GOW Ragnarok will require a PSN account to play (any of it) on PC


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
So wrong that Sony missed their sales estimates by 4.2M units and the PS5 is trailing (and will keep on trailing even further) PS4s sales.

Playstation is more successful now even with missing lofty targets in a Global Economic crisis. So go ahead and say a down year compared to the monster that was last year.

They are making as much if not more money in the first 4 years of PS5 than entire PS4 gen?

So please go ahead and spin.

Ghost of Tsushima with its required PSN account for online still selling like crazy on steam. Helldivers sold 12 million in less than a month!

But please continue......
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Playstation is more successful now even with missing lofty targets in a Global Economic crisis. So go ahead and say a down year compared to the monster that was last year.

"More successful now" - Selling fewer consoles, releasing fewer exclusives, but somehow you all play revenue and profit margins
"Global economic crisis" - Slight recession in a handful of countries with corporate profits soaring
"Monster last year" - 1 SP game + 1 DLC 😂 the WORST output for PS Studios in a decade or so
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25 Mar 2023
Yknow the easiest way to find out if the game will be accessible to pirates is to wait until release day and see if it gets cracked instead of bickering about the technology involved
The easiest way to find out if it's going to be cracked day one or not is to look if it will have Denuvo or not. Othen than always on solutions Denuvo is pretty much the only DRM that actually works and protect the games from piracy.


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
"More successful now" - Selling fewer consoles, releasing fewer exclusives, but somehow you all play revenue and profit margins
"Global economic crisis" - Slight recession in a handful of countries with corporate profits soaring
"Monster last year" - 1 SP game + 1 DLC 😂 the WORST output for PS Studios in a decade or so


  • PlayStation 5 No.1 Selling Game System Worldwide Including US, UK & Europe 11 Months Straight


We must not be reading the same info I guess.

To ignore you go...


Active member
17 May 2024
Platform warring, pretty much. Sony is a platform owner, so they view them as a hostile entity to Steam. If a Bloodborne PC port happened, I guarentee most platform warriors will spend most of the discourse arguing about PSN login Sony will (rightfully) require.
Pc players are fine with ea, ubisoft, 2k, cod accounts but psn is were they draw the line.
okay y'all really have no idea what's actually going on in the PC environment if you think this has anything to do with "platform holders". People aren't upset about PSN because of Playstation; no one on PC cares about "platforms". People complaining about this aren't complaining because its Sony and Sony has Playstation consoles; that's too far removed from the actual experience of purchasing and playing a game.
People regularly complain about all these different account requirements and launchers. Epic especially, heaven forbid something releases on Epic people will throw a hissy fit, and Epic doesn't own a console. People complain about Uplay and Ubisoft all the time.
People are complaining about the PSN requirement on this because its a single-player game and because its a major popular release. That's it. There's nothing more to it. There's no Sony hating or Playstation hating behind the vitriol, its vitriol related to online requirements on content that should be 100% playable offline, an experience that already exists on the original platform, thus making the experience worse on the PC end when its already been shown the account isn't required.
Helldivers 2 was a different situation revolving around the fact that the store pages was available worldwide and that for most of its existence on PC, no one had to make a new account. It being added after the fact upset people because they had already purchased the game. Yes, the game did in fact have a warning about this on the store page, but the fact remains for most of Helldiver's 2 lifespan on PC, there were no other account requirements, and consequently there being any after the fact came as a surprise to people, however right or wrong that was.

People don't complain about accounts for CoD because everyone is playing CoD multiplayer.

