Known leaker, Kepler thinks the next Xbox is coming sooner than 2028

Will next Xbox come out before 2028?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Xbox is leaving hardware

    Votes: 15 60.0%

  • Total voters


28 Jan 2023
If you notice all the ai bots in neogaf and reeeee start bringing these 3 months old tweets after the terrible November sells in eu and USA
It's obvious what they're trying to do
a manufactured hype for unconfirmed next gen
They hope people will forget about ps5 breaking records in November and they want to kill any ps5 pro hype
These ai bots online army's are working harder then Phil and Aron 🤣🤣🤣


28 Jun 2022
If you notice all the ai bots in neogaf and reeeee start bringing these 3 months old tweets after the terrible November sells in eu and USA
It's obvious what they're trying to do
a manufactured hype for unconfirmed next gen
They hope people will forget about ps5 breaking records in November and they want to kill any ps5 pro hype
These ai bots online army's are working harder then Phil and Aron 🤣🤣🤣

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
If you notice all the ai bots in neogaf and reeeee start bringing these 3 months old tweets after the terrible November sells in eu and USA
It's obvious what they're trying to do
a manufactured hype for unconfirmed next gen
They hope people will forget about ps5 breaking records in November and they want to kill any ps5 pro hype
These ai bots online army's are working harder then Phil and Aron 🤣🤣🤣

If anybody is on trashera you should keep bumping both the NPD and Europeans sales threads to the top of the forum page.



28 Jun 2022
If you notice all the ai bots in neogaf and reeeee start bringing these 3 months old tweets after the terrible November sells in eu and USA
It's obvious what they're trying to do
a manufactured hype for unconfirmed next gen
They hope people will forget about ps5 breaking records in November and they want to kill any ps5 pro hype
These ai bots online army's are working harder then Phil and Aron 🤣🤣🤣
Great point. The timing of this information extremely suspicious this week what with the total collapse of xbox hardware well known now. Launching that ealy i would assume make people who recently bought an X mad and if its tied to the series S, then whats even the point?


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Seriously, I think the announcement that Xbox Series is discontinued is going to hit in March, assuming the fire sales clear out enough stock, but the decision is already made behind closed doors at MS to shutter the division since their biggest guns for the generation have all failed to get them into the fight in any meaningful way that justifies the ongoing losses the division posts.

Xbox didn't buy Activision, Microsoft did. Same for Bethesda.
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28 Jun 2022
I think thy will release early. Their series x/s aren't doing shit so they don't gain anything riding a dead horse.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I think thy will release early. Their series x/s aren't doing shit so they don't gain anything riding a dead horse.
Getting walloped like they have this gen on top of the huge historic losses Xbox has posted make it highly unlikely that Microsoft would approve the R&D budget for a new generation.

Never forget that Phil had to BEG Nadella to green light the Series, and the seemingly scrapped refresh of the Series X was just a new casing and a removed optical drive, and the refreshed Series S just had more flash and a different color of casing.

Put the evidence together, and it does not point to there being more hardware in the future from MS for gaming.


28 Jun 2022
Getting walloped like they have this gen on top of the huge historic losses Xbox has posted make it highly unlikely that Microsoft would approve the R&D budget for a new generation.

Never forget that Phil had to BEG Nadella to green light the Series, and the seemingly scrapped refresh of the Series X was just a new casing and a removed optical drive, and the refreshed Series S just had more flash and a different color of casing.

Put the evidence together, and it does not point to there being more hardware in the future from MS for gaming.
This thing with Nadella and investors is bs. For over a decade we've heard that there has been push back from investors and Nadella yet two more consoles came out and Microsoft opened their accounts. Investors are masochists. New consoles and R@D start a little before or as soon as a console drops so whatever is being cooked has been underway. Microsoft will not wait for Sony to release imo.


28 Jun 2022
What if sony also released ps6 in 2026 🤔
No need to, there pro is coming out next year and they can play it cool. Power isn't end all or be all we clearly see that with series X getting decimated yet being a stronger console on paper. Sony has minds hare and the Exclusives tht matter.


28 Jun 2022
The 360 strategy only worked (and even then, only for a few years) because Sony monumentally overshot with the PS3's price due to its specs, plus the PS2 was getting long in the tooth tech-wise compared to PCs at the time, some semblance of a moderately healthy AAA space unique to PC (or prioritizing PC, not like the modern day misunderstood quotes/theatrics like Capcom saying PC is their fastest-growing market only to find out that was in relation to catalog releases) still existed. That combined with visual jumps still happening at a fast clip even among the lesser-end 3P AAA gave the 360 a lot of room to flex with its year or so advantage ahead of PS3, but only by hyper-prioritizing the US & UK markets.

Those won't be factors for an early "Xbox Next" considering the PS5 Pro will be a thing (very likely), console is by far and away the prioritized market for virtually all AAA software development, and graphical advances have slowed down considerably year-to-year versus the mid '00s, especially among lower-end 3P AAA. And, as we can see in some titles like Forza, most of Microsoft's 1P don't have either the budgets, pipeline, desire or talent (or some combination of the 4) to push visual fidelity well forward in ways that would seem like generational leaps. So if an "Xbox Next" is just going to try doing things the old fashioned way, but with a 2 year head-start over the PS6, Microsoft are just going to end up Dreamcasting themselves.

