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1 Jul 2022
Nintendo, only recently because they've clearly shown themeselves to be the most trustworthy in the industry, and the 3rd party support issue has been completely rectified with the Switch. They actually deserve my money, and i'll buy multiplats for Switch every time even if there's a performance gap. I don't care, I'd rather Nintendo have my money.

-The only one who won't censor games.
-The only one who never betrayed hardworking console customers with PC pity ports, devaluing their purchases.
-The only one who never attacked physical games and tried to convert people to a predatory digital-only model.
-The only one whose games don't lose value or go on sale for $15 a few months after release, punishing day one buyers.
-The only ones who haven't politicized, harassed, and attacked customers based on their beliefs.
-The only ones who haven't mandated time-waster annoyances like Trophies and Achievements into games, creating an extra layer of difficulty for developers during the certification process, and artificially extending the life of games with exploitative busywork.
-The only one who won't go out and buy former multiplatform publishers and developers outright


8 Jul 2022
What sort of degenerate loves a game system? I just like good games. Wait... do you love Xbox? 😆


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
So similar to my trajectory you just missed out on the SNES (amazing system) and weren't playing Halo on XBOX apparently.

I played a little Halo, finished H3 on legendary or whatever the hardest difficulty was and played some multiplayer 1v1 with a friend a lot.

But apart from Forza the Xbox exclusives didnt really speak to me as a gamer, I tried Gears and just got bored a few hours in. My friend actually bought me the game and told me how amazing he felt it I felt bad not liking it.

Edit: forgot to mention I always had a Gameboy, DS or Nintendo portable.


22 Jun 2022
I've always had every system basically.. still do have most systems or at least access to most games (fatty PS3 for instance). Just don't have the 8-16 bit systems as those are fairly well covered by emulation.

And always had gaming PCs.

Life is pretty easy that way.

Having said that Playstation > Nintendo > XBox for me these days from a console standpoint.. although XBox goes ahead of Nintendo if including PC, because they own bethesda now mostly lol


16 Jul 2022
It's a bit long winded but here it goes:

The first console I ever got was a sega genesis model 2. I didn't even ask for it, my grandmother just bought it for my cousin and I one day. After that it was the playstation and n64. I had more games for the ps1, but goldeneye alone meant that I probably spent as much time playing the n64 as the ps1.

The next generation I owned all 3 consoles, ps2,GameCube and Xbox. I ended up playing and buying more games for ps2 and GameCube due to my Xbox dying pretty early on me and I never bothered to replace it. Also got a dreamcast cheap as sega was shutting things down.After that Gen, I first got a wii then an Xbox 360. I ended up losing interest in the wii and spent most of gaming time on the 360, although my interest in gaming was decreasing overall. It's also the one Gen I never got a playstation console.

Finally with the previous generation, I got an Xbox one first but it ended up turning into a paperweight as I lost interest in the thing. Getting the ps4 and finally getting into jrpgs and japanese games in general really revived my interest in gaming. I also ended up getting a Switch, which I liked alot more than the wii.

As for the current gen, my ps5 should be arriving sometime next week. I'll either get a new pc or series x to play the few exclusives Microsoft has,but I forsee most of my gaming to be done on the ps5.


Well-known member
27 Jun 2022
Xbox does that to people, I almost quit gaming once I made the mistake of buying an Xbox it gave me the impression I didn't like games anymore, turns out that was just because the Xbox didn't have most of the best games in the market.
This. I found myself buying Forza Motorsport games when I didn't really even care for the series and it was the same with Halo. I bought Halo's 1 - 5, Halo ODST and Halo Reach. Halo Reach was just ok, Halo 3 was the only one I truly liked


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I love good games, that's why I always go with Nintendo+Sony. I even decided to get a decent gaming/working laptop, hoping for MS to up their game. Until now they didn't give me any reason for it, but I'm sure by the end of the gen I will have 2-3 games worth playing from them. I hope. Please?


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
Pc starting 1997
Xbox 360 2007-2013
pc again up to 2017
PS4 and Sony since 2017

I have a pc all this time but I usually use one above as main


21 Jun 2022
Atari 2600
GameBoy ( won it in drawing/game design competition)
SNES (got Megadrive later on)
PS 2 + GameCube, + Xbox
PC (since early 90s to this day)
PS3 (got 360 to paly some of the exclusives)
PS Vita
PS4 (got XBone at launch free from MSFT)
(There is some minor stuff not listed like all the handhelds from Nintendo)

But for me PlayStation is the place to play, since I got to try my friends PS1, next they I dumped my SNES at the game store and exchanged it to a PS1.

Deleted member 13

I've been an owner of all the platforms at some point in time. To me, whichever hardware is gives me the games I'm looking for it doesn't matter. I've been hardcore into Nintendo for their Zelda franchise, PS for it's awesome exclusives, PC for its numerous indie games and power, Xbox (at some point I stopped) for it's Halo products in the past. Right now, the PC is getting the most games out of all the platforms and it's the most powerful so I'm sticking with it. Steam Deck has put a whole new spin on the platforms because it's a PC in a console box.


16 Jul 2022
Is that a puck?

Xbox has a Puck on the way, it's like a PSTV but with Xbox games.
It's this device that plays vita cartridges, but can also play digital vita,psp,and ps1 games. No Netflix, hulu,etc support. At least without hacking it. I only got it to play p4golden a couple years back since it was considerable cheaper than getting an actual vita.
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