Khaliefa Adams is one of the biggest shills in gaming

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25 Mar 2023
Explain to me how the platinum trophy of MGS4 does not require any skill whatsoever.

I'm waiting.
Keep waiting, as if I was going to look into how MGS4 achievements specifically work. That is even a game I played till the end and don't remember any achievement since I probably never even looked at them.

The vast majority of the time achievements only require you to waste time doing boring checklist type stuff and even replaying the game multiple times.

You guys don't need my validation to keep wasting your time with mindless achievement hunting, waste your life in it for all I care, I deeply dislike it and already explained my reasons that are not the same reasons as those from the guy from Twitter.


8 May 2023
Yes, except in this case it's only measuring the lack of excellence from those gullible enough to waste their time with achievements and trophies for doing chores to improve engagement metrics for the brand.
Most people aren’t trophy/achievement hunters. It’s something you can easily ignore. I’m not a hunter but I have no problem with those that do.

Personally though, I like achievements/trophies because it’s an easy way to expose skills like these

(Justin Davis is head of IGN btw)




25 Mar 2023
Most people aren’t trophy/achievement hunters. It’s something you can easily ignore. I’m not a hunter but I have no problem with those that do.

Personally though, I like achievements/trophies because it’s an easy way to expose skills like these

(Justin Davis is head of IGN btw)



I don't care that much for these shills, I would much rather get the benefits of no achievements. No devs wasting time with them, no game design being negatively influenced by them, no people tied to one platform defending it no matter what because they feel like they can't move on to something else, etc.

Remember when Sony slowed down their entire retro program because they wanted to add achievements on older games? Those types of bad decisions can be felt to this day.

I remember when achievements were introduced on Steam games and it started influencing player behavior in multiplayer games, terrible (lucky on PC people seem to have completely forgotten achievements at this point).


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I don't care that much for these shills, I would much rather get the benefits of no achievements. No devs wasting time with them, no game design being negatively influenced by them, no people tied to one platform defending it no matter what because they feel like they can't move on to something else, etc.

Remember when Sony slowed down their entire retro program because they wanted to add achievements on older games? Those types of bad decisions can be felt to this day.

I remember when achievements were introduced on Steam games and it started influencing player behavior in multiplayer games, terrible (lucky on PC people seem to have completely forgotten achievements at this point).
What game design is being negatively affected by trophies?


8 May 2023
I don't care that much for these shills, I would much rather get the benefits of no achievements. No devs wasting time with them, no game design being negatively influenced by them, no people tied to one platform defending it no matter what because they feel like they can't move on to something else, etc.

Remember when Sony slowed down their entire retro program because they wanted to add achievements on older games? Those types of bad decisions can be felt to this day.

I remember when achievements were introduced on Steam games and it started influencing player behavior in multiplayer games, terrible (lucky on PC people seem to have completely forgotten achievements at this point).
But achievements have ALWAYS existed in some form, long before before they were officially introduced by Xbox. Games had them built in, even Atari and Amiga games had optional bonus checklists for gamers to try. There will always be completionists in gaming so devs will always cater to them, whether there is an official achievement for them or not.

I don't see a big deal but I agree retro games don't need a trophy list.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Not a weird take at all IMO. I've always thought "achievements" were embarrassing when they were added, and I was disappointed to see Sony follow suit with trophies. There is nothing about playing a game that is an achievement. Can you imagine if movie goers had some kind of account that said they "achieved" seeing all the Marvel movies or something similar?


An achievement is more along the lines of building a great business, getting good at an instrument, or some kind of art form like painting. Hitting bullet points in a game as something to be even a little bit proud of? It just adds to the loser mystique of playing games.
This is such a stupid thing to say watching movies isn't the same as playing games unless you're playing hellblade
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Entropi


25 Mar 2023
But achievements have ALWAYS existed in some form, long before before they were officially introduced by Xbox. Games had them built in, even Atari and Amiga games had optional bonus checklists for gamers to try. There will always be completionists in gaming so devs will always cater to them, whether there is an official achievement for them or not.

I don't see a big deal but I agree retro games don't need a trophy list.
Not on a system level that is the entire point. If a dev want to add a checklist in his game there is nothing stop them from doing so. I'm in favor of the Trophy system being completely phased out and people being at least able to opt out completely including removing it from their system and not being tracked.

Not a weird take at all IMO. I've always thought "achievements" were embarrassing when they were added, and I was disappointed to see Sony follow suit with trophies. There is nothing about playing a game that is an achievement. Can you imagine if movie goers had some kind of account that said they "achieved" seeing all the Marvel movies or something similar?


An achievement is more along the lines of building a great business, getting good at an instrument, or some kind of art form like painting. Hitting bullet points in a game as something to be even a little bit proud of? It just adds to the loser mystique of playing games.
Facts, this guy gets it. It's insulting.
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
Not on a system level that is the entire point. If a dev want to add a checklist in his game there is nothing stop them from doing so. I'm in favor of the Trophy system being completely phased out and people being at least able to opt out completely including removing it from their system and not being tracked.

Facts, this guy gets it. It's insulting.
If you don't wanna be tracked then you'd better disconnect from the internet


25 Mar 2023
Stop crying then
You have no power here. No one is crying and people are allowed to have diferent oponions here.

None of this surprises me, I don't expect anyone hooked on achivements to have any clarity when discussing the subject. These sorts are way too atached to their meaningless achivements.

[Achivement unlocked: checked a box]
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
You have no power here. No one is crying and people are allowed to have diferent oponions here.

None of this surprises me, I don't expect anyone hooked on achivements to have any clarity when discussing the subject. These sorts are way too atached to their meaningless achivements.

[Achivement unlocked: checked a box]
Did I say I had power ? You're crying over achievements / trophy's like a big baby

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
The way people are so aggressively against a system feature that can easily be silenced/disabled as in "nobody should be able to use it" reminds me of those idiots who demand easy mode in From Software games.


28 Jul 2023
He got exposed, he wants achievements gone so he can shill for Xbox games without actually playing them.

This is so funny considering he recently tweeted how the term "fake gamer" is one of the stupidest fakest thing gamers have coined. Lol.


25 Mar 2023
The way people are so aggressively against a system feature that can easily be silenced/disabled as in "nobody should be able to use it" reminds me of those idiots who demand easy mode in From Software games.
Has no similarity at all, you can't opt out of achievements like you can opt out of not playing a From Software game.

Despite deeply disliking it, if it was at least incompletely option it would be less offensive. Let people play in peace without being tracked and bothered by an unnecessary system.
24 Jun 2022
Has no similarity at all, you can't opt out of achievements like you can opt out of not playing a From Software game.

Despite deeply disliking it, if it was at least incompletely option it would be less offensive. Let people play in peace without being tracked and bothered by an unnecessary system.

I mean you kinda can. You just don't buy an Xbox...

...which appears to be a decision a majority of the market is making 😉
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