'Do I hate PlayStation?' - David Jaffe YT

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Active member
8 Jan 2023
I'm still unsure how you would understand the plot without the cut scenes. Imagine just being dropped in the giant thing without being told what all that lighting is about, or skipping any number of rooms where they expose stuff.

The game would be just a resin of Quake.
Fair enough, but....
Resident Evil 1 is a perfect example on what I want and what (probably) you want in a videogame, which means a perfect balance between cutscenes and gameplay.
In Resident Evil 1 I loved reading notes, because it helped me imagining what happend to that place, and with (few) cutscenes you understand what happend and what Wasker had in store for us.
I'm not saying "Cinematic is bad" or "Story in videogames is bad" I don't like videogames to be like Atari's era either.
in fact one of my all time favorites is Syphon Filter (Cinematic experience) and it was also a Sony's game.
I love when a videogame decide to tell you a story differently compared to Last of Us, where everything feel too cinematic.
Let's talk about Resident Evil 1 (again) you had more gameplay and the mansion was open to explore, you can go right or left, and yet the game didn't stopped you with a cutscene. When I played the last of us I felt limited, and I felt forced to play the way developers wanted and not the way I wanted. Hope it makes sense :)
I know Resident Evil have a story, lol.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Fair enough, but....
Resident Evil 1 is a perfect example on what I want and what (probably) you want in a videogame, which means a perfect balance between cutscenes and gameplay.
In Resident Evil 1 I loved reading notes, because it helped me imagining what happend to that place, and with (few) cutscenes you understand what happend and what Wasker had in store for us.
I'm not saying "Cinematic is bad" or "Story in videogames is bad" I don't like videogames to be like Atari's era either.
in fact one of my all time favorites is Syphon Filter (Cinematic experience) and it was also a Sony's game.
I love when a videogame decide to tell you a story differently compared to Last of Us, where everything feel too cinematic.
Let's talk about Resident Evil 1 (again) you had more gameplay and the mansion was open to explore, you can go right or left, and yet the game didn't stopped you with a cutscene. When I played the last of us I felt limited, and I felt forced to play the way developers wanted and not the way I wanted. Hope it makes sense :)
I know Resident Evil have a story, lol.

Resident Evil 1 has forced cutscene almost every new door opened.

For exemple... Jill.

- Entering the mansion = cutscene
- Entering the clock room = cutscene
- Entering the dog corridor = cutscene
- Zoombie eating zombie = cutscene
- Moving objects = cutscenes
- Getting a new item = cutscenes
- Surprises = cutscnes
- Opening the doors = cutscenes
- Resolving puzzle = cutscenes
- Boss = cutscenes
- NPC = cutscenes

And yes the game stops you all the time with cutscenes.
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  • noneofmybizz
Reactions: Alabtrosmyster


9 Jan 2023
Resident Evil 1 has forced cutscene almost every new door opened.

For exemple... Jill.

- Entering the mansion = cutscene
- Entering the clock room = cutscene
- Entering the dog corridor = cutscene
- Zoombie eating zombie = cutscene
- Moving objects = cutscenes
- Getting a new item = cutscenes
- Surprises = cutscnes
- Opening the doors = cutscenes
- Resolving puzzle = cutscenes
- Boss = cutscenes
- NPC = cutscenes

And yes the game stops you all the time with cutscenes.
I don't think loading screen can be called cutscenes.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I don't think loading screen can be called cutscenes.
They made cutscrenes to hide the loading screen... Jill/Crisis opening the door is a cutscene... there are parts that even a dog head shows when you open the door... the cutscene changes based in the type of the door too.
In any case it is not just open the doors.

When you enter in some new area in RE you have cutscenes.... when you meet a NPC you have cutscenes... when you resolve a puzzle you have cutscenes... when you talk on walkie talkie you have cutscenes... every boss has cutscenes... every time you meet a new enemy have cutscenes... when they find a dead NPC theare is cutscene... etc.

Here some original RE cutscenes (not all because he didn't record dialogue with NPC, or others types of cutscenes):
Watch from 3:50 to start cutscenes outside intro.

The REmake cutscenes (here the guy recorded the NPC dialogues):

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Active member
8 Jan 2023
They made cutscrenes to hide the loading screen... Jill/Crisis opening the door is a cutscene... there are parts that even a dog head shows when you open the door... the cutscene changes based in the type of the door too.
In any case it is not just open the doors.

When you enter in some new area in RE you have cutscenes.... when you meet a NPC you have cutscenes... when you resolve a puzzle you have cutscenes... when you talk on walkie talkie you have cutscenes... every boss has cutscenes... every time you meet a new enemy have cutscenes... when they find a dead NPC theare is cutscene... etc.

Here some original RE cutscenes (not all because he didn't record dialogue with NPC, or others types of cutscenes):
Watch from 3:50 to start cutscenes outside intro.

The REmake cutscenes (here the guy recorded the NPC dialogues):

Are you sure you understand what I meant? because it looks like for some reason you're trying trolling.
Did you read what I said about Resident Evil? I said Resident Evil is a perfect balance of gameplay and cutscenes.
Loading screen isn't considered cutscenes, so by your logic Tomb Raider 4 loading screen is just a screen saver?
Last of Us doesn't want you to choice your path, Resident Evil 1 Barry gives you a lockpick, and from here you're free to go where you want as long the door are unlocked, you can go in the room where dogs break the window, or you can start exploring on floor 2, or you can go back where you met the zombie for the first time.
I'm sure teams like Naughty Dog doesn't want you to be free, because they are guiding you just like a director guide his actors, handicapping videogames for the sake of being Movie like.
I'm pretty sure Resident Evil isn't all about cutscenes unlike Last of Us, where the game has tons of cutscenes.
Honest question, why do you like games to be like movies, when games could be more than movies?
and I also have a suggestion you can pay for a movie and it will cost you less than videogames only to have (almost) the same experience of an interactive movie.
Videogames could be more than what we have today.
You're comparing 10minutes or 30minutes to 5 hours or 2 hours of cutscenes on titles like Last of Us. Good job.
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8 Jan 2023
I just realized, If Jaffe hates the 'cinematic' games so much, there are things like Returnal, Bloodborne, Astrobot and likely the things their newer acquisitions are doing that will be more gameplay focused. It's weird that acts like PS first party only does one thing.


