[Meltdown] I am Leaving goodbye ERA

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Our Battle will be legendary also i top your green rat roast on GAF with this one here admit it i am the legend now

Suit Up Infinity War GIF

Really sorry to see you go bro, not sure which I will miss more, your unparalleled wit or your nuanced approach to conversational topics.

You are really special and don't let anyone tell you any different.

Fuck the haters.

God speed my SPECIAL friend.


Deleted member 13

Truly embarrassed. If a PCMR guy like me that is supposedly known for creating havoc on GAF/Reee websites for my safe respectful arguments can live happy on this site, then anyone of you can do the same. The problem is definitely you man. Go ahead and go away and come back after you've recovered from being trolled over at GAF.


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
After my ban on GAF and i heard about this place i said i will try anything it can't be that bad right?
Even after what all the people on GAF said of how this place is all Sony Pony from the Owner Bryank75
Who i knew from my time on GAF is a hardcore Sony Pony
I remember how Bryank was not happy after Microsoft bought Bethesda LMAO funny shit

So wile this place look ok at first it is not really it run by entirely Sony Pony's but no bias what so ever right guys ;)
The gaming discussion on here are truly pathetic disgusting even it is nothing but Sony Ponys circle jerking each other cocks off and slobbering over Jim Ryan Nuts
All the threads about Xbox or anything else you see the usual Sony Pony suspect come in and post their circle jerking cool i don't mind
But how do you expect to be taken seriously when it is this one sided here?
Im trying to bring more people from all other gaming space here who are not total Sony Pony shill's

The Moderations here are more Relax than GAF but for how long really? you say we can have discussion about gaming even troll bait whatever etc...
Just no personal attacks or racist remarks right which i have no problem following
But Mods need to mind their own business they go in thread talking shit telling people to do this do that wile no personal attacks or racist remarks were said
Does that sound like another team of Bitch ass made Mods from anywhere hmm that right it the GAF MOD team ding ding ding lol

So Darth Vader if you have the balls post what me and you were talking about in the DM here for everyone to see
I know you won't you are the type of bitch made pussy that delete user comment and locked thread just like the bitches on GAF do
Grow a set of balls and stop being so weak minded fucks i left GAF because of that bullshit & you think i will stay here just for you to do the same?
Fuck no i won't

If all you Sony Pony's on here are not thin skin bitches you will leave this thread open for everyone to see & reply and discuss
That is what i give props to the MODS on GAF for doing wile they are bitches they did not locked my ban thread there or at the time of posting this they didn't
So if you are truly more free and open here as you guys claim you are do not locked or delete this thread matter of fact sticky it
Show it proudly wear it with pride as the saying goes lol trust me this drama will actually bring you guys more traffic & you need more traffic
So wile im going away im actually helping you guys here one last time as a going away present
Wile another saying would be Sex sells well so does Drama

So peace out guys i had fun this past 3 days or so here lol but how does a forum that say it more free and open with less bitch made Moderations
How do i only last like 3 days here wile i lasted over 2 Years on GAF lol so Owner & Mods team of Sony Ponys here need to rethink their shit
I know i sure did that why i bounce so have fun guys peace out no hate just love from me to you 😍

The Legendary Warrior known on many Forums as Craig of War strikes again owning all candy asses that turn their backs on what was promise to him

But If you want that smoke come see me ill be on d-pad.life for now but for how long that depends on the MODS over there too lol

Self reflection is a hell of a thing.
Craig of War

Craig of War

12 Jul 2022
Seems like the issue is more with you I guess... you want to left and mods has nothing to do with that.
We are very small still so the discussion is slow and not that much but it is fun for sure.
About the bias I have no issue with Xbox fans posting on PS thread... so something is wrong when Xbox fans can't accept PS fans posting in Xbox threads... but it is not a big deal I believe.

In another case there is nothing at all to discuss on Xbox side... so I don't even sure what you wanted or expected?

Of course... good luck on D-pad... I don't find there a fun place but I hope you find peace there.

You will always be welcome here.
Mods are pussy i never did no personal attack or racist remarks
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