[Finished - We have a winner!] IconEra's monthly game screenshot competition


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Is that your final entry? Not sure if gifs are allowed.
Meanwhile I am sitting on few cool tlou shots… but honestly I am afraid that by the end of the month everyone will be sick of seeing tlou shots :(
I am expecting a lot of Tlou screenies tbh, i am waiting for the Giraffe shot one tbh.

@DoctaThompson says has a game pass and personally told me he is preparing his Pepper pig masterpiece.

@IntentionalPun when are we going to see your screen shot. 😍
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Was speaking to @kyliethicc last night, he was considering entering a Fifa Screenshot of Liverpool's Anfield Stadium.

I said it's probably a shit idea, but yer, what do you guys think?


Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Since photo mode is allowed

From Horizon Forbidden West, obviously. Taken after jumping from the top of a mountain with the glider. I believe I also got an achievement for gliding X amount of time / distance (can't remember which).



Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Since photo mode is allowed

From Horizon Forbidden West, obviously. Taken after jumping from the top of a mountain with the glider. I believe I also got an achievement for gliding X amount of time / distance (can't remember which).



Content Creator
27 Jun 2022

IconEra's monthly game screenshot competition
Fancy yourself as a bit of an artist do you? Well then, this is the perfect thread for you. Welcome to Icon-era's first official Screenshot competition.

We are looking for eagle-eyed gamers to produce the best of high-quality screen captures. Find us something unique, find us something amazing and you might find yourself walking away with a monthly prize.
This months prize is a 50$ Amazon gift card / voucher, we will do our best to provide an alternative currency amount if the users local choice is unavailable. i.e Amazon / Paypal etc.

Prizes can change on a monthly basis.
For this month's competition, there is no set theme, and your choice of game/screenshot type is totally up to you.
For next month's competition we might have theme and limited list of applicable games.

Our plan is for monthly winner entries to also participate at the end of the year in a Final, to choose the IconEra screenshot champion.

This months screenshot competition will be active from 1st of September to 30th of September.

You can use https://imgbb.com to upload your screen captures. Copy the full bbcode and paste it.
  1. Only one entry allowed
    All formats are welcome.
    Only in-gameplay play scenes captures.
    You can edit your entry as many times you want before we lock the thread for judging on the last day of the month.
    We want your best effort, so choose wisely.
    No comments to be included anywhere in regards to your entry.
    Screen capture needs to be your own and not copied from the internet or another person.
  2. Discussion in the thread is allowed
  3. Staff & Founders are allowed to participate
    Judging to be held by a VIP person, outside of IconEras inner circle.
  4. Good taste, no NSFW pictures, no offensive symbols and no discriminative or mocking content of any marginalized group of people
    e.g Building a huge dick in Minecraft and posting screenshot of that will get you excluded.
    Building Nazi symbol out of those dicks and posting screenshot of that will get you banned.
  5. No watermarks or text with username in the Screenshots

Here are 4 of mine! :D

Deleted member 13

I want to see some PS gamers produce nice shots of 3rd party games. Showing all Sony 1st party games gets old. :sleep:

Just saying...

Deleted member 13

Yes, producing quality screengrabs of such beautiful games is too easy. ;)
It is easy. You guys act like every other game is crap compared to the 1st party Sony titles and that's definitely not the case.


2 Jul 2022
It is easy. You guys act like every other game is crap compared to the 1st party Sony titles and that's definitely not the case.
My only issue is the lack of diversity in content. What's the point of having something like this if everybody's taking pictures in the same games, you know?
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Deleted member 13

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
It is easy. You guys act like every other game is crap compared to the 1st party Sony titles and that's definitely not the case.
Nobody is calling third party games crap by choosing first party games for sharing screenshots.

Someone shows a nice Ghost of Tsushima screengrab and the first thing that goes through your mind is "how DARE they not take a screenshot in Elden Ring"? Maybe the fact that you get even a bit triggered at how much they enjoy those games says more about you than them.

Maybe try sharing more screenshots of other games yourself instead. You might be surprised at how much "the Sony guys" might actually enjoy them.

Just sayin'.
  • brain
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Reactions: arvfab and Sircaw


2 Jul 2022
Nobody is calling third party games crap by choosing first party games for sharing screenshots.

Someone shows a nice Ghost of Tsushima screengrab and the first thing that goes through your mind is "how DARE they not take a screenshot in Elden Ring"? Maybe the fact that you get even a bit triggered at how much they enjoy those games says more about you than them.

Maybe try sharing more screenshots of other games yourself instead. You might be surprised at how much "the Sony guys" might actually enjoy them.

Just sayin'.
I think you're reading into what he's saying a bit incorrectly. There's nothing wrong with Sony's games, but when everybody is posting variations of the same things it's very boring to look at and signals a greater lack of gaming identity around here.

This is the first thing that comes to mind.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Deleted member 13

Legacy Admin

Master of the Dark Side
18 Jun 2022
Can we please stop policing what games people enjoy and post screenshots of? If you have a problem with any of the those, you can pick another forum.
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Reactions: rofif and Old Gamer

Deleted member 13

Nobody is calling third party games crap by choosing first party games for sharing screenshots.
Sony makes some beautiful games.. but so do other 3rd party developers. It would be nice if we all showed some love to some of the other developers since some have great looking games as well.

We all know who the big Sony fans are here. Me posting shots of 3rd party games is status quo for me. I literally meant some of the Sony gamers being proud of other games that aren't 1st party Sony games.

BUT I digress... it was just a thought I wanted to mention. Not meant to be argued.


Content Creator
27 Jun 2022

IconEra's monthly game screenshot competition
Fancy yourself as a bit of an artist do you? Well then, this is the perfect thread for you. Welcome to Icon-era's first official Screenshot competition.

We are looking for eagle-eyed gamers to produce the best of high-quality screen captures. Find us something unique, find us something amazing and you might find yourself walking away with a monthly prize.
This months prize is a 50$ Amazon gift card / voucher, we will do our best to provide an alternative currency amount if the users local choice is unavailable. i.e Amazon / Paypal etc.

Prizes can change on a monthly basis.
For this month's competition, there is no set theme, and your choice of game/screenshot type is totally up to you.
For next month's competition we might have theme and limited list of applicable games.

Our plan is for monthly winner entries to also participate at the end of the year in a Final, to choose the IconEra screenshot champion.

This months screenshot competition will be active from 1st of September to 30th of September.

You can use https://imgbb.com to upload your screen captures. Copy the full bbcode and paste it.
  1. Only one entry allowed
    All formats are welcome.
    Only in-gameplay play scenes captures.
    You can edit your entry as many times you want before we lock the thread for judging on the last day of the month.
    We want your best effort, so choose wisely.
    No comments to be included anywhere in regards to your entry.
    Screen capture needs to be your own and not copied from the internet or another person.
  2. Discussion in the thread is allowed
  3. Staff & Founders are allowed to participate
    Judging to be held by a VIP person, outside of IconEras inner circle.
  4. Good taste, no NSFW pictures, no offensive symbols and no discriminative or mocking content of any marginalized group of people
    e.g Building a huge dick in Minecraft and posting screenshot of that will get you excluded.
    Building Nazi symbol out of those dicks and posting screenshot of that will get you banned.
  5. No watermarks or text with username in the Screenshots
I'll post my 4 fave here
@WoolleyGamer you can only provide one.
Apologies mukka! In that case, the bottom one! 😂
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Reactions: Sircaw


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
My only issue is the lack of diversity in content. What's the point of having something like this if everybody's taking pictures in the same games, you know?
I was just about to post my sunset overdrive pic, ;)