No, he isn't. He isn't even coherent, let alone correct.
Can't agree with this. It's coherent and provides some statements that are absolutely verifiable, while also adding some important takeaways on the status of all these shenanigans, in the form of opinions.
I think you're paying to much attention to commentariat about "concern" in the political sphere and partisan politicking in DC. The banking industry is in a worse state full of too big too fails who got there by design... the telecommunications industry is just as bad, from TV to ISPs. Everywhere you look it's a big fat consolidation mess full of too big to fail.
This is absolutely true, backed up by both the Great Recession and the latest economic crisis
The FTC is a joke, has been missing in action and will continue to be missing in action - by political design, and with it those "concerns" that amount to no more than a PR sideshow for the plebs to justify the existence of the entity and the salaried jobs it pays...
Also absolutely correct. The FTC has been a big floppy dick for quite a while.
every other noise amount to cries of the impotent and unimportant with no decision making power in the public sphere still holding tongue to an ideal long gone.... on top of the machinations of lobbying factions trying to fuck each other pushing certain voices in the "right direction" that abuse emotional plebs. Once you analyze the current economic configuration of the U.S, the conclusions are self evident. Fact is, no one gives a shit.
And this is also correct, especially the mentions of lobbying. No matter what party you vote for in the US, lobbying pays a much bigger part in the political discourse and decision making than the actual will of the people. Most people in the US support some sort of universal single payer health care system, yet lobbying prevents both parties from going against it. Public discourse (yours, mine) is mostly irrelevant in the landscape of things. And I'm talking about the US because the comment mentions the US.
well what is there to prove that the people's voice matter? Any substantive wins lately that has come solely as the result of "people power" "people voice" and not some elite infighting result dressed around the cries of the plebs? Yeah I thought so. I was idealistic too and in retrospect due to such, simply dumb... very young fella days. The years haven't been kind to that outlook of the world or this country. Some folks retain that innocence longer than others, some forever stay young (the ruling elite love these).
This is absolutely correct. Just watch as public support for unions is growing on an international level and countries are working to crush those movements - Canada, US to some extent with the Railorad thing, even some EU countries where certain more vocal and relevant parties are demonizing any kind of workers rights discourse, all of them backed by the same think tanks. If the public common person discourse had any weight, the will of the people would prevail. It doesn't, for the most part. Billionaires are taking over our own news platforms, they have a vested interest in keeping the status quo as is, and this translates to all industries. This meme kind of illustrates better how popular movements end up being inconsequential because discourse is moved elsewhere.
Its not like there is even a big "grassroots" movement against this move from the "gaming community". Just some old hardcore geezers, mostly PS fans sounding the obvious alarm. Nintendo fanboys by and large don't care, neither do PC fanboys (MS consumers ultimately), and Xbox fanboys fall in line and cheer. The casuals of all platforms could care less.
Partially agree. Most people against this move that I know of are on the PS camp, and I suppose this is translatable to most of us. I disagree that there isn't a grassroots movement though, because I believe said grassroots movement is being thoroughly funded by Microsoft's PR machine in order to steer public discourse where they want it. It's pretty obvious when most people are apathetic, one camp is trying to fight against with water guns, and the other has downright gaming media and thousands of "ambassadors" harassing regulatory entities.
Now that Sony stopped sleeping and cried a bit about getting fucked in the ass there is more movement in the PR space and commentariat but not enough for critical mass action - Sony simply does not have the clout of an Apple, META, Google or Amazon to cause outrage and bring the issue to national importance in the U.S. Again safe to say, if anything substantive happens that derails and outright stops this acquisition; it will be the result of action and decision making directed and influenced by too big to fail Silicon Valley giants fucking MS in the ass (and there is precedent for that) - Sony just being one of the beneficiaries of that result. Hardly idealistic oversight but you can bet your savings it will be dressed as a win for the plebs.
This is very true. Sony lacks any relevancy in the US when compared with the aforementioned companies. If it were in Japan, sure, but the US is very nationalistic in nature and usually takes the "side" of its own companies in detriment of foreign entities.
Obviously there are a lot of people whose emotions are deep into this due to how close to heart the gaming hobby is to them. In that regard I sympathize. A lot of folks thus, in desperation, attach themselves to ideals or anything that offers hope, a light at the end of the tunnel which in this case is regulatory oversight. Because of course, to entertain the alternative is horrific and depressing.... to have a hobby in an industry where the one with the bigger dick oversteps the "rules" and gets away with it... and all the other ethical or moral contradictions that surround it, after all, MS is far from an industry model, specially in gaming.
And this I also agree with in full. Movements like these are idealistic in nature and usually reality smashes people in the face. I have some hope that a couple of regulatory boards will get a brain and stop it, but "us" fighting for it has absolutely no weight whatsoever in whatever the outcome may be. We can only hope that reason and logic will prevail.
I get that @KnittedKnight may not have the most accessible vocabulary (not calling anyone stupid btw) or the most impeccable paragraph etiquette, but nothing about these comments spells nonsense, only a glass half empty view of how society works and is structured, and applied to this one deal. It's a smidge nihilistic, but overall, not wrong.