Cinematic & Narrative Adventure obsession taking overhand, which @Sony ultimately have to change


Active member
20 Feb 2024
Games like Astro Bot and games like GoW and Uncharted can coexist perfectly, I don't understand that (I bet a lot of people will miss Sony Action and Adventure when Sony GAAS succeeds)


Active member
20 Feb 2024
Bro you literally said this:

The Switch 2 will probably can play games at 4K. Data miners found 4K settings in the source code of Paper Mario TTDY remaster.

Historically, Nintendo has never done well on consoles since Sony, because unlike Nintendo, Sony respects DEVs. And I don't know if Nintendo's audience would buy third-party games either, I still think Sony's biggest competitor is Steam
  • brain
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16 Jun 2023
No. Maybe modern Playstation specially after the last of us but it wasn't always the case.

My favourite PS were the first 3 consoles, PS1, PS2 and PSP they had lots of variety. The "prestige" era is something relatively new. But there might be gamers in their 20s that aren't as familiar with that era that might think PS deviating from prestige/sad dad is an oxymoron.

They have to start pivoting to other genres, specially since MCU is now dead, you can't keep releasing these marvel games and expect them to work. And extremely expensive licensing for those does hurt as well.
The MCU is not dead. It’s in a transition phase. It will be big again when they get to the Mutant saga.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
The MCU is not dead. It’s in a transition phase. It will be big again when they get to the Mutant saga.
They have a bonafide hit coming next month. Their biggest mistake was not allowing audiences to move on from the Avengers before attempting to set up another.

They should have shifted immediately to Fantastic Four and X-Men these things should have been building from End Game. X-Men 97 did in the finale that Kevin Fiege didn't have the foresight to implement.... A cross over event where the ripple effects were affecting everyone in the MCU.


27 Jun 2023
Disagree. Focusing only on cinematic & narrative adventures will only hurt PlayStation players capability to spend money on other games than said genre. PlayStation is known for having a great 3rd Party support and usually the biggest spending power for selling 3rds. We already see the effects taking in place, a large chunk already drifted away to Nintendo. Sony does very well care where gamers buy their 3rd party games. This is just a narrow minded view, for not seeing the consequences of for only supporting cinematic action-adventures. Sony needs to balance it or else they will suffer in the longterm. Especially if the Switch 2 is capable of 4K (or in general, to be equipped with rumoured specs) then Sony will have an uphill battle with Nintendo to not loose their already diminishing market share on 3rds.
Sony should look at Nintendo idk why people look away from success.

PS should offer AAA & AA games so that we aren’t going 2-3 year dry spell without a AAA singleplayer game. If Sony had AA games it would be able to spread out the big games better.

The fact that the next Ratchet & Clank game won’t come out till 2030 is insane that’s 9 years with a new game from the franchise. If someone is 20 they will be 29 years old by the time the game comes out. It’s no wonder PS games don’t see massive growth in its community. PS should split all of there studios & work on there existing franchise instead of making new one. There should be a new GOW, Ratchet & Clank, Demon Souls, Uncharted game every 2-3 years license out your ip w 3rd party. PS is creating new ip but ignoring literal gold mines like inFAMOUS, SOCOM, Demon Souls/Bloodborne alone


Well-known member
10 Jan 2023
This is what happens when you get too absorbed in cinematic action-adventures.

These graphic & narrative absorbed folks don't appreciate other games in different variety or scale than said genre. It's actually frustrating seeing this newer generation not being open-minded for exploring new genres. This new generation came along with the beginning of the PS4 gen.

What happened to all the PS players who loved to play colorful platformers and (even niche) Japanese games overall?
Did this people all leave for Nintendo Switch?

The balance should be restored, the cinematic narrative crowd has overtaking the PlayStation base. That’s not healthy in the longterm. Sony needs to find new ways to appeal more genre variety to new players and als attractiong back players who left for Nintendo Switch.

I left for PC.


6 Jan 2024
What year is it? People have been saying this for yonks and Sony have stopped focusing on Cinematic games. In fact, they stopped focusing on any games at all.
  • haha
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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
ah that whats you wife said,but it was a different pc


25 Mar 2023
If you look at the history of Sony games that made money the bulk of them will be AAA single player focused games and the bulk of the ones that flopped and lost them money were small games. It's pretty easy to figure out why they became like this.

The GaaS bet is more interesting because they seem to be already losing faith and canceling game and then Helldivers 2 release and was on of their biggest successes of all time on a small budget. If the likes of Concord/Marathon/Fairgame$ somehow end up making them money they'll be all about GaaS and safe single player IPs going foward.

What year is it? People have been saying this for yonks and Sony have stopped focusing on Cinematic games. In fact, they stopped focusing on any games at all.
They focused on GaaS and PC.
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12 May 2024
I don't think cinematic-narrative is the issue. If that was the case, Adventure/Point-And-Click games would have died out a long time ago.
I think the shoe-horning in of RPG elements + making everything open-world (or semi-open) is what really raises the budget bloat.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
So much this. Everything's open world these days. Even RE 9 is rumored to be open world.

And another thing. These companies hire these expensive voice actors. Go for someone cheaper. Not every game needs a Hollywood actor.
a lot of the time big name actors (not professional game va's but like celebrities) are worse than no-name ones because they mail it in too.
  • they're_right_you_know
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29 Jun 2022
Why do people specifically take issue with narrative third person games when Sony and Rockstar are the only ones capable of delivering them right

We aren't overloaded on this type of game in fact we barely get them due to the long development times. Maybe once a year


21 Jun 2022
Games like Astro Bot and games like GoW and Uncharted can coexist perfectly, I don't understand that (I bet a lot of people will miss Sony Action and Adventure when Sony GAAS succeeds)
People who say Sony is obssessed with cinematic/narrative games, or that are too focused on them, or that only makes them are simply lying, it's a fake concern.

They are Sony haters, sometimes Xbox, Nintendo or PC fanboys, who lie acting as if they didn't know that Gran Turismo, MLB, Astrobot, Ratchet, Helldivers 2, Destiny 2, Returnal, Sackboy, Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, and the long etc. exist.

They know that is a really nonsensical statement, a fake issue that doesn't exist. This, or are gaming flatearthers who reject reality even when facts are shown to them.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Says no Playstation fans.
Also Astrobot, Returnal, Demons Souls, GT7 begs to differ

Yes Playstation need to do more genres but they need to keep doing single plater story games like they have been since PS3