Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


21 Jun 2022
Lmao at the folks who still use Florian as a source of information concerningt his deal. Not even Resetera has sunk that low. Dude is biased as fuck and never tells the whole story.
It is like ask Phil Spencer about the documents and deal. Some effect, both bullshiting
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10 Jan 2023
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Some notes from Sony's observations on the remedies notice. I'm adding the images as a spoiler so as not to clutter the view, please feel free to use them as you see fit.


[PAGE 1] - An interesting tidbit about the amount of Data provided by Microsoft and Activision


[PAGE 3 & 4] - This content will be further referenced in page 11 [Important since people are already trying to mischaracterise some arguments.



[PAGE 5 & 6] - Sad that it's REDACTED, but seems like the deal MS proposed already has some "malicious" intent behind it


[PAGE 7] - The Twitter argument


[PAGE 8, 9 & 10] - More on the above, pretty interesting stuff that didn't make the news. There's some shade here I'm not a big fan of, but seems to be in line with what Sony has had to put up so far. These are very damning, especially in lieu of the redacted stuff. Fill in the blanks I suppose. And this one blows the "150 million players" out of the water.




[PAGE 11] - Why all these items have been listed, pretty much


Hope this helps with the most important areas.

Edit - I think Sony should have dug into this document and provide it to the CMA (if they haven't provided something similar):


8 Jan 2023
Some notes from Son'ys observations on the remedies notice. I'm adding the images as a spoiler so as not to clutter the view, please feel free to use them as you see fit.


[PAGE 1] - An interesting tidbit about the amount of Data provided by Microsoft and Activision


[PAGE 3 & 4] - This content will be further referenced in page 11 [Important since people are already trying to mischaracterise some arguments.



[PAGE 5 & 6] - Sad that it's REDACTED, but seems like the deal MS proposed already has some "malicious" intent behind it


[PAGE 7] - The Twitter argument


[PAGE 8, 9 & 10] - More on the above, pretty interesting stuff that didn't make the news. There's some shade here I'm not a big fan of, but seems to be in line with what Sony has had to put up so far. These are very damning, especially in lieu of the redacted stuff. Fill in the blanks I suppose. And this one blows the "150 million players" out of the water.




[PAGE 11] - Why all these items have been listed, pretty much


Hope this helps with the most important areas.

Edit - I think Sony should have dug into this document and provide it to the CMA (if they haven't provided something similar):
I see, so the CMA are just publishing everyone's responses right now. I figured that wouldn't happen until the end of the month.
Last edited:
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Quite honestly, I can't bring myself to do a lot of screenshot and upload work for Microsoft's document. It includes the same talking points they've been parroting publicly, an incredible lack of sources, and a lot of misdirection. I believe this is supposed to read to the outside world, not the CMA, and I think it's their way to say "look how bad Sony is from stealing this from you". I'm very (not fully) confident the CMA will strike this deal down by having them divest CoD. Here's one screenshot I could be arsed with:


And the source: https://assets.publishing.service.g...n_-_Response_to_Remedies_Notice_-_NCV__2_.pdf

Deleted member 417

Some notes from Sony's observations on the remedies notice. I'm adding the images as a spoiler so as not to clutter the view, please feel free to use them as you see fit.


[PAGE 1] - An interesting tidbit about the amount of Data provided by Microsoft and Activision


[PAGE 3 & 4] - This content will be further referenced in page 11 [Important since people are already trying to mischaracterise some arguments.



[PAGE 5 & 6] - Sad that it's REDACTED, but seems like the deal MS proposed already has some "malicious" intent behind it


[PAGE 7] - The Twitter argument


[PAGE 8, 9 & 10] - More on the above, pretty interesting stuff that didn't make the news. There's some shade here I'm not a big fan of, but seems to be in line with what Sony has had to put up so far. These are very damning, especially in lieu of the redacted stuff. Fill in the blanks I suppose. And this one blows the "150 million players" out of the water.




[PAGE 11] - Why all these items have been listed, pretty much


Hope this helps with the most important areas.

Edit - I think Sony should have dug into this document and provide it to the CMA (if they haven't provided something similar):
Like I said previously, If Microsoft own ABK and migrate it onto Azure, they could charge Sony any price they wanted to access CoD and/or DLC.

