Helldivers 2: We are constantly going to add free stuff and updates. |UP| "Escalation of Freedom" Announced, biggest update ever coming Aug. 6th.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Players always scream to high heavens with nerfs. Often faux outrage non-issues in the big picture. Players naturally take the path of least resistance when it exists and when it’s taken away they cry like toddlers.

Is it healthy for the game to not keep things in check or let them stay problematic for the game designers? Fuck no. Not saying to chase “balance” here but it’s a live game and sandbox and will constantly be tuned.

Also why I scoffed at the idea the magnum sucks or why some weapons suck to some according to the current meta. Nah, one patch can shake up a sandbox hugely.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
The magnum does suck, the only time it would be decent is on a map with an excess of enemies that have medium armor
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28 Jun 2022
I hope they let us change ships or at least cosmetically outside and inside as well with like cool themes (no tacky shit but you know scifi related) imagine a resistance crossover where you go in the ship and it looks like the ship from resistance 3! Also cool looking, different pods. Man sky's the limits.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Yeah I dumped it fast lol but it did seem better. You have the Warbond one thts on the last page? How does tht Lazer one feel?
Scorcher? It's good against bots, very good. One shots raiders anywhere on the body, 2 shots scout walkers, you can take down devastators randomly aiming in a full mag and maybe half a mag aiming for the head. Not good against hulks and tanks although I think it does damage to them, not enough. The downside is mag size is small, always run out of ammo, and it's tough to stand and fight vs bots even if you have an effective weapon. I'd rather run a GL
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21 Jun 2022
What is your favorite setup for bots after the patch? After going up to level twenty something in PS, I'm focusing on PC while my broken PS gets replaced so I'm level 15 now. I logged to check the names and saw we received the 45 medals from the order.

In recent days I was focused on bugs, now I'd like to focus in bots.

As of now I use:
  • SMG-37 Defender (plan to switch to SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary once I get 23 medals more)
  • P-19 Redeemer (fast and agile)
  • G-16 Impact (grenade that explodes on first impact)

  • AX/LAS-5 "Guard dog" Rover (laser drone, good for low level nearby targets)
  • Laser Cannon (tested it last night and works great for long distance)
  • Gaitling Sentry (to be replaced by Orbital Laser once I get 1500 R more)
  • Autocannon Sentry (to be replaced by Rocket Sentry later)

  • Trench Engineer medium armor because I like the orange color, but reduces recoil 30% and allows +2 grenades.
For the available stuff I have, I think the weakest is Defender, which is ok to play on Challenging/Hard (I moved back after noticing they bumped the difficulty not only in hardest difficulty levels, may go up soon a level or two once I get a better setup).

I hate long or frequents reloads and big recoil, and like fast fire rate. But I'm considering to move to Punisher (I'd say seems better than Breaker now) before moving to Breaker Incendiary, the one I had in PS5.

I hope they let us change ships or at least cosmetically outside and inside as well with like cool themes (no tacky shit but you know scifi related) imagine a resistance crossover where you go in the ship and it looks like the ship from resistance 3! Also cool looking, different pods. Man sky's the limits.
I also would like to see color variants for the armors, cape, helmet and weapons. Plus being able to choose separatedly the stats and cosmetic look of the armor and helmet (there's a couple helmets with hidden stats) between the ones you bought.

The CEO said weapon customization is something they wanted to do but couldn't have it for launch. I assume they'll do this down the line.

It would be nice to also expand the emote actions introducing sentences, to allow us to say the random sentences that characters say whenever we want.
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