It looks like ExoPrimal could be Capcoms first big miss in a while!


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
DreamcastGuy is a POS and deserves nothing but contempt. Now then, that aside, onto his actual point. This thing was gonna suck no matter what title it had. Be glad it wasn't Dino Crisis because rebranding it as Dino Crisis wasn't going to help the game, it was just going to hurt DC.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Don't forget Pikmin 4 and Knack, they are exactly the same than Destiny, too. xDDD
None of those games share fundamental similarities in their structure and design so no. But those other two do. Literally copy and paste job of certain gameplay systems, principles and ideas in many aspects. The main non-commonalities is the theme: Vampire hunters/Superhero brawler.

You say you're into game dev - you should be able to spot it. Keyword: should. Obviously that requires knowledge of the games in question in the first place, most of all Destiny (2) itself.
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Well look at the gameplay systems for redfall gun drops (scaling, rarity etc), abilities and attributes for hero classes, and how they function in gameplay (constraints) as well as mission structure (co-op or otherwise). If you can't find similarities in the core design, well I can't help you much there. I'm not a glass merchant. They even copied coloring accents, with small tweaks. The visual aspect giveaway for beyond benefit of the doubt inspiration cues signal for those that can't see past a picture or decide to be contrarian for "reasons" - motive is always a bitch.'s_Guide_-_Basics_and_Features

Anthem is just one of many in a list. I'm sure if I played more GAAS I would find even more. There's one thing this industry does well and that is to steal someone's ideas, put a different coat of paint and incorporate it in their games. Nothing wrong in that - it's good to emulate the best. Naturally, majority won't hit the mark. Just like no matter how much Crystal Dynamics tried to emulate Uncharted it failed to get to Naughty Dog level - the rush by many industry wide to do set-pieces among other ND things (story structure, cutscene transition, character POV etc). Funny, with Avengers Crystal also tried to copy Bungie. Seems they can't get pass the copy game while under Square (past tense)- but they're not alone in this industry in this regard so no harm no foul.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Generic loot systems are common in every game from Ragnarok to Zelda with the color scheme going back to diablo. That’s the only similarity this game has to destiny.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
It's also a co-op looter shooter, with a quad, with a similar mission structure, build up, and Final confrontation with end mission payoff. Literally strikes in Destiny with some visual tweaks - core design principle being the same. It's not Diablo inspired that's for sure. Nice trivia tho...


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
It's also a co-op looter shooter, with a quad, with a similar mission structure, build up, and Final confrontation with end mission payoff (literally strikes in Destiny with some visual tweaks - core design principle being the same).

Not even a strikes. Strikes and other Destiny casual co-op modes are rolling set pieces and traditional linear stages. Exoprimal is singular arenas with horde respawns. It’s beyond cheap


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
We talking Redfall not Exoprimal. And my post about the Destiny copycats was an indirect response to Nhomnhom about co-op GAAS in general. Many coming out are Destiny inspired design copycats - theme range does not matter per say for the discussion.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
We talking Redfall not Exoprimal. And my post about the Destiny copycats was an indirect response to Nhomnhom about co-op GAAS in general. Many coming out are are Destiny inspired design copycats - theme ranging does not matter per say for the discussion.

Nhomnhom doesn’t play online games…

RPG build and loot systems are a hook that all games use now. Like I appreciated the Zelda spin on it but Zelda’s weapon system is still a loot system. Most online games will have them too. Good loot is not easy tho. There’s increased stats vs unique gameplay altering traits. Depends on the game….

You can look at a character screen in assassin’s creed and it’s nearly identical to destiny’s player screen. The influence in all games is kinda huge. But it’s not like destiny wasn’t influenced by Diablo or WoW.

Interestingly enough destiny has its own issue needing to move away from all of this. There’s only really one rarity you ever see and “number go up” arbitrary systems being dropped. It could also be an issue.

So the reality is chasing it isn’t wise either…
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Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
No game is meant to be infinite lasting but that's the goal of these GAAS games. The dopamine fix loop is really good in Destiny. Eventually as a dev you hit a creative wall on how to better improve it, or morpth it successfully by copying something from someone else to keep it fresh - it's not just the content aspect devs have to struggle with. Mind you Bungie has been successful, so has Epic with Fornite, and a few others but it's not an easy task and time has a way of dealing with things of this nature.

But yes once you play Destiny a lot you find those little issues as a player, as well as memorizing its gameplay systems - you literally become a non-paid QA tester. I should correct myself, I thought I had about 200-300 hrs ish per Destiny game, but only that is true for Destiny 1. For Destiny 2 I have I think like 1500+ hrs when I checked a while back... baby steps for true Destiny 2 diehards but it's an insane amount. Although not close to the time I've spent on Runescape for example. Glad I've dropped both games for a while now. Sheeshhh..

Nhomnhom not playing online games can be a blessing in disguise in a way (if that is indeed true of course). On the one hand there are good, addictive online games out there. On the other addiction and time consumption on a single online title is huge problem gamer wise and industry wise. Better to employ that time playing several titles as they release on the schedule and avoid backlogs (even if impossible). Gaming variety is good, even if you focus on some favorite genres - better than just one game.
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4 Jul 2022
Like the ubisoft raimbow 6 with aliens, they know these games will bomb so they take the money ms gives to them, also ms loves to think these kind of games give some "csche" to the service ( a sort of triple aaa game on gamepass "but its all a lie, publishers send these games to die because they know nobody wants them, they recap some loses with gamepass and sales on pc and playstation


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Like the ubisoft raimbow 6 with aliens, they know these games will bomb so they take the money ms gives to them, also ms loves to think these kind of games give some "csche" to the service ( a sort of triple aaa game on gamepass "but its all a lie, publishers send these games to die because they know nobody wants them, they recap some loses with gamepass and sales on pc and playstation

Which is somewhat backwards in a way since the game is the service itself so featuring it on the sub seems counterintuitive a bit. Especially for a launch. Which is starting to make an online game debuting on gamepass to be a death sentence for profits. Keep in mind Outriders was actually decent too..
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
The writing was on the wall for this the moment it was revealed they really should've learned from the live service multiplayer resident evil games that no one wants them we want great single player capcom games (co op is alright for some)


4 Jul 2022
They just want the Microsoft money, they know they wont sell shit on xbox anyway
Which is somewhat backwards in a way since the game is the service itself so featuring it on the sub seems counterintuitive a bit. Especially for a launch. Which is starting to make an online game debuting on gamepass to be a death sentence for profits. Keep in mind Outriders was actually decent too..


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
They just want the Microsoft money, they know they wont sell shit on xbox anyway

Got me thinking about how Resident Evil 8 and now SF6 sell comparatively way worse on Xbox vs PlayStation. I think it is indeed the gamepass effect on quality. Capcom knows this one is a dumpster fire and is taking the handout and this is what you get on gamepass from third parties more frequently.


28 Jun 2022
I hope so. They need to stick to great single player games. The moment a GaaS makes them money they are going to focus too much on it.
Which is crazy because the reason they were able to turn it around second half of PS3 and on was due to strong, quality, big budget, single player games albeit some with great mp aspects. That has and continues to make them alot of money and most importantly keep that mind share.