No. Not sadly. They knew they were taking a risk and with it they pissed in their own Cornflakes.
The game didnt land well with the general audience. Don't blame people who saw this coming from miles away and voiced their opinion.
Blame fucking Sony/ Firewalk for doing a "LALALALALALALA dont wanna listen!"
Gamers voted with their wallets and Sony lost this ballot. Stop moving goalposts and accept that your beloved brand went and fucked up big time.
I played the beta and liked the mechanics. But I hated the character models. Just like 99,999999% of players. Wanna blame them all?
Nah mate, blame Sony.
Say Tesla brings out a horrid looking car and no-one buys it. Gonna blame the drivers? That's beyond fucked up.
I want everyone to enjoy games. Being it Concord or whatever and im genuinly sorry that you cant enjoy it anymore. Honestly.
But if the game had any outstanding features or mechanics, people would have looked past the characters. But there was nothing there other then a generic GaaS title with tight controls. And that alone isnt enough to warrant success.
Yup. It was bad. It didn’t help that anyone loving it was a console warrior and not anyone I recognized as a fan of shooters. It’s the quickest I’ve noped out of a game. Instantly knew it could go fuck itself.
What it did well it just copy and pasted from Bungie itself but at half speed and not as readable due to poor art direction and color use. Just go play Halo or Destiny. I’ve been playing Bungie shooters for close to 25 years now… and I saw nothing here to pull me in.
And then of course, which needs to be mentioned… Valorant’s console launch was placed right on top of it and ate its lunch and didn’t even leave crumbs.
You can’t be launching live service games that aren’t doing anything new.
PS - I don’t see where this idea that they should’ve been given another chance is coming from. For what reason? They failed. Most never get another chance. Heck, even success stories — it’s always a Hail Mary play where devs would risk it all. I mean… what are we expecting to happen?
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