Helldivers 2 will require Steam players to sign in with PSN account, led to review bombing games & refunds. |UP| Gamers organizing to revert reviews.


Active member
20 Feb 2024
It was such an insignificant attack that it didn't even reduce 1% of approval, especially because they are not the same audience
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Reactions: Systemshock2023


27 Jun 2023
How many minutes does it take to get to Fitgirl repacks? You seem well versed on the matter.
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14 Jul 2022
It depends, because part of this assumes nothing else replaces Xbox in the traditional console space. Nintendo isn't going anywhere, and if they can get to a point where you can pack enough "good enough" performance in a hybrid design at-cost or for profit on the hardware itself, and baseline game development can be satisfied at the AAA level at whatever a Nintendo handheld of that type would look like, you now have a significantly more potent competitor in Nintendo than Xbox has been for the past decade.

There's also the chance Valve return to a Steam Machines concept but with wider volume of production, mirroring closer what they do with the Steam Deck and perhaps even willing to take a hit (subsidize) on the hardware to push install base. Lest SIE bring some big innovations to the PS user experience that type of situation would really screw them, but it's a lot less likely than the Nintendo example I just mentioned. Also can't really discount Xbox; they may get away from the traditional console model, but what's to say a $399 (as an example) next-gen Xbox just somewhat weaker than a PS6, but with PC-like open functionality (including multiple storefronts like Steam and GOG) and "good enough" baseline performance for AAA games, could be a better challenger to PlayStation than the current systems are.

And the last one would be very bad for PlayStation IMO if they continued with their PC strategy as-is or accelerated the porting schedules. Because in that case they lose one of their greatest assets to drive console adoption among hardcore and core enthusiasts (exclusives) either way.

Oh yeah, same. I guess we'll see on Monday. At the very least, they are probably not happy with the backlash whatsoever but, again, very slight chance they could be in a 4D Chess kind of way.

Well yeah, considering the majority of PS customers would be casual and mainstream types, they couldn't give less of a crap about this HD2 drama or most of the things I mentioned in that other post. My concern is, hardcore and core PS gamers would care, to varying degrees yes but more on average than casual & mainstream for sure.

And if they feel it's enough to not bother getting the next PlayStation, or do most of their game purchasing outside the PlayStation ecosystem, that will have a knock-on effect towards adoption from latter groups later on, plus a disproportionate impact on revenue and profits for the division, IMO.

That nobody is still around? I completely forgot about them or what they did to become infamous.

I thought of the points you made regarding another competitor and Nintendo too. I won't completely rule out a new console-maker but have doubts about it actually happening. At this point, a newcomer going up against the well-established Sony or Nintendo just seems unlikely. As for Nintendo, again I won't completely rule out that the Switch 2 will run more robust games, but that doesn't seem to be Nintendo's focus (power) and hasn't been for a long time. Changing that strategy to once again attempt to compete head-to-head with Sony seems unlikely. Especially since they have found what works for them and achieved outstanding success with it.

I'm doubtful Valve will make any serious attempts, as well. Not certain, just doubtful. As for Xbox, from what I'm hearing, they're going towards a higher-priced, niche machine for people who still really want to play on Xbox. I'm looking at this from the perspective of what the average gamer is looking for and I mean the millions upon millions that are not heavily invested in gaming news, forums, etc. (ie. not people like us). It would take quite a bit more than what we've seen for Sony, as a console and gaming brand, to fall the way Xbox has. In some parts of the world, Playstation is another word used for gaming after all.

Another point is whether Valve and Xbox will go on to make a traditional console. That's what many people, me included, are looking for. A machine that plays games for a reasonable price. What an enthusiast is looking for may vary, but the standard gamer may not have as much interest in machines that deviate from the norm. Of course, Nintendo is proof that such ideas can work, but they also have their extensive and well-loved catalogue of games and IP which makes a huge difference.

My take on Sony's PC initiative is that they are all in on it. Their staggered release strategy is working for them so far, but day and date will cause issues. I hope they don't go in that direction. It's difficult to make accurate predictions on the outcome of such a move, but I can't see it being a positive thing. I think what it takes to lose goodwill and customers for a console-maker is decisions that directly impact them. The Xbone and the PS3 reveal are examples of that. We've talked about the Xbone, but the PS3 was a disaster for Sony. They outpriced their customers with that machine and were initially arrogant about it. The result was people didn't buy the PS3 - not until Sony made some significant changes. That's what it takes to alienate people on console. MS' efforts to make their console obsolete over the course of many years is another way too.

I do see your point that a series of poor decisions today can ultimately have a cascade effect. I'm just not as certain of the impact.


27 Jun 2023
Users will be pissed for a while but then they will forget. In this case The convenience of not having to buy a box to play a game outweighs any kind of outrage.

Lots of games have review bombing. And then folks forget, remember how broken nier automata was on PC and how long it took them to fix it? Batman Arkham knight?
The question is not whether PC gamers will forget, but whether Sony will draw conclusions from it. If something clearly formulated like linking a PSN account leads to such reactions and loss of profit, they will have to discuss strategies again. PC gamers obviously still don't understand that.

