Known leaker, Kepler thinks the next Xbox is coming sooner than 2028

Will next Xbox come out before 2028?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Xbox is leaving hardware

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Hmm what would Microsoft gain through it?
They would make themselves an own goal if it’s true. Microsoft influencer and insider claimed Series is lacking behind because the developers have not mastered the Xbox tools. It will be the same story again: Showcase about new console; show dozens of Next Gen games (which are 90% CGI trailer) and then half of the 3rd Party games do perform more worse than on PS5 Pro. This is a pattern I can see and thinking how ignorant Microsoft is, I could see this really happen. But there is one point which is not selling me: Series consoles are performing sales-wise much worse than One consoles. I don’t even believe MS will scratch on Xbox One numbers (50m+). So how will Spencer justify another dozen of billion dollars to waste for development & research for a console, which is having swindling demand? Nah this doesn’t convince me, it’s more a hope of Xbox fans.
  • brain
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
If, as Phil has said in the past, Xbox was given a low R&D budget for this generation, what would anyone believe that, after failing on an unprecedented level sales-wise, MS would give them another generation's worth of R&D at this time?


18 Nov 2023
That's not a new console like the ps5 slim isn't a new console. It has the same specs. We're talking new gen or at least pro-level as "new console"
Mid gen refresh is a new console. Looks vastly different and has features the series x doesn't have. It's a new console. It's not even debateable. You should of said next gen console. Not new.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Mid gen refresh is a new console. Looks vastly different and has features the series x doesn't have. It's a new console. It's not even debateable.
It’s not different. It’s a bit smaller and that’s it. Morr features…are you sure about that?
It’s the opposite, the console is loosing more features than gaining: this console can’t play discs. Everything is the same: chip, components and price-wise.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It’s not different. It’s a bit smaller and that’s it. Morr features…are you sure about that?
It’s the opposite, the console is loosing more features than gaining: this console can’t play discs. Everything is the same: chip, components and price-wise.
they put a 2tb ssd in it lmao.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
I don't see much in the way of leaks or rumors from the tweets in the op, just a whole lot of speculation.


21 Jun 2022
These paid bots always try to damage control after negative xbox news
I'm still scratching my head why all the forums are talking about these old tweets from September. It's a concerted effort to deflect from the awful November sales. The worst since 2006 😬
  • noneofmybizz
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24 Jun 2022
That’s what I keep thinking. Skip the ‘Pro’ cycle and release a new Xbox 1-2 years ahead of the PS6. Grab the hardcore early adopters and always have the cheapest console (not like the SS) in the market. Xbox would need to concede the power advantage to PS, but sales matter more.

Xbox might have to abandon the XsS and XsX, but the ten people who bought it might not mind, and they already did it with the OG Xbox.

Very similar to the 360 strategy.

The 360 strategy only worked (and even then, only for a few years) because Sony monumentally overshot with the PS3's price due to its specs, plus the PS2 was getting long in the tooth tech-wise compared to PCs at the time, some semblance of a moderately healthy AAA space unique to PC (or prioritizing PC, not like the modern day misunderstood quotes/theatrics like Capcom saying PC is their fastest-growing market only to find out that was in relation to catalog releases) still existed. That combined with visual jumps still happening at a fast clip even among the lesser-end 3P AAA gave the 360 a lot of room to flex with its year or so advantage ahead of PS3, but only by hyper-prioritizing the US & UK markets.

Those won't be factors for an early "Xbox Next" considering the PS5 Pro will be a thing (very likely), console is by far and away the prioritized market for virtually all AAA software development, and graphical advances have slowed down considerably year-to-year versus the mid '00s, especially among lower-end 3P AAA. And, as we can see in some titles like Forza, most of Microsoft's 1P don't have either the budgets, pipeline, desire or talent (or some combination of the 4) to push visual fidelity well forward in ways that would seem like generational leaps. So if an "Xbox Next" is just going to try doing things the old fashioned way, but with a 2 year head-start over the PS6, Microsoft are just going to end up Dreamcasting themselves.

However, if "Xbox Next" is something significantly different from the traditional console approach (and business model thereof) that Microsoft have been doing the past 20+ years and losing ground with, well, that could actually be a fruitful strategy and much-needed meaningful change of pace for the brand. It would still mean more or less "ceding" the console war, because we probably wouldn't be talking about a 'console' with Xbox anymore. But rather, maybe something more aligned with MS's other efforts and leveraging their PC pipeline more specifically to create some actually unique value proposition for future Xbox hardware.

Deleted member 223

Where did 2028 came up to begin with?

2026-2027 still the ballpark for PS6.

You could make a sound guess than given current performance, releasing a "new" console in 2025 is more favorable to MS since Sony's PS5 will have all the legs it needs to stay around for longer, while the Series is currently cratering by Year 3 already.

Whether they release the white flag or not is anybody's guess at this point.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Yes, Xbox is gonna try and recreate the 360 era by releasing a year before PS6 like they did with PS3. It was the only time they had success, seriously.
Plus ElderScrolls 6 and all the big hits. Probably no pro version of the Series X.

It will probably be there last hurrah and there best chance, but Id rather PS6 counter it by releasing early too and never having to hear about Phil and Xbox again from there fans.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Where did 2028 came up to begin with?

2026-2027 still the ballpark for PS6.

You could make a sound guess than given current performance, releasing a "new" console in 2025 is more favorable to MS since Sony's PS5 will have all the legs it needs to stay around for longer, while the Series is currently cratering by Year 3 already.

Whether they release the white flag or not is anybody's guess at this point.
nah i bet it'll be 2028, factor in a year of delay for covid. Also die shrinks are getting harder and harder to do so increased performance isn't going to magically appear. PS6 will probably have all sorts of AI acceleration bits in it (so will MS, big rumors are windows 12 is going to lean heavily into AI hardware acceleration - AMD just went on stage with a Windows dude last week and they said they're gonna be needing all the AI performance they can get). But right now the direction of AI is still in flux. MS runs a big risk of putting out a new xbox in 2025/2026 integrating early AI processing hardware, who knows if it's going to be powerful enough. At least they'll be able to put the tragedy of the series s behind them - but who's going to partner with them to get 3rd party software if they're seen as a risk for abandoning ship and not even selling 30m units?

Deleted member 223

nah i bet it'll be 2028, factor in a year of delay for covid. Also die shrinks are getting harder and harder to do so increased performance isn't going to magically appear. PS6 will probably have all sorts of AI acceleration bits in it (so will MS, big rumors are windows 12 is going to lean heavily into AI hardware acceleration - AMD just went on stage with a Windows dude last week and they said they're gonna be needing all the AI performance they can get). But right now the direction of AI is still in flux. MS runs a big risk of putting out a new xbox in 2025/2026 integrating early AI processing hardware, who knows if it's going to be powerful enough. At least they'll be able to put the tragedy of the series s behind them - but who's going to partner with them to get 3rd party software if they're seen as a risk for abandoning ship and not even selling 30m units?
We disagree there on those dates. I don't think this is going to be the longest console generation ever since PS3, nor surpass it by 1 year. As for Ai etc... this is all going to be limited by pricing considerations of console hardware. and hardware will only go so far above projected dev-needs future wise (usually a small cushion) - specially considering there is very little practical use atm, and current hardware is hardly been pushed at all. If anything, tech lag and stagnation for game engines across the industry is staggering - due to lack of r&d investments.


21 Jun 2022
PlayStation consoles get released every 7 years, so it would make sense to expect PS6 to be released around November 2027.

And if a next gen Xbox is ever released, it would make sense to expect it around it.