Bungie lays off 17% of their workforce (155 employees moving to SIE)


21 Jun 2022
Right. Whatever lool.

Bungie is separate from PlayStation first and foremost. Owned by Sony yes but it’s still a key difference.

There is always truth to rumor and the reality is something in the middle right?
I think the idea still stands that the intent is to still keep it a separate brand from Playststion.
SIE/PlayStation has multiple subsidiary/brands: Bungie, PS Studios, EVO, etc.

Their idea was to keep the Bungie brand separated from the PS Studios one (not SIE/PS), I assume to make clear the differentiation of PS Studios -with some exception- are focused on PS console exclusives and Bungie are focused on multiplatform games published day one everywhere.

No matter Final Shape’s performance. Bungie still missed revenue targets by delaying two releases at least a year (TFS and Marathon), in addition to the spending spree that include the new Washington hq and the Amsterdam office.

Bungie could’ve just developed this new game itself but instead made an official spin off studio. It’s kinda a big deal. I can’t see how this is not a concession towards not having Bungie absorbed into PlayStation studios.
From what Bungie said in the recent Bungie communication yes, TFS has been a success but in the previous year Lightfall underperformed to the point of missing their targets and putting the studio in the red (meaning to don't have profit that year). That previous year they also delayed TFS and Marathon.

Totoki (Sony's COO & CFO, and temporary SIE CEO -so also Bungie- as bridge between Jim and Hermen) got angry and publicly complained -something rare in Japanese folks- about gamedevs (and Bungie in particular) not taking responsability from missing deadlines and budgets.

Being in the red means they spent that year more than what they generated, they had loses instead of being profitable. From there, to become profitable there's two options: to generate more revenue or to reduce costs.

Bungie says TFS was a success, something we saw in the rankings. But apparently wasn't enough. The next Bungie revenue bump will be the Marathon release but maybe it's a year or so away from now. So had to reduce costs, and as Totoki said, take responsability.

These big moves take time, so months later Bungie fired over 220 people, moved 155 people to other SIE offices and around 70 of them that were incubating that new game (who knows if it's Matter or not) moved to create a new studio. Which will be a PS Studios team, not a Bungie one. Sounds to me that these cuts are following orders from Totoki.

It's also worth mentioning that in the recent SIE fiscal year presentation Hermen insisted multiple times -when they never said it before- about that they were going to focus on being very careful and responsible with achieving budgets, deadlines and profitability, matching Totoki's previous words. Totoki is no longer SIE CEO, but he's Sony's CFO (so the head of Sony's financials, not only SIE).

This is almost 450 less people at Bungie, around 550 people if we count the layoff from last year. They are now around the same size Bungie was when was acquired by Sony, between 850-900.

Part of that reduction can be considered as normal to reduce redundancies after an acquisition, and also to bring back the studio to the profit after having growth too much in recent years. But seeing that almost half of the around 450 people they lost this year went to other SIE studios makes you think that it's SIE who did it, as if saying: hey Bungie, you made us spend that money to hire for you that amount of people but you underperformed, delayed stuff and went to the red. So we'll take for us that amount of people, including the team you incubated under SIE.

It’s supposed to be a moba called “project gummy bear” likely something similar to Supervive/Smite could have potential on console & mobile since there’s isn’t much competition outside Smite on console & mobile players usually play/like these kinda games.
No, Bungie said that the incubated project moved to PS Studios is an action sci-fi fantasy game, so seems to be a different incubation project out of the different ones they had, assuming that rumored "gummy bears" game ever existed.

I’m not sure if this 155 moving to somewhere else in SIE includes the (what is now reported as) 40 moving to the new startup studio. I would believe it does.

You would think the other 115 will go into areas that benefit all games and services; meaning like networking, qa testing and whatever they need to improve their networked game efforts across the board. That is what should’ve been happening. There’s been some upwards hiring from Bungie to SIE but this is a larger set of talent sotospeak. Wouldn’t be surprised if similar positions now filled are laid off elsewhere at SIE.
Sounds to me that they needed to reduce Bungie's headcout to make the studio more profitable, but to fire less people tried to move some of that people to other SIE teams who had open positions, in a move that also would help them to spread the Bungie knowledge and expertise to other teams.

Regarding the 155 people that moves to SIE, I think it doesn't include the people who moves to create the new studio at PS Studios. Because they said that will remain 850 people working at Marathon and Destiny, and that they moved 155 (12%) to SIE and fired 220 (17%).

If 155 is the 12%, the 100% is 1292 people.
If 220 is the 17%, the 100% is 1294 people.
So pretty likely before the cuts Bungie had 1293 people. We remove from there the 850 that stay, the 220 fired and the 155 moved and there's still 68 left.

