Is anybody else disappointed that no new titles have been announced by ND, Bend, Sucker Punch, BluePoint in at least 3-4 years now?


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30 Jun 2022
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16 Jun 2023
No it wasn't, and you keep persisting on this lie. They worked on GoW Ragnarok, but they were and are working on something else concurrently. Else this doesn't make sense.

It's pretty clear what the other three "Christmas presents" are.
Exactly. It was already confirmed that Bluepoint is working on their own thing.


8 Jan 2023
Yes, it was confirmed to be a new game: God of War Ragnarok, where they had a support role.

Before creating/joining Bluepoint, their top/lead/senior staff worked on new games as Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Metroid Prime 3, Donkey Kong Returns, Mario Kart 7, Diablo II or World of Warcraft to name a few of them. Some other ones came from Insonmiac or Naughty Dog.

They did many awesome remakes and remasters as Bluepoint, like Demon's Souls, SotC, Ico+SotC/GoW/Uncharted/MGS collections or Gravity Rush.

But right now don't have a game design team big enough to be the lead team on a new AAA game, so they'll continue in the support role they had in God of War Ragnarok (or in the past in Titanfall).

They are a very valuable asset for Sony, a great acquisition that is very talented, experienced, flexible and is familiar with having worked with many of their popular IPs.

They can help teams like SSM, ND, Bend, Sucker Punch to release their games faster keeping top tier quality, getting more familiar with their IPs to maybe if needed in the future being Bluepoint who leads some sequels of these IPs.

During PS1 days they had multiple internal development studios as:
  • Psygnosis, later known as Liverpool Studio
  • SCE Studio Cambridge (the Medievil guys), later known as Guerrilla Cambridge
  • Japan Studio
  • Polyphony (who branched out from Japan Studio due to GT success)
  • Sony Interactive Studios America (later known as 989 Studios, later 989 Sports and finally was merged with the acquired Red Zone Interactive to become the current Sony San Diego Studio)
  • Sony Santa Monica (but their first game was for PS2)
  • Bend was created there, when in 2000 acquired and renamed Eidetic
  • Incognito was acquired in 2002
PS1 got discontinued in 2006. Some other studios were acquired or founded before 2006 but never published a PS1 game as a Sony studio.
Ragnarok isn't the new content they were talking about.



27 Jun 2023
Is it too much to ask for an update from these studios? An image or trailer?

Don't understand what you want. ND and SP released new titles in mid-2020. GoT got a multiplayer mode, a proper DLC and a PS5 version within a year. The studio is rather small compared to ND, Firesprite or GG.

Since the launch of LoU2, ND has released a remaster for Uncharted 4/LL, LoU1 Remake and soon LoU2 Remaster including new content. In addition, the studio was reorganized due to crunch problems and the studio's current creative head is involved in the TV series.

Bluepoint released a remake in 2018 and 2020 and helped Santa Monica with GoW Ragnarok. The size of the studio is rather small with, afaik, under 200 employees. Imo, they're working on a GoW standalone with Atreus or on the new Uncharted part, which Sony hinted at in a marketing trailer, with Nathan Drake's daughter.

Bend would be the only studio mentioned where I expect an announcement soon. However, they have also reorganized themselves and are working with UE5. But Bend was never a studio that released a major title every 5 years.

Insomniac is an exceptional case imo. 3 out of 4 titles in recent years use the same city as an open world, which of course saves some development. Even before Corona, Insomniac worked decentrally in 2 studios or from home, so they didn't have the same problems as ND, who only knew how to work centrally in the studio. I think many of the other big studios are currently learning from Ted Price and Insomniac how to not only organize multiple projects but also develop them without going to the studio every day.

So let's assume Corona has set some studios back 1-2 years in development and engines have to be further adapted for hardware, it's not surprising why some are taking their time. Sony doesn't have to put any pressure on it at the moment. PS5 clearly dominates with only one AAA title this year. By the end of March there will be some (time-exclusive) blockbusters like FF7 Rebirth, smaller exclusives like Helldivers 2 and Rise of the Ronin or multiplatform titles like Granblue Fantasy Relink, Tekken 8 or Dragons Dogma 2, which will certainly sell very well on PS5.

The competition hasn't really put Sony under any pressure. Xbox is hardly an issue and Ninzendo won't come with new hardware until 2024. Then Sony has to put pressure on Nintendo with new game announcements, and then the PS5 Pro should also come.

