Incoming announcement on Xbox titles future exclusivity and publishing

27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I'm guessing leaving the console market is what they're getting ready to announce. And if/when Microsoft announces that, expect the following reaction:

I remember when Lulu Cheng tweeted this meme about playstation, now she's taken that fat payout & abandoned all the simps & Sarah bond has been set up to take the fall so both the women they were simping for have crushed them 🤣
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I’ve mentioned on this very forum that MCC on PlayStation (and even switch) is the next best thing to salvage the Halo brand. I don’t buy Microsoft products anymore but I do want my Bungie games all in one place.

They could plan a wider release for Infinite but the way they’re moving onto the next project I dunno. If they stayed the course sure but I don’t think they are sticking with infinite long term anymore.
Yeah I'd get MCC & a gears collection on playstation... On sale though since I already own the gears & halo games lol


9 Dec 2022
I don't want Xbox to go away. I'm not a Nintendo guy at all so to potentially only have PlayStation would be boring as fuck for me. My best generation was PlayStation/Saturn/Nintendo 64/3DO. I loved all the different console brands and what they each offered.

The worse part is that they just acquired ABK and you would think that any company would give it the rest of this generation and next generation to see how it all plays out.

Sadly, I agree. In my mind, it just doesn't make any sense because when you look at what Microsoft has done since June 2018 by announcing 4 studio acquisitions and the founding of The Initiative, it's been less than 6 years and less than 3 years since the Bethesda acquisition became official. I just don't understand their mentality behind putting their first party games elsewhere outside of Minecraft and COD. And even with COD, if it was me, I never would have offered it to Sony or Nintendo. PC and Nvidia and all that is fine because I personally don't view that platform the same as I do consoles. I would have forced regulators to require me giving COD to Sony and/or Nintendo which I don't believe that they would have because they all seemed more much interested in Cloud and the larger scope around that than consoles which will always have a ceiling and never truly grow because it's the same fans just buying the new version of what they already owned.

Worse of all is that Microsoft's messaging since Xbox One reveal has been abysmal. I don't see how they could possibly have messaging that makes sense to any Xbox fan/fanboy/loyalist/extremist. What would be hilarious even though it wouldn't happen because it's basically free money for Sony would be if Sony rejected all other games and said, no, we actually want you to compete instead of giving us everything. lmao. This won't happen but if it was up to me, I would reject Microsoft's games. I wouldn't license them outside of Minecraft and COD.

Reason being is because I would want them to compete and my mentality as someone who's competitive, I would want to see what they can go. I would be like, come on, you're a $3T dollar company, at least make it interesting from a competitive standpoint. But sadly, Microsoft has never had a clue when it comes to console gaming and the Xbox brand.

You do realize that im the same Peter that was here last June right? I already own a PlayStation 5 and have done so since February 14th, 2021. I will be playing Rebirth, Ronin and Blade at or very close to launch. :)
Give them the rest of this generation to do what? Abk pipeline is dry! They just dropped Diablo and another won’t come till next gen, activision only has more cod, maybe a sypro game and crash team rumble will probably get shut down any day now. The survival game has been shut down after 6 yrs of development and if they continued on the projected release date was 4yrs away. What exactly does abk have to offer gamers on console the rest of this generation? More cod? And a couple of platformers? U think they can turn Xbox around with that? Cod a line ain’t going to do S because it’s still on ps and it’s even coming to Nintendo now in some form. They ran the numbers and they know it’s start porting games to other platforms or risk being in an even worse situation in 4yrs, extremely high operating and production cost, stagnant console and gamepass and cod and king profits being used to prop up the entire Xbox brand. Putting games on other platforms will help but a lot of gamers aren’t interested in the garbage Xbox puts out. Best if they just leave gaming their hearts just isn’t in it.