We don't know if these 68 people stay at Bungie doing non-Destiny/Marathon stuff or if they are the unspecified amount of people that moved to create the new studio that may or maybe not be included inside the 155 moved people.
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10 Jan 2023
Everyone likes to shit on Parsons. From fans who wouldn’t have a clue to the man, the myth, the legend … Marty O’Donnell. He’s in Vince McMahon territory … go ahead try and do better. Parsons teams have revolutionized shooters and the industry twice over. He’ll be there till he’s dead or gets caught in some scandal lol.

I’m not gonna sit here and shit on Parsons spending 2.3 million on cars etc. Good for him tbh. A lot of that is layoff sympathy, which I have none vs the health of the company itself. I can document and analyze much of what they’ve done wrong… it doesn’t matter now as they need to evolve into a better company for the next decade.

Parsons is notoriously a spreadsheet executive when it comes to layoffs and to anyone paying attention over the last 30 years…

It’s why I always found it funny when the community is like “yaaaassss, Bungie” when they’re pandered too with whatever progressive social bandwagoning Bungie jumps onboad with. It’s marketing, it’s pr… and when the purse got tight… goodbye to all of those things because lol Bungie don’t care. If you don’t get it by now I dunno what to tell you.

Paul Tassi made a career at Forbes writing about Destiny daily for 10 years. What he has to say is no different than anyone of us here. He owes his livelihood to Bungie.
Boatload of facts in this post.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom

I really don't understand why people act like destiny is better than mid , the story is stupidly consulted & quite frankly boring , the graphics are crap , the environments are terrible & any attempt at platforming sucks the game coasted off the bungie name & has been in a downward spiral for years & these clowns are acting like Sony are the ones that did it , no they're just the morons the overpaid for the studio


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
Sorry to the former staff, hopefully they bounce back and this doesn't deter their plans of working in the video game industry.


21 Jun 2022
Okay but do they write articles like 'microsofts tango gameworks shutdown' is my point
Did they say Microsoft’s Activision and Microsoft’s Bethesda after all the layoffs? No, because it sounds weird. They are really pushing this Sony's Bungie.

I googled Sony's Bungie and today's article is literally the only result I could find. They never called it that before this news 🙄
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Reactions: Would_you_kindly
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Did they say Microsoft’s Activision and Microsoft’s Bethesda after all the layoffs? No, because it sounds weird. They are really pushing this Sony's Bungie.

I googled Sony's Bungie and today's article is literally the only result I could find. They never called it that before this news 🙄
Exactly what I'm saying they're really pushing the blame for bungies failure on Sony despite them stupidly giving them billions being the only reason they aren't bankrupt
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


21 Jun 2022
Okay but do they write articles like 'microsofts tango gameworks shutdown' is my point
Bloomberg is targeted to investors and people from finances, not gamers.

So for them and their SEO is more important Sony and Microsoft (companies their average customer knows and searches) than in this case Bungie or Tango (their average customer may not know them).

Once considered this, Tango wasn't relevant for gaming, so maybe for them isn't worth it to even mention them in the headlines in an article about Tango if they ever wrote one about them. But Bungie made a couple of the most important and iconic IPs in gaming, so also deserves to be included in the headline for their SEO.

Then having them they have to build a sentence for the headline, and the one chosen is correct.

Yes, they have Sony and Jason gets a huge erection every time he can write some bad news about Sony. And often even puts lies or adds some half thruths, wishes or assumptions in these articles to throw fud and make the news sound worse than they really are.

I often throw shit at him because of it, but I think this time the article sounds ok and seems beliveable. I assume because most of the info on it was already known.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Alanah is a lesbian. I think she prefers women that can grow facial hair. Thirst harder next time…


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
The amount of people that have moved from Bungie to elsewhere in Sony is staggering tbh.

Months ago, there was hiring upwards; reports of Bungie veterans having left now at SIE doing live service things etc…

Now this 195, the 40 to the new studio, and the 155 to be distributed wherever… I don’t see this as saving the employee workforce either. Sony laid off 900 from their PlayStation division themselves earlier this year. They’re not running a charity. It serves a purpose.

We’re seeing key Bungie functions be further absorbed into SIE as a whole. Bet would be many positions not directly related to game design but overarching service functions. I don’t the seem going to studios proper but some kind of live service management team.
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  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022

I really don't understand why people act like destiny is better than mid , the story is stupidly consulted & quite frankly boring , the graphics are crap , the environments are terrible & any attempt at platforming sucks the game coasted off the bungie name & has been in a downward spiral for years & these clowns are acting like Sony are the ones that did it , no they're just the morons the overpaid for the studio

Because its a solid sci fi shooter. You mention platforming, story and graphics but what makes it better than most is the good gunplay for a sci fi shooter.

Theres not many games doing what it does with. Lots of story, strikes, raids, missions all while coop with good gunplay. Plus PVP.
The raids have been some of the best things in gameplay for me. The story is subjective and isn't fantastic but definitely no worse than most the crap you get out there.