GOW Ragnarok will require a PSN account to play (any of it) on PC

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Selling 1.7 million consoles more than the previous FY is growth. That's not fiction.
I never said they didn't sell more than in the previous year, try again.

FY23 was supposed to be the peak sales year, and it was. FY24 they are estimating less than the PS4 launch aligned (18M PS5 vs 19M PS4).

So again, to reiterate: Failed their estimates by 18.3%. This is a fact you can't deny, and you can't spin. They tried and their shareholders called them out on PC cannibalizing their sales, which Hermie cleverly deflected and didn't answer.
  • they're_right_you_know
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