9 Dec 2022
For Xbox fuck ups they can blame only themselves to allow to be brainwashed
Yep they kept supporting Phil’s bullsht for years and not calling him out. Remember when he was pushing the single players games are dead narrative. Remember when he launch the one X with no games. Remember when he launch the series consoles with no games. 99% of hardcore Xbox fans cheered him on. Phil Spencer Phil Spencer Phil Spencer 😭! I do not feel sorry for the Xbox community their console is dying and fading into irrelevance and its its one of the best things to happen in gaming in recent yrs.
24 Jun 2022
Nick is good though lol

He doesn't play Xbox games. He's actually ironically more connected to Sony stuff.

Even then, the only games he plays is Fornite and Rocket League.

Am surprised he hasn't shifted his podcast and brand a while ago.

Lol no he's not. He's an Xbox diehard who takes punches at PlayStation on the regular, even when it's absolutely 100% MS's fault like when they announced the delays for RedFall and Starfield. He's basically a somewhat less unhinged Colteastwood, but it depends on where he's at or where he's posting as his fanboyism for Xbox has levels to it depending on that context. Whereas someone like Colt, is in the full-tilt console war mind-state at virtually all times.

So with someone like Nick it's closer to maybe 50% - 60% if a Colt is like 90%, but the severity of their Xbox console warring fanboyism when at peak is extremely similar. Also most of his PS stuff is either fake or comes from other sources, like the recent SOP rumor that wasn't even his.
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12 Jan 2024
Give them the rest of this generation to do what? Abk pipeline is dry! They just dropped Diablo and another won’t come till next gen, activision only has more cod, maybe a sypro game and crash team rumble will probably get shut down any day now. The survival game has been shut down after 6 yrs of development and if they continued on the projected release date was 4yrs away. What exactly does abk have to offer gamers on console the rest of this generation? More cod? And a couple of platformers? U think they can turn Xbox around with that? Cod a line ain’t going to do S because it’s still on ps and it’s even coming to Nintendo now in some form. They ran the numbers and they know it’s start porting games to other platforms or risk being in an even worse situation in 4yrs, extremely high operating and production cost, stagnant console and gamepass and cod and king profits being used to prop up the entire Xbox brand. Putting games on other platforms will help but a lot of gamers aren’t interested in the garbage Xbox puts out. Best if they just leave gaming their hearts just isn’t in it.

I don't just mean ABK, I mean Bethesda, all the studios that they've acquired since June 2018. Less than 6 years overall, less than 6 months after acquiring ABK and 3 years after acquiring Bethesda, why would anyone give up without giving everything a full generation to see what they can do?

This generation in my mind should be a "reset". Acquire studios, make deals, get your shit in order and setup for next generation. Go into next generation Xbox console in September 2027 with the next Halo game, World of Warcraft, Killer Instinct 2 and then in November 2027, COD and Marvel's Blade. Fall 2028, Gears 7 and The Elder Scrolls VI. Other first party games throughout 2028. A year head start over PlayStation 6. Microsoft has done it before with Xbox 360. They can succeed again. It's not that difficult but they need to be committed to taking a short term loss for long term gain.

Eliminate online multi-player paywall, make Game Pass better with other stuff and simply have games and services and content that people want to play. But you can't find out if it works if they don't give it a chance to let it all play out.

The last part where you say that Microsoft should leave gaming if their hearts aren't into it, I agree 100%. I would prefer Microsoft to come out and announce that this current generation of consoles would be their last and they're going in the direction of what Sega did back in the day. I would respect that. This 50/50 horrible messaging not knowing what they want to do say one thing, do another or have several different people all with different messaging is something that is fucking amateurish and shows me that they don't have a clue.

As someone who's primary gaming console this generation is an Xbox Series X, Microsoft does this and I'll be going back to PlayStation as my primary gaming console when next generation starts. Have to see how it all plays out but in my mind, Microsoft does this, it tells me that they've given up and I don't want to support a company and brand that has given up despite acquiring the biggest publisher in ABK, several studios over the years and Bethesda. Like, what? Who does that? Makes no sense. But whatever, at this point, I just wish Microsoft would say what they're going to be doing sooner rather than later so I know what im doing in the future.