Indiana Jones was supposed to be on PS5 but deal with Disney was changed post acquisition by Microsoft.


10 Mar 2023
Game ain't gonna be nothing special anyways. Sony needs to hurry up and get the X-Men Universe IP exclusively.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷

Do people actually expect that MS is going to come out with the truth about their intentions? "Hey we want to buttfuck Sony and the console market and while doing so set ourselves up nicely for the leading cloud gaming service, while also taking a dump on Apple/Google in the mobile space, and buttfucking Amazon as well on the cloud space". "Please let us pass this deal because we must do this - we're M$"

No they're not going to say that. They'll lie, and they'll hire professional liars to lie (Lawyers, Phil, MS employees, media shills, "grassroot" shills etc...).

Up to the judge to decide but anyone that's not a 2 year old midget with the brain the size of a nut understands this well, specially an individual like a judge (well educated). The game continues to be, can they get away with the lies by corrupting the process, deceiving etc, despite everyone with a brain understanding and knowing what's going on. The whole pitch is built on a mountain of lies. One more to the pot is not gonna make or break. The sole act of Starfield going exclusive was the only lie you needed.
They need too because they want the deal to going through...
Lies will be used against them.

Imagine the EU comission guys looking what the concessions that MS made to them after they realized it was all lies :D


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
The truth does not allow the deal to pass. The natural course of action is then for MS to lie. There are more than $70 Billion worth of reasons to lie.

The parties in opposition to the deal figuring out said lies, and obtaining proof of said lies is built into the equation of the decision made by MS to lie. Once MS made the decision to acquire ABK, it doesn't hurt them to lie. The alternative is to not have made the decision to acquire ABK because it's a non-starter without lies. Or to not lie, and see their deal blocked outright and lose $3 Billion (+ opportunity cost). By lying MS gives itself a fighting chance. That's the game and it will play out.

The EU commission is neither naive nor stupid. They allowed it to pass knowing full well the lies and the operation to deceive. Any working brain should slap himself for being dumb to even entertain the idea that those individuals at the EU commission are too stupid to not see it, figure it out, or that somehow they're helpless and without the means to expose said lies. These are well educated individuals with plenty of experience. What I see in the commentariat is the fight inside your regular Joe's brain..... coming to grips with the sad reality of the game itself..... so much so that caricatures are invented as props to justify a reality where "things make sense because".

That commission allowed the Bethesda deal to pass, and knew Starfield was made exclusive anyway despite assurances to the contrary in the Bethesda process stating otherwise. There are many other points as well with which to crucify this deal that was available to the EU commission. That commission allowed the concessions because that's what the lies were worth to those individuals, period. Not because they didn't knew of said lies, or couldn't see beyond said lies. Again no one here is stupid..... otherwise gamers like some here would be at those positions - hint most don't quality on IQ alone. It's a game, a complex one, where corruption thrives. Clearly to the EU commision (nice uplifting title), this deal wasn't $erious enough. If the $ sign wasn't a hint, it's double speak.
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12 Jun 2023
It's less annoying about the exclusively ( which was obvious a mile away), and more the whole " exclusives are bad" and " we all win when we all play" bullshit they peddled up until they had no choice but to come clean.
Xbox never said exclusives are bad and the “when everybody plays, we all win” line is from their Adaptive Controller promotion.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
“gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games

Folks can try to claim the proper interpretation of the bolded has nothing to do with exclusives and gaslight to death but again just like you're free to interpret it your way, your truth, your own asshole so to speak, so are others. Specially when dealing with a BSer like Spencer and the million other contextual reasons that back the proper version of interpretation. Little narrative was short lived for that fucker as usual... just enough to con a few idiots and have Sony on the backfoot like the idiots the current leadership is. Naturally, when you release a console with 0 exclusives of worth.... you need to lay a narrative ahead of time to avoid a DOA console. Covid and PS5 shortages no longer helping... the results are naturally as they should be.

It's what it's.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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12 Jun 2023
“gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games

Folks can try to claim the proper interpretation of the bolded has nothing to do with exclusives and gaslight to death but again just like you're free to interpret it your way, your truth, your own asshole so to speak, so are others. Specially when dealing with a BSer like Spencer and the million other contextual reasons that back the proper version of interpretation. Little narrative was short lived for that fucker as usual... just enough to con a few idiots and have Sony on the backfoot like the idiots the current leadership is. Naturally, when you release a console with 0 exclusives of worth.... you need to lay a narrative ahead of time to avoid a DOA console. Covid and PS5 shortages no longer helping... the results are naturally as they should be.