So with all the context, I'm not disappointed. But it would be December 2024 if Sony doesn't make new announcements by then.


25 Mar 2023
By this point last get we had Uncharted 4 already released, TLoU Part 2 and Uncharted Lost Legacy already announced. All we got from ND this gen were remasters, a remake (very questionable as far as being needed) and a canceled game that they never even managed to properly show.

It's in fact very disappointing because the PS4 did all that following the PS3 so there was no reason for Sony to not make sure to at least keep the same pace with all the momentum gained by the PS4.

Other studios seems to be following the same trend with the exception of Insomniac.

I also have the impression (haven't really looked it up and compared side by side) that we are also missing games announcements for this gen to make up for games like Bloodborne, Until Dawn and Detroit that we used to get.

The one huge thing the PS5 has over the PS4 so far are the crossgen titles that the PS4 didn't have the luxury to have.
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20 Jun 2022
If Bluepoint, Suckerpunch and Bend dont show off what they are working on next year , then its time to worry sbout wtf they are doing


25 Mar 2023
If Bluepoint, Suckerpunch and Bend dont show off what they are working on next year , then its time to worry sbout wtf they are doing
If the PS5 Pro is revealed without a bunch of huge game announcements I don't think there will be room for any doubt that things did not go well/smoothly for Sony over the internal game development front in the last few years.

To me the high quality and productivity of their internal studios had been the biggest draw to PlayStation since the PS3. I guess they were bound to run into the same problems other publishers had run into many years ago (usually when moving away from their known strengths to try an capture a bigger/different market).
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21 Jun 2022
Calling MLB and GT GaaS is also a stretch since iterative IPs and genre don’t really have to change a thing to make the change. I would argue it’s mostly semantics.
They are what they are: live services games (GaaS). There are many game types, genres or business models inside GaaS. In this case MLB is a sports one, like FIFA or NBA2K. And GT a racing one, like Forza Motorsport.

GaaS don't need to be a shooter: PS Home, Little Big Planet, Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 11 or Candy Crush are also GaaS.

Games as a service are those with a recurring monetization system that goes beyond the initial purchase: mostly microtransactions or dlcs, with in many cases post periodical post-launch content, which often at least part of it is paid.

I do believe ND’s attempt at a larger online game was their own choice. The scope of their game would just cost too much to make in manpower and dollars. Not convinced it was part of some edict from the top to force them to. To me this says Nd’s management believed they too could cash in on live service as well.

Bend shut down a days gone sequel. I do agree with this choice.
According to the Days Gone directors, both wanted Bend to make DG2 just after DG1 but their studio boss inside Bend didn't want and blocked the Days Gone 2 pitch from being sent to the PS Studios editorial team, who never received it.

So the sequel never entered production. The PS Studios editorial team greenlighted the first pitch Bend sent them after Days Gone: the new IP they are working on.

TLOU itself has too much of a genre overlap and cannibalizes their own company’s sales. I say this as someone impressed and a bigger fan of bend than ND. Their gunplay won me over big in Days Gone. From what we know they’re not working on an online game. If they were tho? I’d give it a shot.
Apparently one of these ideas they didn't have time to include in the game and left for a DG sequel was multiplayer with coop elements, I assume bike gangs. According to Bend their new open world IP is built on top of their base DG tech and main mechanics, so who knows if will include something like this.

The original statement which claimed Sony expected most of the live service games to fail was profound to me. It seems they understood the risk but not the financial one? Or at least underestimate how big of a resource dump it would be to keep a destiny or Genshin sized game going (PvP only games are way cheaper to make and maintain)
What Sony said/meant was that they didn't expect all their live services to be a huge hit (meaning, the next Forntnite/CoD), and that their GaaS were going to have different sizes and genres, with some of them covering smaller niches (as is the case of Firewall Ultra or Helldivers 2).

And well, as usual in gamedev -not only in GaaS- some projects don't make it and end failing in sales not meeting expectations, or getting delayed or cancelled.

When big companies or investors invest in something quite often they don't only bet on a single card: they bet on like a dozen or two two dozen promising products hoping most of them will perform well, a few will fail and one or two would become a huge hit, more than covering the loses other of these projects could have generated.

If Bluepoint, Suckerpunch and Bend dont show off what they are working on next year , then its time to worry sbout wtf they are doing
Bluepoint already shown last year where they were working: God of War Ragnarok.

