Concord characters were designed by committee says the dev


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
If the committee was at fault, there would be more issues, like aggressive microtransaction and pay to win. You can't blame them for the designs the art team presented and approved. The art team has to prove this by showing original concept that got canned.



Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
I don't think character designers were making demands to the suits in charge. Everyone involved in this turd was ecstatic about their disgusting character designs, the artists who did them and the suits who approved them. Until nobody showed up to the party now they are pointing fingers at each other lol?
24 Jun 2022
If the committee was at fault, there would be more issues, like aggressive microtransaction and pay to win. You can't blame them for the designs the art team presented and approved. The art team has to prove this by showing original concept that got canned.

Yeah; while I want to believe the art team/character designers and such, seeing some of the original concept art for these characters by them that got rejected would go a long way towards absolving them of blame.

I've said for a long time, there are some characters who had promise in terms of their design, but none of the designs were ever fully fleshed out. And there's maybe five characters max with "decent" enough aesthetics to them; the others range between mediocre to outright atrocious. So many core principals of good character design are simply not followed with the vast majority of Concord's cast, it's insane.

They should of kept the characters like this.

Its neither gross or needs to be super super sexy

Holy shit. If that image is legit...they GUTTED this game altogether before it even had a chance. And if SBI or whoever similar were involved in forcing the change...I wonder if litigation could be pursued against them for sabotage.

Because that's basically what would've happened here: sabotage masquerading as "help" and "improvement". If Concord had more designs like that concept on the left in the final game, it would've actually seen some success.

In any case, even if it's not true, Dustborn's failure should probably at least signal to these companies that consultancy groups like SBI are not worth hiring or working with. None of their input results in quality works or products the market wants to support, clearly.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
They went out of their way to not provide obviously popular character types, and to treat us to new completely absurd archetypes like giant fat black lady master chief and haggard old asian lady


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21 Jun 2022
If the committee was at fault, there would be more issues, like aggressive microtransaction and pay to win. You can't blame them for the designs the art team presented and approved. The art team has to prove this by showing original concept that got canned.

Maybe someone stepped in and said you have to do the character designs like this.
They look nothing like the original concept.

There must be decisions with upper head and why so many games have to comply to DEI standards etc.

I dont find it a coincidence that so many studios, movie studios, adverts, schools, comics, tv shows etc etc all started following this trend


8 May 2023
The thing is that technology over the last decade and specially if it comes from California/New York/Washington state or western Europe had a strong left bias.

Developers love to wear their idiologies on their sleeves they sure as hell make a very conscious effort into putting those ideologies in their games.

I think it's time to stop just blaming publishers or higher ups, letting ground developers of the hook.


28 Jul 2023
The more stuff comes out of what happened with this game the harder it is to have any interest in Firewalk. This is crazy. The original design isn't fucking offensive in any fucking way. Shit, she is clothed too. It ain't porn. Lol. What the original design is is a character that has style and consistency with its look. Jesus Christ.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Oh, did it really get the sweet baby death blow?

Are we shocked?

Good fucking riddance to this pile of shit

I kind blame Sony tho…. The sweet baby cancer had to be endorsed by some fucking idiot.
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21 Jun 2022
I've said for a long time, there are some characters who had promise in terms of their design, but none of the designs were ever fully fleshed out. And there's maybe five characters max with "decent" enough aesthetics to them; the others range between mediocre to outright atrocious. So many core principals of good character design are simply not followed with the vast majority of Concord's cast, it's insane.

Holy shit. If that image is legit...they GUTTED this game altogether before it even had a chance. And if SBI or whoever similar were involved in forcing the change...I wonder if litigation could be pursued against them for sabotage.

Because that's basically what would've happened here: sabotage masquerading as "help" and "improvement". If Concord had more designs like that concept on the left in the final game, it would've actually seen some success.
, clearly.

Yes totally agree. Id say Roka, Valve and Haymar are decent but still need work. Jibari, the clothes and sunglasses need to go ( we dont need 2 characters with the same type of sunglasses)
And the rest Id change them completely or majorly. Looks wise. Gamepay wise, Id had 4 more characters

And yes Holy shit lol. Thank you for seeing that the game had a much better chance with character designs like that. Thats all I want people to understand. Bungie style gunplay isnt for everyone but its still pretty good quality and not everyone can make something as good
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
The more stuff comes out of what happened with this game the harder it is to have any interest in Firewalk. This is crazy. The original design isn't fucking offensive in any fucking way. Shit, she is clothed too. It ain't porn. Lol. What the original design is is a character that has style and consistency with its look. Jesus Christ.

But Firewalk isnt just the professor. She probably wasn't been there from the start.
Get rid of the loons and get decent character designers and they will be fine. Sony has to manage this shit. They have to now see what there other studios are doing, no more dei crap. Its also on them from now on, they know how fans will react


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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It just doesn't fit the playstyle.
I mean you can make the design better but she is a very slow and big tank that use her size to crush enemies that reach her... she probably has the strong melee in the game plus it is multi target around her.

Maybe changing her to male should fix most of the issues people have with her... or maybe just making the design better overall.
But gameplay wise the character should be like it is... tall and with a lot of weight.

His gameplay is probably similar to...


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Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
It just doesn't fit the playstyle.
I mean you can make the design better but she is a very slow thank that use her size to crush enemies that reach her... she probably has the strong melee in the game plus it is multi target around her.

Maybe changing her to male should fix most of the issue people have with her.
But gameplay wise the character should be like it is... tall and with a lot of weight.
Nah what you talking about. She fitted perfectly. You don’t need to be fat too achieve that.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It just doesn't fit the playstyle.
I mean you can make the design better but she is a very slow thank that use her size to crush enemies that reach her... she probably has the strong melee in the game plus it is multi target around her.

Maybe changing her to male should fix most of the issue people have with her.
But gameplay wise the character should be like it is... tall and with a lot of weight.

She should be a male tank, or another giant robot.
But at this point id take her petit concept with a tall shield lol, maybe bigger armour. Whatever to get people to play lol. Hey maybe a bigger butt to slow her down like she is in game :p


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Dude a fat soldier makes no sense in any situation. She might as well throw hamburgers.

Lmfao. The game’s designs are just dumb.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Dude a fat soldier makes no sense in any situation. She might as well throw hamburgers.

Lmfao. The game’s designs are just dumb.
For her moves it makes sense.

His melee is a jump using her big size and weight to create a mini earthquakes around her.
That is only possible with a big body with weight a lot.

It doesn't make any sense to IT-Z have this type of skill lol

I'm not against to change her design or even make her a male character but it needs to follow the base of her gameplay character... you can't just put a thin and fast character to do what she does.

BTW she is one of most used characters in the games I played... most of times somebody ends to using her in the team.
It is pretty hard to not fight against her during the match... in fact you end having a lot of encounters with her... she is not easy to kill alone.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
videogames can make sense of any logic because it’s fiction… but the bullshit tolerance can only go so far. Fatties can’t run — it’s bullshit.

But I’d rather play a hero shooter of fast food mascots.

Taco Bell chihuahua vs the hamburglar would sell 1000x concord.
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