I myself wouldn't be complaining about this if this game was a multiplayer title. Its really frustrating people talking about PC gaming as if you have to make accounts on most singleplayer games as if there's even a shred of truth to that. Attached is a screenshot of part of my Steam library. These are the last games I played on my PC in the order I played them. Take a guess at how many of these require separate accounts:

The games in this image that require separate accounts: Fall Guys (Epic), Helldivers 2 (PSN). What do these games have in common? Multiplayer. What do the rest have in common? Singleplayer, except Shadowverse which makes an account using your Steam account.
It is simply not that common to have account requirements on singleplayer games - rightfully so as they are unnecessary.
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10 Jan 2023
okay y'all really have no idea what's actually going on in the PC environment if you think this has anything to do with "platform holders". People aren't upset about PSN because of Playstation; no one on PC cares about "platforms". People complaining about this aren't complaining because its Sony and Sony has Playstation consoles; that's too far removed from the actual experience of purchasing and playing a game.
People regularly complain about all these different account requirements and launchers. Epic especially, heaven forbid something releases on Epic people will throw a hissy fit, and Epic doesn't own a company. People complain about Uplay and Ubisoft all the time.
People are complaining about the PSN requirement on this because its a single-player game and because its a major popular release. That's it. There's nothing more to it. There's no Sony hating or Playstation hating behind the vitriol, its vitriol related to online requirements on content that should be 100% playable offline, an experience that already exists on the original platform, thus making the experience worse on the PC end when its already been shown the account isn't required.
Helldivers 2 was a different situation revolving around the fact that the store pages was available worldwide and that for most of its existence on PC, no one had to make a new account. It being added after the fact upset people because they had already purchased the game. Yes, the game did in fact have a warning about this on the store page, but the fact remains for most of Helldiver's 2 lifespan on PC, there were no other account requirements, and consequently there being any after the fact came as a surprise to people, however right or wrong that was.

People don't complain about accounts for CoD because everyone is playing CoD multiplayer.

I myself wouldn't be complaining about this if this game was a multiplayer title. Its really frustrating people talking about PC gaming as if you have to make accounts on most singleplayer games as if there's even a shred of truth to that. Attached is a screenshot of part of my Steam library. These are the last games I played on my PC in the order I played them. Take a guess at how many of these require separate accounts:

The games in this image that require separate accounts: Fall Guys (Epic), Helldivers 2 (PSN). What do these games have in common? Multiplayer. What do the rest have in common? Singleplayer, except Shadowverse which makes an account using your Steam account.
It is simply not that common to have account requirements on singleplayer games - rightfully so as they are unnecessary.
1st world problem, nobody cares and PC gamers will be whining for a lifetime, enjoy!
  • they're_right_you_know
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Active member
17 May 2024
1st world problem, nobody cares and PC gamers will be whining for a lifetime, enjoy!
"PC gamers hate this for platform warring reasons"
"No they don't here's the actual reason"
"No one cares'
The Black Frost avatar suits you

Learn some empathy fampai. If you had a ps5 and a copy of God of War and were somewhere without internet you'd be upset if it wanted you to sign in before playing.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
"PC gamers hate this for platform warring reasons"
"No they don't here's the actual reason"
"No one cares'
The Black Frost avatar suits you
If that was like you say then years ago PC gamers should have complained with all liked accounts in single player games they have even today.
But they choose who? PlayStation.

The way PC gamers "deal" with PlayStation is different from how they "deal" others companies.
That makes their crying to be just a joke.

That is called bias.
And the reason we don't take their cry as serious.


Active member
17 May 2024
If that was like you say then years ago PC gamers should have complained with all liked accounts in single player games they have even today.
But they choose who? PlayStation.
They complain about this all the time I don't know what more I can say I already linked you examples of ppl complaining about Ubisoft with Scott Pilgrim requiring Uplay. That's hardly the only one.
  • noneofmybizz
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10 Jan 2023
The Black Frost avatar suits you

Learn some empathy fampai. If you had a ps5 and a copy of God of War and were somewhere without internet you'd be upset if it wanted you to sign in before playing.
Bolded made me lol :ROFLMAO:

Not to be disingenuous but I pretty much have internet 99.99999% of the time. If I don't I'm likely somewhere not worried about gaming. In my opinion, I find the PC crowd to be far too whiny, they whine about ports and launchers, more than just accepting the product for what it is. It feels entitled. I do see it's more than just Sony though, but the rage over Sony certainly seems the loudest.
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Well-known member
30 Dec 2023
PC players realizing PlayStation’s foray into an open platform isn’t meant to be charity for Steam is real comedy.

