably also get obliterated by PlayStation and Nintendo.

Xbox in its entire history has never outsold PlayStation and never will.

It must really suck to be a fan of this brand, holy fuck.


27 Jun 2023
There's no chance I'll let MS screw me over again.

Bought the first Xbox at launch in Germany and massive price reduction within a few weeks because hardly anyone wanted it. Although MS provided a controller and game to compensate, I should have known better. Nevertheless, I bought the Xbox 360 again at launch, just a few years after the first Xbox, and even though the games were great I was allowed to send the 360 in 4 times because of the known problems. At some point I gave up and just focused on PS3 and Wii.

I skipped the Xbox One at launch, but then became weak with the One X because of the full-bodied promises (VR support). Except for RDR 2, there wasn't a game that was worth the box imo, and of course there wasn't VR either. In addition, some One X versions ran worse than on the PS4 Pro. Rise and Shadow of the Tomb Raider alone had severe stuttering + teardown in some areas. To this day I don't know how many of the games DF played to recommend the One X version. Since then, I've trusted their assessments less and less since they obviously only play the first 2-3 hours.

Since I didn't know if I would get a PS5, I also pre-ordered the XSX. At the time I had no idea that it would take almost 4 years for a game like Hellblade 2 to appear on the box that graphically looks like current gen.

If they really present and publish a successor as early as 2026, then that will be it. Then games that were announced tens of years ago will definitely no longer be available for XSX because they would also have to publish the games for Series S. MS simply bet on the wrong horse with this 2 console strategy and lost significantly. Maybe idiots who make all these stupid decisions should finally be thrown out, maybe that way they can regain trust at some point.

They're welcome to lick my ass, and anyone who's celebrating a new console in 2026 should pull their head out of Spencer's ass and think. New "better" hardware is of no use if the company behind it has such a bad reputation among customers.


16 Jul 2022
I remember seeing a clip from this on twitter and they were basically saying that it wasn't likely because new consoles take a really long time to go from the planning stage to something that can be sent to stores.
Wouldn't be surprised if the whole Xbox 2026 is just to keep xbox in the conversation and isn't actually happening, as Sony have caught them with their pants down with the pro and they don't want to be left out.
Jim Ryan

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
Wouldn't be surprised if the whole Xbox 2026 is just to keep xbox in the conversation and isn't actually happening, as Sony have caught them with their pants down with the pro and they don't want to be left out.

Just another front in their continuous FUD campaign, as usual.

They think about nothing else but "the narrative".
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22 Feb 2023



21 Jun 2022
It's a stupid idea to release a new Xbox in 2026:
  • They alredy have an issue right now with hardware fragmentation with devs needing to support Series S, X and PC. Adding another one in the top would make this issue worse, and killing too early Series S and X would cause riots in their fanbase and some would buy a PS5 Pro instead of the next Xbox because they would felt abandoned too early and having got only a few great console exclusives
  • Xbox's main issue isn't lack of power, or price. It's their console exclusive lineup, which isn't fixed releasing a new console. Because it would enworse this issue since the number of exclusives would further reduce the list
  • Their fans who bout Series X/S console are waiting for great exclusive games for them. Many have been promised but won't be released until far in the future. They would feel extra insulted if these games aren't released for their consoles but are kept as next gen exclusives instead
  • It would split the Xbox userbase and catalog, while Sony would have it merged into a single generation one.
  • It would be more powerful than PS only for maybe a year or two, because very likely PS6 when released in late 2027 or 2028 will be more powerful and would keep again that Xbox 2026 console behind again
There's only a way they could recoup a bit of console market share: to stop releasing their games day one on PC, and to make all their future games exclusive. But that won't happen because financially it's even more of a stupid idea than their current business plan.

I think that what makes more sense would be that they don't announce a Pro or next gen Xbox and instead go full third party with all their games instead. And stop including their games day one in GP but instead put them a year or two after release. Plus they stop moneyhatting day one 3P games for GP and instead sign only 1/2+ year old games.

This would highly increase MS's userbase, revenue and would allow them have a profitable gaming division. To release a new console would only increase their issues.


25 Mar 2023

Sony dream scenario is the one where MS tries to release yet another console to compete with the PS5 Pro. The One X sold like shit and that was against the PS4 Pro with jet engine fan.

There is just so much going on in favor of PS5:
- PS5 as the base console instead of the Series S
- PS Portal
- DualSense
- Drastically larger install base with a gap that grows faster than the total sales of both Series S and X combined.
- PS5 has a much better library of games both released and on the way

All MS has left are paid shills and the game media trying to pretend the Xbox is still relevant to keep getting those console war clicks.
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24 Jun 2022
I think a next-gen Xbox in 2026 makes perfect since if it's no longer a console per se, but a gaming PC consolized NUC & laptop-like system line that can run Windows 12 😉.

Feels more and more likely this is the direction Microsoft are going in, but too many of the diehards can't see it yet because they're still stuck in the console war mentality.


10 Jan 2023
Xbox console in 2026 is more or less them waving the white flag. Xbox survives as the off brand playstation, they can't pull off a nintendo. Even with the full power of their first party, all of them will flop and die
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25 Mar 2023
I think a next-gen Xbox in 2026 makes perfect since if it's no longer a console per se, but a gaming PC consolized NUC & laptop-like system line that can run Windows 12 😉.

Feels more and more likely this is the direction Microsoft are going in, but too many of the diehards can't see it yet because they're still stuck in the console war mentality.
The thing is a subsidized PC doesn't work for anyone except for maybe Valve to small degree, since Steam is the only store people are going to actually use.

I think it's too late for MS to pull that off, it maybe would've worked 20 years ago to make them relevant on the PC space.
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24 Jun 2022
The thing is a subsidized PC doesn't work for anyone except for maybe Valve to small degree, since Steam is the only store people are going to actually use.

I think it's too late for MS to pull that off, it maybe would've worked 20 years ago to make them relevant on the PC space.

Actually, the reason I feel it works for Microsoft even in that context is because at the end of the day, it still locks PC gamers into the Windows ecosystem, and Microsoft gaming hardware devices.

Both of which are things Valve want to shift gamers away from (Steam OS/Linux, and devices like Steam Deck and whatever other PC gaming hardware they do going forward). And doing that also gives Microsoft some real value proposition in gaming for a change...although it'd mean abandoning the traditional console business model to do so.

In the advent Microsoft don't actually stop making gaming hardware altogether, this would probably be the alternative they take.