Bend started the production of their current new IP in 2021, so easily won't be out until at least maybe 2026. So it's likely they won't show this game until late 2024 or 2025, even if they may announce or tease it before.

Sucker Punch released GoT in mid 2020 and did Legends, Ikki Island DLC and PS5 version until mid 2021. So we may see GoT2 before than the next Bend game if they started to work on it just after the GoT1 original release.

Big AAA nowadays take around 6-8 years, in a few cases 5 or 9. And Sony normally show them under a couple years before release.
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21 Jun 2022
They won’t be. The only 1st party studios working on GAAS are Guerilla, Haven, Firewalk, Sony London, Insomniac with the rumored Spider Verse game, and possibly Firespirte with the rumored Twisted Metal.
It's worth mentioning Guerrilla and Insomniac do so while also working on non-GaaS. And as I remember Insomniac isn't confirmed to be working on a GaaS. As I remember we only know that they have an upcoming game that features MP.


21 Jun 2022
Exactly. It was already confirmed that Bluepoint is working on their own thing.
Ragnarok isn't the new content they were talking about.

God of War Ragnarok was confirmed to be their next 'original content' or 'original game' project after Demon's Souls by an official GoWR announcement from SSM, the GoWR game credits featuring basically everyone at Bluepoint, and many Bluepoint personal Linkedin mentioning they went to work on it after they completed their job in Demon's Souls.


We saw in many LinkedIn accounts that after Demon's Souls the whole Bluepoint team worked on GoWR until basically its release. Basically no devs free to work in another game.

And during GoWR, their game design team was only a couple persons, not enough to lead their own AAA game as their next project. Which leads to think they'll be a support team again in their next project after GoWR.

The question isn't in which game have they been working since Demon's Souls, it's where they have been working since GoWR.

Edit: I just went to check out the Valhalla DLC credits. Valkyrie, PS Creative Arts (Sound, Creative, Operations and Visual Arts teams) are credited there. But Bluepoint isn't. Meaning Bluepoint didn't work on Valhalla, so moved somewhere else after GoWR release.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I don't mind waiting if we get a mega show out of it next year or even the beginning of 2025 but I'd like it to be made clear that they are going to do a big show.. possibly a live one, like PSX.

I'd like a roadmap and to get a general idea of how far they are out.

It really has been a long time now and I get the feeling the GAAS push was given priority over single player games that these studios were really geared towards making.


9 Dec 2022
- u/Ajxtt/

Why does it Seem like Insomniac is the only one actually releasing games efficiently?

Is it too much to ask for an update from these studios? An image or trailer?

The fact that it's been 3, 4, going on 5 years and these studios has shown nothing IS concerning. Insomniac has been carrying the PS5. What on earth has Sucker Punch been doing since Ghost of Tsushima? What HAS bluepoint been doing since demon souls??? Bend??? These are valid questions, especially considering that Insomniac has shipped 3 titles in the same span of time.
U mean revealed! Because ND have announced they are working on at least 1 new ip, Bend has said they are working on a new ip, London studio has announced their new ip, firewalk has announced their new ip, Firesprite new horror ip is in development based on job listings and leaked documents and a mp shooter new ip, Santa Monica is working on a new ip based on studio statements and job listings, savage games is working on a new ip based on studio statements. Herman, Jim and other PS execs have said almost have the games in development are new ip. We don’t need to know everything one of the reasons studios don’t like revealing things early is because things don’t always workout just like with factions.

Just like the start of the 8th gen at the start of the 9th a lot of studios revealed a lot of stuff that will never seen a lot of day. With the COVID bump over investment in gaming contracting lots of projects are dying and risk aversion has increased in pursuit of more franchise games, sequels snd license games. Just sit back and chill and let these ppl work. Know about a games isn’t going to make it come any sooner it only leads to disappointment when it never comes.


8 Jan 2023
Yes, Ragnarok has been confirmed to be their next project after Demon's Souls by an official GoWR announcement from SSM, the GoWR game credits featuring basically everyone at Bluepoint, and many Bluepoint personal Linkedin mentioning they went to work on it after they completed their job in Demon's Souls.


We saw in many LinkedIn accounts that after Demon's Souls the whole Bluepoint team worked on GoWR until basically its release. Basically no devs free to work in another game.

