Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


21 Jun 2022
This sounds like preemptive expectation management to me.

Sounds like massive L incoming
Oh My God Wow GIF


8 Jan 2023
I see you guys beat me to posting that article, lmao. He's using the same talking points I've seen them use since early in this process, namely that regulators are protecting Sony and don't understand the gaming industry. IIRC, Wednesday is their last chance with the CMA, and I think they'll have to come better than that if they want this. Honestly if they weren't so stubborn about divesting, they could make this work. They would just have to accept that these acquisitions on their own are not going to give them enough to push them over the top.
I looks like instead of Philness blaming the regulators for not understanding the game industry maybe he should look within himself. It looks like Xbox management dont understand the gaming industry or they would be able to put out a product that appeals to majority of the gaming community.

If anything it looks like the regulators is going through this and giving very detailed feedback on why they have concerns instead of a simple no.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I see you guys beat me to posting that article, lmao. He's using the same talking points I've seen them use since early in this process, namely that regulators are protecting Sony and don't understand the gaming industry. IIRC, Wednesday is their last chance with the CMA, and I think they'll have to come better than that if they want this. Honestly if they weren't so stubborn about divesting, they could make this work. They would just have to accept that these acquisitions on their own are not going to give them enough to push them over the top.
OMG, the CMA has basically already told MS the deal isn’t getting approved without divestment, and Mad Brad said they won’t even consider divestment.

Knock off the “What if” crap already, it’s making it look like you don’t know how to read at this point.
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16 Jul 2022
I'm gonna play devils advocate and say phil was answering a question times asked him forcing him to answer, but then again this is phil you would have thought some used car salesmen line would have been used to evade the question as he usually does.
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21 Jun 2022
He says XBox will exist, but not in what form, nor for how long…
Yes, and also says this in the same interview:

“I’d hate to see consoles go to where phones are where there are only two manufacturers. And, right now, we have three good competitors.”

Why would there only be 2 competitors left if Xbox will continue to exist? 🤔
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8 Jan 2023
I'm gonna play devils advocate and say phil was answering a question times asked him forcing him to answer, but then again this is phil you would have thought some used car salesmen line would have been used to evade the question as he usually does.
The thing is if he was confident, he wouldnt give an answer that would produce that headline. Just give an answer that shows that you're confident the deal with pass if he's so confident. Not any of this Xbox will continue to exit if it dont happen foolishness.

When the question that let to this arise he could have hit them with one of these and kept going:

  • they're_right_you_know
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Yes, and only says this in the same interview.

“I’d hate to see consoles go to where phones are where there are only two manufacturers. And, right now, we have three good competitors.”

Why would there only be 2 competitors left if Xbox will continue to exist? 🤔
In other words, he already knows the plug is being pulled, but has to act like it isn’t time to box up his belongings jussssst yet.


28 Jun 2022
Few Things:

1:The Interviewer asked him what would happen if the deal fails what would happen, he didnt bring it up. His answer isnt confidant at all though.

2: Its Phil, hes obviously lying. If this deal fails they are most definitely pulling the plug on xbox.

3: Speaking of him lying, his answer has no bluster or headline grabbing dose of hope like he normally does. Not sure how to read into that.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Few Things:

1:The Interviewer asked him what would happen if the deal fails what would happen, he didnt bring it up. His answer isnt confidant at all though.

2: Its Phil, hes obviously lying. If this deal fails they are most definitely pulling the plug on xbox.

3: Speaking of him lying, his answer has no bluster or headline grabbing dose of hope like he normally does. Not sure how to read into that.
When someone who usually spouts PR bluster is suddenly quiet and unsure, it means that they’ve lost control of the narrative and the truth is about to become so clear that it cannot be denied any longer.

This is going to be FUN!


8 Jan 2023
Few Things:

1:The Interviewer asked him what would happen if the deal fails what would happen, he didnt bring it up. His answer isnt confidant at all though.

2: Its Phil, hes obviously lying. If this deal fails they are most definitely pulling the plug on xbox.

3: Speaking of him lying, his answer has no bluster or headline grabbing dose of hope like he normally does. Not sure how to read into that.
Yeah, a lot of "Phil Spencer says" headlines are him answering weird softball questions from games media, but this one has a lot less of that usual hope / hype from him.


14 Feb 2023
Sony clearly showed they are a master class at deal making by not even showing up to the negotiating table for PR. MS' lawyers really got outclassed at every step by Sony.

"Microsoft's contractual arrangements with Sony or Nintendo are not likely to have any significant impact on the ability to foreclose Sony (page 145)

While we acknowledge that the existing contractual arrangements between SIE and Activision may provide SIE with some protection in the short-term
, the relevant protections are clearly of limited duration. As a result, even if they did impact the Merged Entity's ability to foreclose in the short term, they are not of sufficient duration to have a material impact on our competitive assessment, which considers potential concerns with a longer time horizon.

As Microsoft's separate offer to SIE remains under negotiation, and there is currently no agreement in place, we do not currently consider this has any impact on the Merged Entity's ability to engage in foreclosure. We also do not consider it appropriate or relevant to comment on the various motivations and behaviour of Microsoft and SIE during these negotiations.

As such, our provisional view is that Microsoft's contractual arrangements are not likely to have any significant impact on its ability to foreclose SIE."


8 Jan 2023
Funny how Phil is now changing his tune from “Once this deal is final, we aren’t done yet!” To “IF this deal falls apart”.

Even speculative phrasing like that means MS know they aren’t winning this one.
His statement in the article goes against what what they was originally saying we need this deal to compete.

They even wheeled out Salty Nutella to go on a let us compete press run. Now he's saying Xbox will be ok and still exist if the deal is blocked.