On top of that, I reckon the blacked out bars are in regards to Gamepass coming to Playstation. Microsoft made a deal that Sony can have CoD, however CoD will only be available through Gamepass.


8 Jan 2023
Quite honestly, I can't bring myself to do a lot of screenshot and upload work for Microsoft's document. It includes the same talking points they've been parroting publicly, an incredible lack of sources, and a lot of misdirection. I believe this is supposed to read to the outside world, not the CMA, and I think it's their way to say "look how bad Sony is from stealing this from you". I'm very (not fully) confident the CMA will strike this deal down by having them divest CoD. Here's one screenshot I could be arsed with:


And the source: https://assets.publishing.service.g...n_-_Response_to_Remedies_Notice_-_NCV__2_.pdf
I'm biased, but MS arguments don't seem very solid to me.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Like I said previously, If Microsoft own ABK and migrate it onto Azure, they could charge Sony any price they wanted to access CoD and/or DLC.

On top of that, I reckon the blacked out bars are in regards to Gamepass coming to Playstation. Microsoft made a deal that Sony can have CoD, however CoD will only be available through Gamepass.

Microsoft tries to paint their offer as the best thing since sliced bread, but Sony seems to have brought the actual offer and how it's basically a "if you take it you're fucked" deal.

And I don't think it's gamepass on PS, but rather charging an extortionate amount of money to have parity in delivery on PS Plus.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Reee and Xbots are apoplectic about sony...making their case to the CMA? Theyre saying sony is behaving in bad faith that microsoft would sabatoge the PS Versions but this is the same MS lying about pulling games and content away.

Sony is making their case to the CMA, as they should.
Microsoft is making their case to their fanbase, and they shouldn't.

Deleted member 417

Microsoft tries to paint their offer as the best thing since sliced bread, but Sony seems to have brought the actual offer and how it's basically a "if you take it you're fucked" deal.

I think that MS will lock the FtP part of CoD behind Gamepass. They did it before and it was anti-consumer Sony that first offered FtP games on PS4 with no requirement to also pay for a subscription of PSN.

I think Sony know this and they would have to charge people to access FtP CoD, which would make Sony look bad, but MS can skirt around it by saying "it's on gamepass, the best deal in gaming!"
And I don't think it's gamepass on PS, but rather charging an extortionate amount of money to have parity in delivery on PS Plus.
They will charge the Earth for Sony to have MS games on PS5. But i think if CoD goes to MS it will die and Sony know it.

I have a feeling that Sony are playing a very careful and safe game of keeping a positive relationship with ABK in regards to CoD, while preparing to move away from it when it starts to die. There's every chance that Sony is eyeing up a CoD rival to throw full-support behind.

And who wouldn't want a Battlefield VR game? Cross-platform or not.


8 Jan 2023
Reee and Xbots are apoplectic about sony...making their case to the CMA? Theyre saying sony is behaving in bad faith that microsoft would sabatoge the PS Versions but this is the same MS lying about pulling games and content away.
They're going to spend the next several weeks screeching over Sony's arguments and praising Microsoft’s, may as well be ready for that now. I predict Hoeg Law will join in as well.
24 Jun 2022
Lmao at the folks who still use Florian as a source of information concerning this deal. Not even Resetera has sunk that low. Dude is biased as fuck and never tells the whole story.

Well, they have been using Senjutsu Sage as a source and there isn't much difference between them and Florian in terms of fanboy-stanning.

At least Senjutsu owns up to his ridiculousness. Florian seems too smug and smartass-y to acknowledge the fanboyism of his own stances.

Reee and Xbots are apoplectic about sony...making their case to the CMA? Theyre saying sony is behaving in bad faith that microsoft would sabatoge the PS Versions but this is the same MS lying about pulling games and content away.

So it was fine when Microsoft gave their presentation and argued their case to the EC, but it's backhanded Sony are presenting their own case to the CMA? What are they afraid of? That Microsoft has a weak case that can be easily snuffed out if Sony presents their own? They'd rather the deal pass with arguments left on the table (and potential receipts, too)?

They must be fodder for that brain worm from Starship Troopers.