They have run the math and unless these games start adding up to PSN numbers then the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Sony is in the PlayStation business who could’ve thought?

You make an account once, big deal. Don’t like it don’t buy it, vote with your wallet ahaha


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
They complain about this all the time I don't know what more I can say I already linked you examples of ppl complaining about Ubisoft with Scott Pilgrim requiring Uplay. That's hardly the only one.
All the time but just review bombed Helldivers 2.
C'mon they never complained to dozen of games from others companies like they complained to one game from Sony.

It is not even comparable... you posted some tweet complained... while for Sony it was the whole bunch of journalists and Xbots disguised as PC gamers complaining and making a whole campaign to review bomb the game.

That is what makes it biased.

You are trying to make a point saying some guys in a street yelling is like the Capitol invasion lol
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Active member
17 May 2024
All the time but just review bombed Helldivers 2.
C'mon they never complained to dozen of games from others companies like they complained to one game from Sony.

It is not even comparable... you posted some tweet complained... while for Sony it was the whole bunch of journalists and Xbots disguised as PC gamers complaining and making a whole campaign to review bomb the game.

That is what makes it biased.

You are trying to make a point saying some guys in a street yelling is like the Capitol invasion lol
Helldivers 2 was a different situation revolving around the fact that the store pages was available worldwide and that for most of its existence on PC, no one had to make a new account. It being added after the fact upset people because they had already purchased the game. Yes, the game did in fact have a warning about this on the store page, but the fact remains for most of Helldiver's 2 lifespan on PC, there were no other account requirements, and consequently there being any after the fact came as a surprise to people, however right or wrong that was.
I think someone mentioned Helldivers 2 required it at first but had to remove it for a while?
When I bought the game I didn't have to sign into PSN. I can't imagine I'm alone in that being the experience. I imagine people simply did not know.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I think someone mentioned Helldivers 2 required it at first but had to remove it for a while?
When I bought the game I didn't have to sign into PSN. I can't imagine I'm alone in that being the experience. I imagine people simply did not know.
The game required PSN sing-in in the first day for some hours after launch.
Developer choose to remove it to try to understand what was happening with their server load to find a solution to try to fix the issues.

And again you are quoting yourself with comparing apple to orange again.
Show me a game from another publisher that had the same issues as Helldivers 2 just because you have to sign in in a 3rd-party account.

Weird PC gamers just had issues with Sony... not others.... bias.
Several games released with 3rd-party accounts since 2013 without have any issue but when Sony launches a single game it is the Armageddon.
Do you understand now?

The fact you are here trying to spin the defense force for PC users already tells how biased it is.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022


  • PlayStation 5 No.1 Selling Game System Worldwide Including US, UK & Europe 11 Months Straight


We must not be reading the same info I guess.

To ignore you go...

Revenue is higher, but the fact is that we don't play revenue. Games are more expensive, consoles are more expensive, there's more microtransactions, PS plus is more expensive... And Sony missed their targets and the PS5 is trailing behind the PS4.

You basically proved my point, thank you.
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Active member
17 May 2024
Show me a game from another publisher that had the same issues as Helldivers 2 just because you have to sign in in a 3rd-party account.
Show me a game from another developer that required you to have an account for a few hours at launch, removed it, and then added it back a several months later
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
PC players realizing PlayStation’s foray into an open platform isn’t meant to be charity for Steam is real comedy.

They have run the math and unless these games start adding up to PSN numbers then the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Sony is in the PlayStation business who could’ve thought?

You make an account once, big deal. Don’t like it don’t buy it, vote with your wallet ahaha
Thinking has never been a steamlicker's strong suit.