Breaking: Concord is shutting down on September 6, full refunds. (Update: Servers Now Closed)


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
No. You just give off a vibe that you might be on the spectrum and I would feel bad mocking someone on the spectrum. That's why I want to end this conversation
Which is why i need to course correct the conversation

Youre the one derailing the thread with astrobot and mocking that guy too

Also followed by an insidious comment insulting other users with inteligence deficiencies

"No. You just give off a vibe that you might be on the spectrum and I would feel bad mocking someone on the spectrum"

But i asume youre to afraid to declare it upfront in here
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
hi its me the cheap and broke degenerate with 1200+ games
ayyy, some pretty great games there, The Binding of Isaac Is a personal favorite
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Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
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5 Jul 2022
Which is why i need to course correct the conversation

Youre the one deraliing the thread with astrobot and mocking that guy too

Also followed by an insidious comment insulting other users with deficient inteligence

"No. You just give off a vibe that you might be on the spectrum and I would feel bad mocking someone on the spectrum"

But i asume youre to afraid to declare it upfront inhere
Best of luck in your future. 👍


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
i did play the open betas and it really wasnt bad, it just was really nothing special, or even better than current existing f2p GaaS games.
and honestly I think the monetization system in Concord should be the norm.
but like I said, its nothing special, there are better games to play for free. the character design was pretty lame, i dont think its generic like eveyone else is claiming, quite the opposite, the issue is that it tries too hard, a match feels more like a furry convention
level design was okay at best. pretty forgetfull tbh.
if this is you GOTY the bar is pretty low.

But like I said, i'm glad you liked it and I'm sorry its joever
I disagree in some parts here...

I think Concord is better than any other F2P Hero Shooter in the market.
And being F2P is not synonym of being good (hell Overwatch gone downhill after become F2P).
I said that because most F2P games have predatory economy.
In these cases I prefer always to pay upfront than waste my time with F2P options.

But that is me.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Yes I tried the beta. I played maybe 3-4 matches I think but I mean it was very very average. Like there are games already that does everything concord was trying to do better. They absolutely dropped the ball on the monetization model. It should have been f2p from the beginning. It possibly would have had more a chance. But there’s no coming back from that decision now. Even if the game returned as f2p, success is not guaranteed. People didn’t like the setting, the character designs and the gameplay. It would need a massive rework and it’s likely Sony will just consign it to the history books and move on as a harsh lesson learned. The remaining team will likely be put into other projects.

What pisses me off the most is we didn’t get factions 2 but we got concord. Also look at the ip Sony has. They should have made a killZone, socom or mag live service game.
Thanks for the reply.
Not trying to be harsh but with 3-4 matches you didn't even started to understand the game mechanics... even more in the Beta that they didn't even put a tutorial or help.
Maybe that is why you think it was nothing different on it.

BTW which monetization? We didn't have any work about monetization than all updates with maps and characters should be free.
F2P is not good imo... if it was F2P I should not even discover it was that good.
I don't want to say I don't want more F2P games being developed... there is a market for that... but I wish we have games without F2P monetization... Helldivers 2 was a success while Concord failed and both are how live service games should be to me... not F2P.
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Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
I think Concord is better than any other F2P Hero Shooter in the market.
okay, disagree but nothing against your opinion.
And being F2P is not synonym of being good (hell Overwatch gone downhill after become F2P).
completelly agree with you but it does matter that there are good f2p games because once you ask 40$ for an experience you can get somewhere else for free (with varying levels of quality and appealing to various types of taste) you end up with a barrier that will push people away, specially since the reception for the game throughout its open beta period (and even since reveal tbh) was not very good. I dont think the monetization in f2p games is ideal and I agree with you that its predatory but sometimes is the only way a game can survive in the current market.

like, at the end of the day Overwatch 2 did crash and burn after becoming f2p but those servers are still up arent they?
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17 May 2024
If you want to be the spokesperson for an obvious toxic community's of gamers who have a hatred towards consoles, then please feel free to take up the mantle as well 😎
Nah I don't hate consoles, I own almost all of the major ones after all.
I do hate exclusives, but that's separate in my mind and related to the fact that I own most major consoles; it's expensive and I'm tired of having to hook up so many of these >.<

I just think it's weird to use this games failure as an excuse to complain about pc gamers. Live service games are a gamble in general to develop.


21 Jun 2022
If ND had spent, say $100 million developing Factions 2 (which was close to completion), you don't think ND needed to talk to the bean counters and get approval to throw $100 million out the window?

Be it ND or Sony, it is, in the end a decision made by Sony. ND is Sony.
Game publishers and game developers have budgets and periodical project reviews where their plans get analyzed, updated, tweaked, often delayed and sometimes rebudgeted, and when they consider it's the best choice, get cancelled.

When someone really fucks it up, not only in the moment of cancelling a game, they take the needed measueres. In many cases cancelling a game -something very common- happens because of causes they can control.

But in most cases they have somebody in charge of every little area, and take (or should take) responsability of it when didn't perform accordingly it or didn't anticipate or solved before an issue of their area.

There was a layoff in ND, which I assume included the producers, who are the ones in charge of managing the budgets of the development side of the project and make sure the team reaches all milestones with the required quality.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I disagree in some parts here...

I think Concord is better than any other F2P Hero Shooter in the market.

But that is me.

Ive only tried a few. Im no expert but because it feels pretty familiar to Destiny, so Id agree. Its my favourite and the one Ive played the most.
OW i tried for about 7 hours, it was good but I joined in way too late and was overwhelmed and also the controls wasnt what I was use to
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28 Jun 2022
Sony need to course correct immediate. Cancel what they havent already of the GAAS, repair relationships with Japanese third party devs and publish single player games from them( IE Fromsoft, Bandai Namco, SE, even Capcom) build new single player teams to revive old beloved PS franchises.


28 Mar 2023
Thanks for the reply.
Not trying to be harsh but with 3-4 matches you didn't even started to understand the game mechanics... even more in the Beta that they didn't even put a tutorial or help.
Maybe that is why you think it was nothing different on it.

BTW which monetization? We didn't have any work about monetization than all updates with maps and characters should be free.
F2P is not good imo... if it was F2P I should not even discover it was that good.
I don't want to say I don't want more F2P games being developed... there is a market for that... but I wish we have games without F2P monetization... Helldivers 2 was a success while Concord failed and both are how live service games should be to me... not F2P.
Helldivers 2 is bleeding players the last I read. Success at launch but the true test of live service success is longevity as well as regular content updates.

I played enough of concord to know it was another average live service game. If you need to play more than 3-4 matches in a live service hero shooter to begin to enjoy it, the game has failed as a live service product. I had friends who didn’t even try the beta because they hated the guardians of the galaxy marvel style setting/tone and hated the look of the characters. They didn’t see anything from the trailers that wowed them.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
if anything PC was the only hope this game had.
People dont usuallly come to playstation as a plataform for these kinds of experiences.
If the game depended of PC it should not even run for 2 weeks lol
The loud PC hate against Sony didn't help the game too... the opposite.

I'm to bet that the launch should be better if Sony didn't launched it day one on PC.
Most of hate should not happen.
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17 May 2024
if anything PC was the only hope this game had.
People dont usuallly come to playstation as a plataform for these kinds of experiences.
I don't know that I'd go that far; I'm sure Overwatch had a sizable audience on console as well. And didn't this game perform at least a little better on Playstation than on PC?