It's what it's.
If you’re following gaming at the time your would’ve remembered this was a follow up to PS 2020 showcase about “we believe in generations”. The whole damn original article with this interview is about it. Like Sony forcing their player based to move on to PS5 since at the time games like HFW, Miles Morales, GOW, GT7 were thought to be nxt gen only. Whereas Xbox stated they wouldn’t make Series X only games until 2 years in.


26 Jun 2022
Xbox never said exclusives are bad and the “when everybody plays, we all win” line is from their Adaptive Controller promotion.
Stop gaslighting and go listen to your master Philness. You'll see, he is so smooth, he said he is not in the business of blocking games from other consoles... repeated talking points to that effect a million times.
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
:ROFLMAO:the Xbox console is going to be the best way to play console games. Xbox Series X is the most powerful console out there:ROFLMAO:

Comedy gold.

If you’re following gaming at the time your would’ve remembered this was a follow up to PS 2020 showcase about “we believe in generations”. The whole damn original article with this interview is about it. Like Sony forcing their player based to move on to PS5 since at the time games like HFW, Miles Morales, GOW, GT7 were thought to be nxt gen only. Whereas Xbox stated they wouldn’t make Series X only games until 2 years in.

What sort of gymnastics are these? Good for Gaf/Reset era maybe. Mod protection around the clock.

Even if the starting reference was about exclusive titles not being cross-gen right out the gate it's still about exclusivity where the new platform loses exclusivity for new games to the old platform (that by tradition often gets discarded to force quick adoption of the new platform). Even if the reference was about Xbox games going to PC it's still referring to platform exclusivity aka exclusive Xbox titles losing exclusivity to PC. And if it was a reference to the competition, can't be any more clear cut.

Exhibit A: Series S/X exclusives lose exclusivity to Xbox One. Cross-gen policy - a change from console tradition.
Exhibit B: Series S/X exclusives lose exclusivity to PC. Cross-ecosystem/platform policy - also a change from console tradition.

The only conundrum is to say the games were never meant to be exclusives at their inception. That's a twist in itself to sugar coat a Phil Spencer decision to break with long established traditions in the console industry when releasing new consoles ........ for the sake of profit and propping up Windows PC Gaming. Those games lost that new platform exclusivity the day Philly boy decided it was so. The flip and opposite decision would have been to stick with tradition and have those games be exclusive to the new platform. It all revolves around exclusion - which is the basis of exclusivity, and it excludes the competition cause even Santa Claus has his limits on his generosity... obviously.

There is no spin that can change this. None. Only bullshit lies about some alternative "valid" interpretation cause some online idiots decide not to bend the knee for the sake of shielding a corp and a suit they have a fanatical affiliation with. Then there are idiots whose motive is simply idiocy (ignorance and low IQ), can never forget those.

This was obviously done btw, in a such a way as to shield the platform from criticism of blurring the lines with PC releases and doing cross-gen releases to milk the previous gen a little longer cause Year 1 exclusives of the old tradition (non cross-gen) are by and large loss leader investments. All about money always.

That whole interview was perfect comedy gold if it weren't so tragic the amount of BS that comes out the mouth of that snake-oil salesman. Just so happens that when by Year 3 it no longer becomes economically/competitively feasible to continue supporting cross-gen, the plug is pulled on future titles. Arbitrary judgement by suits when to do cross-gen and when to stop it - obviously when most beneficial to their pockets and competitive position.... not the feelings and wellbeing of someone still happy with their Xbox One (but but be "reasonable" 🖕).
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Btw new shill is right that the exclusive comment quoted above is in regard to no exclusives within the Xbox ecosystem.

Here's Phil Spencer in his own words on exclusives across ecosystems:
Spencer, who has pledged to make Call of Duty available for the rival Sony PlayStation at least for some period of time, said the idea of games made exclusively for one device “is something we’re just going to see less and less of.”

He then goes on to talk about cross-play.

You can technically contort his words all you want (Xbox games aren't actually made for one device after all), but the reality is he is not working towards the future he's advocating for, having made a number of previously multiplatform games exclusive to the Xbox ecosystem after acquiring the dev or publisher. You could say he's undermining it, like some sort of saboteur, or bald-faced liar.