Incoming announcement on Xbox titles future exclusivity and publishing

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Sony doesn’t have the same market forces making them turn every single game they publish into some yearly release churn of an IP franchise. They can do the longer development cycles. They can release a gsme without a battle pass.
What does this even mean other than trying to move the goalpost? Was Microsoft ever forced to do this? No, they weren't, they simply couldn't release quality games. Was Microsoft ever forced to be a loss leader for 20 years? No, they weren't. Hell, were they even forced to spend over 80B in publisher acquisitions? Also no.

The only value destructive loss leader has been Microsoft for over two decades.


25 Mar 2023
To all Xbox fans:

You Lose Get Out GIF


8 Jan 2023

Look at this shit😭😭😭😭

It's interesting that if you quickly glance through this text, you'll notice that most of the complaints that Xbox fans have on this platform are the same things that we've been pointing out about Xbox for years. However, they used to deny these issues and now, after years of being insincere, they want to acknowledge them. But instead of speaking up about the problems they had with Xbox, they criticized it. And now, they're crying while trying to make others feel bad about their self-inflicted wounds.

One guy said on the space that he bought 5 Elite controllers this generation but refused to buy any games, just subscribed to game pass instead but failed to understand why this is happening.
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Icon Extra
22 Jan 2023
I understand that MS will not need PR firms to distribute money and talking points to their online minions like Dustin, Ryan, Parris, etc accurate?


Active member
30 Jan 2024
Lol "established leaker"

They realize that throwing such an asset into a subscription is not a cost-effective move at all.

Many business analysts have said this, but the fans believed in a "free" COD with a storyline every year.

In my opinion, COD would only work as part of a subscription if the XBOX 360 policy was returned, with AAA systemseller games released ONLY on XBOX. They would get less money for COD, but it would sell hardware.
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25 Mar 2023
They realize that throwing such an asset into a subscription is not a cost-effective move at all.

Many business analysts have said this, but the fans believed in a "free" COD with a storyline every year.

In my opinion, COD would only work as part of a subscription if the XBOX 360 policy was returned, with AAA systemseller games released ONLY on XBOX. They would get less money for COD, but it would sell hardware.
Satya Nadella probably had a look at how much money CoD was making as is and compared that to all the losses Xbox makes and asked wtf was going on.

You are extremely naive if you think CoD would sell Xbox hardware if it was exclusive, CoD would just die, just like Halo did.


26 Jun 2022
Just as Xbox was about to turn the corner and finally reap the fruits of their years of investments and acquisitions to right the wrongs of the Mattrick era. Looking forward to the postmortem deep dive on this because it feels like some new decision makers have come in and decided to just lay waste to what this Xbox division has spent over half of a decade building. I definitely agree with the people thinking this was a Blackrock call because it's a very Blackrock thing to do and I mean that in the worst way.
Nope, in this case BlackRock is doing what's right.