'Do I hate PlayStation?' - David Jaffe YT

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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I like Jaffey and his videos. Still a fan.
Im just tired of people complaining about Cinematic games. They have been around forever and most games have a story. Its just some games do it differently now.

Instead of reading hours of dialogue in JRPG/WRPG’s, or pressing X in Resident Evil to read something in the room, characters will just talk while your moving. So what? Its really not that differnt. Games have always had cutscenes or stops in play to carry on the story through reading etc.

What exactly is it about Sony game cinematics that people think other games dont do or games in the past havent done?
Apart from Rockstar, no1 else comes close to the voice acting and those kinds of details in “cinematic” story telling.

Have people played Final Fantasy 6,7,8,9,4? Theres hours and hours of stopping gameplay and reading text. Same with Elder scrolls, same with so many games.
Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza, GTA, RDR, Elder Scrolls, Xenoblade, DMC, Assassins Creed, Halo, countless JRPG’s, WRPG’s, and so many many games have had long conversations, FMV’s, cutscenes, and hours of dialogue. With plenty of stopping gameplay.

People also forget Sony makes games like Returnal, Bloodborne, Shadow of Colossus, Demon Souls, GT, Gravity Rush. Yes, I wish there was more titles like these and smaller tiles like they use to. But that doesnt make me dislike the big games or cinematic experiences, I want more of those too.

I admit I want Sony to broaden there types of games with the 1st party, like: A JRPG, 1st Person shooter, WRPG, 2D and 3D fighter classic, Online games etc. And like I said, bring back games like Tokyo Jungle, Resogun, Puppeteer, Journey, Ico. Some of which is happening but I always expect and want more from PS
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
The quotes? 100%. legit... it probably even has YT with he saying that in interviews :D
The first quote is stupid but the last three seem pretty tongue in cheek, or just trying to be goofy. I'm not sure what the point is of sharing those last three.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
The first quote is stupid but the last three seem pretty tongue in cheek, or just trying to be goofy. I'm not sure what the point is of sharing those last three.
The point is... that is the reason people don't like him like the user that I quoted asked.

IMO CliffB is the most toxic developer I saw in the over 30 years of game industry... the quotes I posted are easy to find if you go on his twitter you will have a big surprise.
People commemorated when he said he will retire from gaming development.

A guys that says "Gears is woke", "My game failed because it was too woke", "My game failed because I released it on PS4", "Fortnite doesn't have dude bro", etc etc etc.

Ohhhh and we have past posts from CliffB.



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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
The point is... that is the reason people don't like him like the user that I quoted asked.

IMO CliffB is the most toxic developer I saw in the over 30 years of game industry... the quotes I posted are easy to find if you go on his twitter you will have a big surprise.
People commemorated when he said he will retire from gaming development.

A guys that says "Gears is woke", "My game failed because it was too woke", "My game failed because I released it on PS4", "Fortnite doesn't have dude bro", etc etc etc.

Ohhhh and we have past posts from CliffB.




So he's not only a massive douchebag but also a paedo? Fuckin hell.
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...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022


I can go on because there are dozen others exemples.
Every time he opened the mouth he spread nonsense similar to David Jeff.
But I agree CliffB is in another league… David Jeff can’t beat that.
Lol these are just some bs quotes. Might be jokes or cheeky talking.... pfff
That's the whole internet. Canceling someone without any proof because he joked around or have different opinion. I don't know the guy. Maybe he is a real asshole... so what?
And if it's his real opinion? So what?
Doesn't change that he made great games and likes manly men...

Marcus Fenix is also one of my fav characters. Cancel me ?
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Lol these are just some bs quotes. Might be jokes or cheeky talking.... pfff
That's the whole internet. Canceling someone without any proof because he joked around or have different opinion. I don't know the guy. Maybe he is a real asshole... so what?
And if it's his real opinion? So what?
Doesn't change that he made great games and likes manly men...

Marcus Fenix is also one of my fav characters. Cancel me ?
yeah it was a weird post. Like .. hate the guy because he makes bad jokes? Like I said, the first quote is dumb IMO. But the rest was him just being goofy.

Now yeah, I've seen him say some really dumb things outside of the first batch, and the other quotes posted above are also quite stupid in their own ways but who has time to walk around hating people they don't know? I don't think he's a particular bright dude from what I've seen him say but I don't know him and it doesn't matter what I think. Going around calling him "toxic" when I'm pretty sure none of us have interacted with him or worked with him is kinda bizarre.
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Jaffe is washed and looking for clicks. Its easy for him to get attention by making sensationalist headlines about a company he used to work for
Dude made his bones working on PlayStation exclusives, so it generates clicks if he bashes Sony these days. Otherwise, he hasn’t been relevant in almost 20 years now.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
One thing I don't understand is the argument about Jaffe and simpler game design. I thoroughly respected what he achieved, but his opinion on metroid last year was... Interesting, to say the least.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
One thing I don't understand is the argument about Jaffe and simpler game design. I thoroughly respected what he achieved, but his opinion on metroid last year was... Interesting, to say the least.

