For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
So I was looking at this of NeoGaf Thread from 10 years ago today (August 4th, 2012) asking Dreamcast owners about how they felt about Sega going third party and quite a few replies are talking about having bitterness at Sony! Its called "how did dreamcast owners react to sega going third party" ( just type that in with neogaf at the end to find it on google since I don't know if we are allowed to directly link that site)
Post 139 says how they were happy at the Vita Struggles and post 192 and 352 were pretty sure Sony was dropping out the console business and worried over how PlayStation fans react which hasn't happen in the 10 years since today!

So this got me thinking, Does a lot of this Sony hatred come from Sega fans who have been Salty for 21 years now or is it mostly Nintendo fans mad that PS1 disrupted the market like no one else was able to before?
Could it be Xbox fans who wanted something new and hate Sony just for being a competitor?
or is it something else? please comment below and let me know why you hate or dislike Sony?


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Sega fans are virtually extinct so I doubt it’s that. I wouldn’t be surprised if half this forum never handled an actual game cartridge.

Then again, some people still think Halo is relevant like it’s midnight launch in 2002. So maybe the average age of this forum is… 40


Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
"For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?"
Being severely low IQ
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Well-known member
16 Jul 2022
Sony is alright, they make good consoles and games, but many of their diehard fans can be absolute twats at times.
I don’t hate Sony, I dislike their warriors mostly. For a platform that has pretty much dominated for like… almost thirty years now, the fanboys are really something else.
Looks like we have victims here


21 Jun 2022
Xbox, Sega, PC and Nintendo hardcore fans all hate Sony. Some of them go back to 90s to find something to be angry about because they have nothing rational (tomb raider, FF7, Psygnosis). Most of it is lies and exaggerations. They blame Sony for everything.
Sony is alright, they make good consoles and games, but many of their diehard fans can be absolute twats at times.
I'm very curious what made you make a complete 180 this gen. From level-headed Pony to Xbox troll latching to Bernd and Craig for comfort and validation. It's fascinating.

all stars lol GIF by Lifetime


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Xbox, Sega, PC and Nintendo hardcore fans all hate Sony. Some of them go back to 90s to find something to be angry about because they have nothing rational (tomb raider, FF7, Psygnosis). Most of it is lies and exaggerations. They blame Sony for everything.

I'm very curious what made you make a complete 180 this gen. From level-headed Pony to Xbox troll latching to Bernd and Craig for comfort and validation. It's fascinating.

all stars lol GIF by Lifetime
Ambassador program at work.


2 Jul 2022
Sony is alright, they make good consoles and games, but many of their diehard fans can be absolute twats at times.
I don’t hate Sony, I dislike their warriors mostly. For a platform that has pretty much dominated for like… almost thirty years now, the fanboys are really something else.
Frustrated World Cup GIF
People hate successful stuff. Just look at Swift herself, plenty of successful people and brands outshining the competition make others salty.
Xbox, Sega, PC and Nintendo hardcore fans all hate Sony. Some of them go back to 90s to find something to be angry about because they have nothing rational (tomb raider, FF7, Psygnosis). Most of it is lies and exaggerations. They blame Sony for everything.

I'm very curious what made you make a complete 180 this gen. From level-headed Pony to Xbox troll latching to Bernd and Craig for comfort and validation. It's fascinating.

all stars lol GIF by Lifetime
you’re right.
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Oh yeah, sure MS and Nintendo fanboys are better right? Don't make me post some of the weirdest tweets ever.
Nintendo fans are super hypocritical! No PlayStation fans gave a shit when RE1 remake was being made for Gamecube and all mainline RE games were going to be Gamecube exclusive until November 1st, 2004 when Capcom finally woke up and revealed RE4 will be coming to PS2!
However fast forward to late 2014 when Revelations 2 is announced that it is not being made for Wii U and 3DS Nintendo fans were calling Capcom incompetent for not getting the sequel to Revelations series which started on 3DS but it was coming to Vita. The PS Vita version of Resident Evil Revelations 2 was funded by Sony not capcom so if nintendo wanted revelations 2 so bad they could of funded their own ports but no according to Nintendo fans Nintendo deserves all third party games no matter how bad the sales of them are on nintendo systems!

Then Monster Hunter showed the biggest hypocrisy of nintendo fans when Nobody cared when Nintendo sign Monster hunter as a 3ds exclusive despite the series starting on PS2 and reaching it's highs on PSP but all of a sudden when Monster Hunter World is announced for PS4 all of a sudden there is this theoretical contract Sony signed telling Capcom not to make Monster Hunter Games on the switch and that Sony is the evil corporation.