Sony is not a company that reverses every decision in the event of a shitstorm, as MS and Xbox like to do. Some PC gamers obviously don't know that Sony has long been opposed to crossplay and now receives money from every publisher so that crossplay can be offered. I can also remember the mega shitstorm when Fortnite introduced cross progression and Sony refused to allow players to transfer progress or outfits to other platforms. Even a PS fanboy like Greg Miller was furious and stirred up a lot of trouble on Twitter. At some point Sony allowed this too, but not without enforcing its own conditions. Bethesda was also allowed to publicly argue with Sony about mod support for Skyrim and Fallout 4. Sony has had no problem allowing Bethesda mods with external content such as new textures if Bethesda checks each mod to see if it poses any security risks. Sony ultimately got its way there too.In the last few years I have only seen Sony apologize or retract something twice. Back then there was an apology for the major PSN hacker attack, and once Jim Ryan had to publicly admit a mistake, I think it was about the upgrade path for HFW. He promised that the PS4 version could be upgraded for free, but in fact Sony wanted money for it and he had to make it clear. When it comes to money and profit, Sony generally has no sympathy. It has always been like that.

So if some Steam users are now causing Sony to make less sales and ports like Ghost of Tsushima have to suffer as a result, I find it hard to imagine that they will accept it. That can lead to a bad image, which shareholders don't find funny, and in the worst case scenario it can also affect the company's own already bad-tempered community. The hardcore PS fans are already pissed that there are PC ports at all, that PC gamers have advantages like free online gaming and that nobody knows what Sony will be releasing in the next two years. The classic Playstation fan hopes that after the Jim Ryan era, Sony will throw the whole PC port plan in the trash, sell Bungie, bury all service games and concentrate on a wide selection of different games with normal multiplayer. Playstation gamers are pretty annoyed at the moment by the diva behavior of PC gamers and the renewed negative press. Sony will also feel this if something positive doesn't happen soon, like announcing a showcase or something similar.


27 Jun 2023
There's also the chance Valve return to a Steam Machines concept but with wider volume of production, mirroring closer what they do with the Steam Deck and perhaps even willing to take a hit (subsidize) on the hardware to push install base. Lest SIE bring some big innovations to the PS user experience that type of situation would really screw them, but it's a lot less likely than the Nintendo example I just mentioned. Also can't really discount Xbox; they may get away from the traditional console model, but what's to say a $399 (as an example) next-gen Xbox just somewhat weaker than a PS6, but with PC-like open functionality (including multiple storefronts like Steam and GOG) and "good enough" baseline performance for AAA games, could be a better challenger to PlayStation than the current systems are.

And the last one would be very bad for PlayStation IMO if they continued with their PC strategy as-is or accelerated the porting schedules. Because in that case they lose one of their greatest assets to drive console adoption among hardcore and core enthusiasts (exclusives) either way.
Steam already has there steam machine (console) it’s called the Steamdeck. Non of these gaming companies that create hardware will go back to a traditional box console when you have hybrids that does the same thing traditional box console can do while also allowing you to play on the go. Nintendo will never go to a traditional box high power console when hybrids like Switch does 2 thing in 1 instead of solely 1 thing.
I thought of the points you made regarding another competitor and Nintendo too. I won't completely rule out a new console-maker but have doubts about it actually happening. At this point, a newcomer going up against the well-established Sony or Nintendo just seems unlikely. As for Nintendo, again I won't completely rule out that the Switch 2 will run more robust games, but that doesn't seem to be Nintendo's focus (power) and hasn't been for a long time. Changing that strategy to once again attempt to compete head-to-head with Sony seems unlikely. Especially since they have found what works for them and achieved outstanding success with it.
Nintendo doesn’t needs power to compete with PS. Nintendo consoles are outselling PS consoles. Power isn’t key to success nor you need to be to in similar power to be “direct competitor” idk why people think Nintendo aren’t competitor or the leader when they are. Switch 2 will be around the power of a PS4 less power then PS5 & outsell PS5. Switch 2 will support more 3rd party in general but more day n date releases making the Nintendo platform just that better & similar to PS you can say Nintendo platform is better since they have exclusive & PS doesn’t anymore

There won’t be a new platform maker unless you count the new hybrid handheld that will pop up when Switch 2 continues to show success. But there’s other platform outside Xbox, PS & Nintendo you have Steam, Meta & Apple who have there own gaming platform. For instance Apple is getting AAA games with there new phone in 10 years I wouldn’t be surprised if you see AAA games release simultaneously across PS, Nintendo, PC & Mobile (IPhone) for AAA games at the very least games like P6 & more smaller scope or artistic style games that have slower gameplay to release on Mobile decide such as IPhone so very much these platforms are competitors weather people want to count them or not. There all fighting the be the best platform to play/invest your time when playing games & they all have exclusive atleast for IPhone, Nintendo & Steam (Xbox & PS don’t have exclusive). Even Netflix could be a competitor by acting as a platform without the hardware to access games in the future
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21 Jun 2022

CuckStation bent the knee to the Steam swine. Get those hoses ready...we're gonna need 'em.

They're postponing it, that's all.

Those who were throwing a tantrum will claim it's a victory, but in a couple months they will roll it back out with a solution for those unsupported countries.


8 May 2023
The Galactus of gaming can't be argued with. These are not the comfy confines of your walled garden. C'mon Sony don't be scared. Up your game and reap the rewards. From Software did it, so can you.

4 the PC players