And during GoWR, their game design team was only a couple persons, not enough to lead their own AAA game as their next project. Which leads to think they'll be a support team again in their next project after GoWR.

The question isn't in which game have they been working since Demon's Souls, it's where they have been working since GoWR.

You seem to not understand my point. Ragnarok is not the new content they were talking about as their tease already mentioned that game. the unopened present is them hinting at the project. Not sure why you're so keen on believing them being a strictly boring support studio, lol.
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29 Jun 2023
I don't mind waiting if we get a mega show out of it next year or even the beginning of 2025 but I'd like it to be made clear that they are going to do a big show.. possibly a live one, like PSX.

I'd like a roadmap and to get a general idea of how far they are out.

It really has been a long time now and I get the feeling the GAAS push was given priority over single player games that these studios were really geared towards making.
I think it is better they annouces game closer to release, 1-2 years than well annouces 5 years for hype bs.

Also we will get there. Some people just don't have patience. I'd rather get great games that released every 4-5 years than mediocre garbage subcription fodder like green team doing.
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29 Jul 2023
Yes, I'm disappointed. Content draught made me finally take the plunge and build a big, beefy gaming PC and honestly my PS5's taken quite a backseat since. I used it mainly as a Final Fantasy XIV machine before, and I've migrated XIV entirely to my PC so it doesn't even do that.

Occasionally I'll play my JRPGs from PS4 on it since I'm still slowly making my way through the big backlog of them that I have (still missing 2 Trails games until I'm officially up to date!), but even then, the only reasons I'm playing them on PS5 are that it's easier to stream them to my frands on Discord, and because I want to have them in box.

I respect all of their studios' work, but the only studio under Sony that is really breathtaking to me is Naughty Dog. Until and unless they release something new and exclusive to the platform I bought, I have to face the reality that I paid 500 bucks to play Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. I'm quite well off so that realization doesn't bother me financially, but I can't imagine a lot of people feel thrilled about that.

But I don't know if there really are a lot of people in my situation. I think players like myself, who became loyal to Sony over their weird, niche Japanese games from the PS2 and PS3 era, are either long gone or have graduated over to Spiderman or whatever. I definitely see the appeal of stuff like Spiderman, and Days Gone, and God of War, and whatever new Marvel thing they'll make after Wolverine, but unfortunately for me, it's stuff that I always try (if nothing else, just to have the experience), and I rarely tend to genuinely love.

EDIT: Except for Returnal. Returnal fucks, and I want more games like it.


22 Jul 2023
I'm more interested in Santa Monica's next game, rumors say it's an epic space adventure the game Starfield should've been


21 Jun 2022
Not sure why you're so keen on believing them being a strictly boring support studio, lol.
Because I believe in facts and accept the reality instead of believing in fantasies.

It's a fact that their whole gamedev team worked in GoWR as shown in the game credits, and the Bluepoint devs who detailed their linkedin shown they moved from Demon's Souls to GoWR to work there until around its release. So there's no secret project leaded by Bluepoint in the works since the end of the Demon's Souls remake, Bluepoint only worked in GoWR after Demon's Souls until its release.

The question is in which game are they going to support/codevelop after GoWR? Because when they shipped it barely had a handful game designers looking at the game credits and LinkedIn, and they can't make their own AAA game with such game design team.
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8 Jan 2023
Because I believe in facts and accept the reality instead of believing in fantasies.

It's a fact that their whole gamedev team worked in GoWR as shown in the game credits, and the Bluepoint devs who detailed their linkedin shown they moved from Demon's Souls to GoWR to work there until around its release. So there's no secret project leaded by Bluepoint in the works since the end of the Demon's Souls remake, Bluepoint only worked in GoWR after Demon's Souls until its release.

The question is in which game are they going to support/codevelop after GoWR? Because when they shipped it barely had a handful game designers looking at the game credits and LinkedIn, and they can't make their own AAA game with such game design team.
The only one routinely and foolishly wrong here is you. Incredibly ironic of you to accuse anyone else of being stuck in fantasy instead of admitting that you may be mistaken as well as constantly misrepresenting what others here are telling you.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
The only one routinely and foolishly wrong here is you. Incredibly ironic of you to accuse anyone else of being stuck in fantasy instead of admitting that you may be mistaken as well as constantly misrepresenting what others here are telling you.
Good god finally people are starting to realise it.
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