However, if "Xbox Next" is something significantly different from the traditional console approach (and business model thereof) that Microsoft have been doing the past 20+ years and losing ground with, well, that could actually be a fruitful strategy and much-needed meaningful change of pace for the brand. It would still mean more or less "ceding" the console war, because we probably wouldn't be talking about a 'console' with Xbox anymore. But rather, maybe something more aligned with MS's other efforts and leveraging their PC pipeline more specifically to create some actually unique value proposition for future Xbox hardware.
I think ALOT of the reason the 360 strategy paid off was because Halo was a cultural phenomena at the time and had an extremely highly anticipated sequel with a catchy tagline: 'Finish the fight." Then Gears of War demonstrated a true next generational leap and just happened to resonate with the market at the time. It was lightning in a bottle in a lot of ways and probably not repeatable IMO. All of that happened because of games, the thing Microsoft refuses to focus on.


2 May 2023
MS will be tempted to jump the gun on a new Xbox console, but this is actually the kiss of death. Similar to Dreamcast, if they push too far ahead of Sony, they will be out of step with the next-gen performance window and lose developer support irreparably. There will be a lot more Baldur's Gate defacto exclusivity.


Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
Considering the flop that is the xbox I'd imagine they'd want to make a successor soon.
24 Jun 2022
These dudes really do live in a world of delusion:

Oh, so you mean the GTA Online bonus money for the GTAV PS5 version isn't similar to the "type of deals" ABK had with Sony? What system do you think the GTA6 footage was likely running on, if 3P already have PS5 Pro dev kits and GTA6 isn't coming to PC Day 1? I think this dude is going to be absolutely heartbroken when he finds out which platform has marketing rights to GTA6.

The Dave.jpg
The next generation won't start until developers and publishers determine the revenue base has shifted over to new hardware enough to justify leaving the older systems behind. It doesn't start just because Microsoft wants to try cutting ahead of Sony by two years. If anything, if the next Xbox is just another console on the traditional business model, but more powerful than a PS5 Pro, Microsoft will Dreamcast themselves.

Owning ABK doesn't help them avoid that, either, because it's arguable if ABK have the type of software that will drive install base growth in those first two years especially when games like COD will still be multiplat and, let's face it, most of MS's teams aren't known for doing "more with less" when it comes to pushing gaming hardware to its limits for peak visual fidelity. So visually there wouldn't be much difference immediately noticeable between COD on a PS5 Pro and COD on an Xbox Next unless MS deliberately gimp performance of the PS5 Pro version (proving true one of the concerns Sony expressed to regulators, BTW).

And while an Xbox Next would have a better-running version of GTA6, it wouldn't have the INSTALL BASE to make Rockstar care anywhere near prioritizing it as a platform for the game compared to the PS5 & PS5 Pro. This is such obvious common-sense logic, I'm stunned I have to spell it out letter-by-letter in this post.

Also: LOL. I love how hostile this sycophant is getting to a reality check. THIS is one of the Xbox fanatics I said would be completely heartbroken for what path Microsoft actually take going forward hardware-wise. Because you can see in this person's behavior (and I'm talking going months if not years back) that they are 100% wrapped up in a console-warring mentality.

That shit's going to die a painful death sooner than they would like to think.
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8 Jan 2023
These dudes really do live in a world of delusion:

View attachment 3331
Oh, so you mean the GTA Online bonus money for the GTAV PS5 version isn't similar to the "type of deals" ABK had with Sony? What system do you think the GTA6 footage was likely running on, if 3P already have PS5 Pro dev kits and GTA6 isn't coming to PC Day 1? I think this dude is going to be absolutely heartbroken when he finds out which platform has marketing rights to GTA6.

View attachment 3332
The next generation won't start until developers and publishers determine the revenue base has shifted over to new hardware enough to justify leaving the older systems behind. It doesn't start just because Microsoft wants to try cutting ahead of Sony by two years. If anything, if the next Xbox is just another console on the traditional business model, but more powerful than a PS5 Pro, Microsoft will Dreamcast themselves.

Owning ABK doesn't help them avoid that, either, because it's arguable if ABK have the type of software that will drive install base growth in those first two years especially when games like COD will still be multiplat and, let's face it, most of MS's teams aren't known for doing "more with less" when it comes to pushing gaming hardware to its limits for peak visual fidelity. So visually there wouldn't be much difference immediately noticeable between COD on a PS5 Pro and COD on an Xbox Next unless MS deliberately gimp performance of the PS5 Pro version (proving true one of the concerns Sony expressed to regulators, BTW).

And while an Xbox Next would have a better-running version of GTA6, it wouldn't have the INSTALL BASE to make Rockstar care anywhere near prioritizing it as a platform for the game compared to the PS5 & PS5 Pro. This is such obvious common-sense logic, I'm stunned I have to spell it out letter-by-letter in this post.

View attachment 3333
Also: LOL. I love how hostile this sycophant is getting to a reality check. THIS is one of the Xbox fanatics I said would be completely heartbroken for what path Microsoft actually take going forward hardware-wise. Because you can see in this person's behavior (and I'm talking going months if not years back) that they are 100% wrapped up in a console-warring mentality.

That shit's going to die a painful death sooner than they would like to think.
Resetera had always had a ton of Xbox fanboys who get protected by the mods.


28 Jun 2022
You know for me I'd like differences in timing in years between Xbox and Sony hardware. It would actually give me a "maybe" reason to even get Xbox hardware if it was more powerful and diff at times to Sonys hardware release years apart and vice versa. This samey bs between hardware and shared timeliness doesn't do shit for me or interest me.
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