21 Jun 2022
I just realized, If Jaffe hates the 'cinematic' games so much, there are things like Returnal, Bloodborne, Astrobot and likely the things their newer acquisitions are doing that will be more gameplay focused. It's weird that acts like PS first party only does one thing.
he can play sports games and racing. guy is just moron. doing everything for clout.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


Active member
8 Jan 2023
I just realized, If Jaffe hates the 'cinematic' games so much, there are things like Returnal, Bloodborne, Astrobot and likely the things their newer acquisitions are doing that will be more gameplay focused. It's weird that acts like PS first party only does one thing.
From this list the only game that is first party is Astrobot, because when Housemarque developed Returnal they were indipendent developers, and Bloodborne is not developed entirely by Sony's first party.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I just realized, If Jaffe hates the 'cinematic' games so much, there are things like Returnal, Bloodborne, Astrobot and likely the things their newer acquisitions are doing that will be more gameplay focused. It's weird that acts like PS first party only does one thing.
Yeah, anyone who thinks PS games do "only one thing" are morons. That's kinda the point I think. Maybe not as much variety as the PS1/PS2 days, but still plenty there to be had.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
From this list the only game that is first party is Astrobot, because when Housemarque developed Returnal they were indipendent developers, and Bloodborne is not developed entirely by Sony's first party.
They were published by Sony weren't they? They are first party games.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
In fact this "moron" gave you Kratos, and if it wasn't for this "moron" You never had God of War.
You can be a creator and still be a fool. He hasn't made a solid case for himself recently. See his complaints about Metroid Dread for example. Doesn't understand Basic Game Design 1.

Not 101.



Active member
8 Jan 2023
Yeah, anyone who thinks PS games do "only one thing" are morons. That's kinda the point I think. Maybe not as much variety as the PS1/PS2 days, but still plenty there to be had.
God of War
Last of Us
Days Gone
Ghost of Tsushima
SpiderMan and probably many more that I forget to list.

Astrobot, Wow 1 game over 7 this is variety in Sony's first party.

When Returnal was developed Housemarque wasn't part of Sony's WWS
Bloodborne is developed by a third party with the support of a firstparty.


8 Jan 2023
From this list the only game that is first party is Astrobot, because when Housemarque developed Returnal they were indipendent developers, and Bloodborne is not developed entirely by Sony's first party.
Ok, if we want to be more specific, I'll say housemarque as a whole going forward (even though returnal was funded by Sony, so its not like they're against that type of game), Gran Turismo, Media Molecule's games, pixelopus' games, etc. The point is that if you don't like 'cinematic' games, Sony makes other stuff.

Stuff like GOW and Uncharted get so much attention because of how well they sell and review. Also Jaffe knows how much engagement he can get by shitting on their popular franchises.

I mean, it's OK if you share Jaffe's perspective. I would argue that most wouldn't agree with you and think it's a flawed, reductive one though.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


21 Jun 2022
God of War
Last of Us
Days Gone
Ghost of Tsushima
SpiderMan and probably many more that I forget to list.

Astrobot, Wow 1 game over 7 this is variety in Sony's first party.

When Returnal was developed Housemarque wasn't part of Sony's WWS
Bloodborne is developed by a third party with the support of a firstparty.
Gravity Rush? GT Sport? GT7? Concrete Genie? Dreams? etc...

nice try. try harder.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
God of War
Last of Us
Days Gone
Ghost of Tsushima
SpiderMan and probably many more that I forget to list.

Astrobot, Wow 1 game over 7 this is variety in Sony's first party.

When Returnal was developed Housemarque wasn't part of Sony's WWS
Bloodborne is developed by a third party with the support of a firstparty.
Yeah ... thats not how it works. They are published by Sony, that makes it first party. It's not a matter of agreement or not, that's just the fact of how it is.

Those games you listed are not that similar by the way. Just because they are third person games doesn't make them the same. It's like saying all NES games are the same because they are 2D and you tend to fight stuff.

Very short sighted and silly.


Active member
8 Jan 2023
Gravity Rush? GT Sport? GT7? Concrete Genie? Dreams? etc...

nice try. try harder.
I listed games that were released recently, but if you are the type of guy/girl that wants to be right, then Ok, you're right :rolleyes:
I'm asking games to be games and i'm the only one that is wrong, ok.
Im questioning myself if people enjoy Hollywood more than a proper videogame.
  • haha
Reactions: arvfab


Active member
8 Jan 2023
Yeah ... thats not how it works. They are published by Sony, that makes it first party. It's not a matter of agreement or not, that's just the fact of how it is.

Those games you listed are not that similar by the way. Just because they are third person games doesn't make them the same. It's like saying all NES games are the same because they are 2D and you tend to fight stuff.

Very short sighted and silly.
Can't you see the settings are the all same? Let me give you an hint...Post-Apocalyptic. Yeah, I know you didn't saw that coming.


21 Jun 2022
I listed games that were released recently, but if you are the type of guy/girl that wants to be right, then Ok, you're right :rolleyes:
I'm asking games to be games and i'm the only one that is wrong, ok.
you are lost on your own argument. listed uncharted which is 2016. even Horizon 2017. i listed games which were released 2017 or later.
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