Didn’t he complain about it being to difficult? It wasn’t. Shit like that is embarrassing to see a game dev complain about. I dunno bruh, go play some games for toddlers like Splatoon and Kirby.

Jaffe is a hack. I care for him even less in his personal life. Dude is a sloppy mess.

PS - Santa Monica’s God of War games absolutely blow the fuck away the original games.


26 Jun 2022
I love Jaffe for his sincerity (I don't necessarily agree with him) and he made the first God of War game.

His criticism of cinematic games is a bit strange because he used to make them, and he made nothing of any interest to me since then.
Interestingly he doesn’t have children despite that first quote. Curious how legit this is.
No kids that we know of!

I don't care for C.B. this is not a race to the bottom, this is a thread about Jaffe's fall.


21 Jun 2022
One thing I don't understand is the argument about Jaffe and simpler game design. I thoroughly respected what he achieved, but his opinion on metroid last year was... Interesting, to say the least.
The game design work in modern cinematic, linear narrative focused games like HFW, GoWR, TLOU2, Days Gone, Spider-Man, etc. isn't simpler. They have way more work and more complex work than the combat/gameplay focused games, as would be the case of old school hack n slash games from PS2 or stuff like that.

They have way more mechanics and content to test and fine tune, a longer progression/difficulty/discoveravility curve needed to keep the player engaged and their UI/UX experience needs to be more intuitive to appeal a wider and less skilled demographics.

On top of that the world building, character design and development, story and writing also requires more and better work. Plus since the games are longer it's also needed more collectibles, unlockables or upgradeables, secondary missions/content to make the game feel less repetitive and empty.

His point isn't that the cinematic focused narrative games are worse or simple. He simply prefers when games focus more on telling their stuff via gameplay or environment storytelling than via frequent and long cinematics or texts because he considers than since gameplay it's what it differentiates gaming from other mediums, to push the gaming medium forward it should focus more on gameplay and on using it more to tell what the game wasnts to tell.

Regarding Metroid I think his criticism maybe was a bit harsh but also think was fair regarding that breakable parts of the environment weren't highlighted enough so you had to be constantly shooting everything to spot the breakable portions of the environment, which in a Metroidvania with a big map is a pain in the ass. I agree with him that this specific part should be improved, since many other games make a way better job at highlighting breakable parts of the environment without making them too obvious.


4 Jul 2022
Jaffe got burnt after GOW. He had no stamina for the sequel. In his later years after struggling with many personal issues, he comes back and wants to focus on simpler games, maybe full production on a big release like GOW does take a hit on family life (wife, kids etc..), but those "just play games" from Jaffe, with no cinema, nobody actually played. The most successful GOW games are actually the rebooted games. How can anybody speak against a formula so successful...
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4 Jul 2022
i dont know why people give this guy any attention,he clearly have some mental problems,i have tried to watch some of his videos and his one of the most cringeworthy material i have seen on a long time,i reminds me of the archetypical drunked uncle who arrives at christmas partyes that was semi decent years ago and now he is a carcass of a man who have reached the botton of the barrel.also a find funny who he always use the "but im a developer and i know things" bitch i was working on dev teams since the times of the c64,been on the psygnosis when the amiga was a thing i was there when sony saved us from going the way of the dodo,you arent the only one who knows how the sausage are made
also i know people who were working with the guy the time he wants to made a game about china invading the usa or something like that and they dont have good memories of that time,but thats just gossip i dont know the man,i dont hate the guy even if i sound like a cruel asshole,outside of some stupid arguments he have i think there is a decent man with good intentions,but to be honest the way to hell is paved with good intentions so...
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
The kind of games jaffe wants don't have a big audience on console. Put them on pc and you'll get a cult following because they love all the indie trash out there. The problem with Jaffe is that his big ego won't accept that the vast majority of gamers don't agree with his taste in games. Yet he is compelled to make content covering the latest and greatest console games because that's what the YouTube audience wants to hear about, and if he actually just covered games he likes instead of grousing about the ones he doesn't, no one would watch his channel. It's hilarious that he gave so much leeway to elden ring, despite being opaque and obtuse, yet gave metroid shit because he couldn't figure out a destructible wall.
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