Could you imagine if Sony bought Capcom and no more Capcom games on Nintendo platforms, wouldn't surprise me if it creates world war 3!
I think Sony buying Capcom would be unnecessary since microsoft would have to jump thru so many hurdles to buy them and maybe microsoft spends millions with them to have exclusives on xbox like Dead Rising but I think Sony needs to worry about companies like take two and CD project Red before the japanese companies but man would I love to see the reaction to Resident Evil and Monster Hunter being PS5/PC exclusives from now on!
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22 Jun 2022
I have a healthy relationship with Sony. We have great communication and Sony makes sure my needs are attended to and I make sure I try to attend to Sony's needs. Our corporation / consumer relationship counselor has really helped us find ways to keep the spark alive.

<3 you Sony


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Sony is alright, they make good consoles and games, but many of their diehard fans can be absolute twats at times.

I don’t hate Sony, I dislike their warriors mostly. For a platform that has pretty much dominated for like… almost thirty years now, the fanboys are really something else.
I strong disagree here.
You can look at Twitter or others social networks.

Xbox fans are just so toxic and play dirty tactics all the time… and push a BS narrative backed by MS own lies that become a laugh stock in the media… plus they are very vocal about the bullshit to the point to be disgusting.

Neither Sony or Nintendo fans are like Xbox fans.

But I understand MS culture create these aberrations so I don’t blame the Tom Warriors, the Grubbs, the Tim Dogs, the Dealers, etc… they are MS fabrications.

That makes the things even worst because it is a big comprovativos creating brainless fans that can’t think a bit for themselves.
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Xbox, Sega, PC and Nintendo hardcore fans all hate Sony. Some of them go back to 90s to find something to be angry about because they have nothing rational (tomb raider, FF7, Psygnosis). Most of it is lies and exaggerations. They blame Sony for everything.

I'm very curious what made you make a complete 180 this gen. From level-headed Pony to Xbox troll latching to Bernd and Craig for comfort and validation. It's fascinating.

all stars lol GIF by Lifetime
if you go to that neogaf forum i talked about in the original post they have archives of gaming age forums which I believe Neogaf was a spinoff of but I'm not too sure. But they linked an archive of some salty as threads of people talking about how their PS2 already broke.

the early 2020s seem just like the early 2000s where at first it was dreamcast was gonna destroy the PS2 and when that failed Sega fanboys said how when Sega turned third party they were gonna be the biggest third party publisher ever and destroy EA! I don't know which one is funnier but it mirrors how there is all this anti PS5 Sony headlines every since the Next generation hype cycle for the PS5 and Series consoles started up.

Does anybody remember this next generation magazine from 1998 asking if the dreamcast can be stopped on the cover and asking how much longer the PS1 can last on the market when the PS1 ended selling millions more that the dreamcast ever after the dreamcast released in North America lol!
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Good vs. Evil, Light vs. Dark, Right vs. Wrong, Sucess vs. Failure, Love vs. Hate.

More so than hate, the warriors of other platforms simply wish to be in the position Sony fans are. Be the cool kids of the school. They won't admit so, they will lie to themselves that that is not the case, pride kicking in quick but it's the reality of their deep seated insecurity masking inferiority complexes. Whether it's an Xbox fan or a PC fan, they want their preferred platform to be at the top of the food chain, and have the king dethroned.

No difference in sports, politics (internal or foreign competition) etc... it's human nature. There will always be Sony PlayStation haters and detractors. Sony fans won't turn them, it's a useless exercise trying, as many here waste countless hours foolishly trying... you can't do a thing about it.

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Lord Mittens

Community Cat
1 Jul 2022
I strong disagree here.
You can look at Twitter or others social networks.

Xbox fans are just so toxic and play dirty tactics all the time… and push a BS narrative backed by MS own lies that become a laugh stock in the media… plus they are very vocal about the bullshit to the point to be disgusting.

Neither Sony or Nintendo fans are like Xbox fans.

But I understand MS culture create these aberrations so I don’t blame the Tom Warriors, the Grubbs, the Tim Dogs, the Dealers, etc… they are MS fabrications.

That makes the things even worst because it is a big comprovativos creating brainless fans that can’t think a bit for themselves.
Think Sony and Xbox fans can be as bad as one another easily
For Nintendo, can't comment. Never seen there meltdowns


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022

Think Sony and Xbox fans can be as bad as one another easily
For Nintendo, can't comment. Never seen there meltdowns

I think most fans don't really care about what the other side is doing, they just wanna play their games and that's it.

The toxic die-hard fanboys, on both sides I might add are fanatical. This console warring shit really means everything to them.
Sometimes I do wonder if they even play the games.

I think banter and healthy competition is good but when all this gets way to involved, way to personal, its time to bail out imo.

Games are for fun, nothing else.
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