Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


4 Jul 2022
Mate everyone in that thread wants it to go through for "consumers" when they actually mean themselves
at first most of these "pro consumers" where cheering ms making cod exclusive for xbox,they still cheer starfield going that route,but when i was clear the deal wasnt that easy peasy,the changed to "good ms will make the game for everyone,even sony systems"

they are the fucking masters of moving goalposts and lie every two sentences,at least some of these idiots are honest sometines and want ms to destroy competition using the war chest


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
And every one of those franchises were squeezed for every last penny, destroying their value completely in a few years when they could have still been going. Not to mention killing studios like Neversoft and Raven by forcing them to be support studios for a single title.
Didn't matter as he always had the next big thing right up his pocket and ready to go. As Guitar Hero was going out, Skylanders was going in. It only fell apart when his "next big thing"s failed to become big.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Didn't matter as he always had the next big thing right up his pocket and ready to go. As Guitar Hero was going out, Skylanders was going in. It only fell apart when his "next big thing"s failed to become big.
Ok then, what replaced Skylanders and Guitar Hero, then?

Fuck all so far, from as far as anyone can see. Activision killed those golden geese and are working on killing COD as well. When that’s done, it’ll be a zombie brand like Atari.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
Ok then, what replaced Skylanders and Guitar Hero, then?

Fuck all so far, from as far as anyone can see. Activision killed those golden geese and are working on killing COD as well. When that’s done, it’ll be a zombie brand like Atari.
Did you read all three sentences of my reply, or only the first two?

Anyways, it was supposed to be Destiny but it didn't end up working out for them, whether GaaS just ended up lacking the mass appeal they wanted or their own greed with wanting annualized/bi-annual sequels while Bungie disagreed.

edit: They also bet big on a Guitar Hero reboot, which failed, Tony Hawk reboot (which did okay, but not great enough), the retro PS1 reboots which they have continued on with even making new games when they ran out of Crashes to remaster and also stuff like Chivalry and White Night that failed to catch on.

Edit 2: To directly answer your question, when Guitar Hero fell off Skylanders was taking off, when Skylanders fell off Destiny was supposed to be taking off. But they were all just some of the many bets that Activision used to make. Eventually in the PS4 era they had so many duds, and CoD started needing more resources, that they kind of stopped trying to innovate in gameplay.
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19 Jan 2023
Ok then, what replaced Skylanders and Guitar Hero, then?

Fuck all so far, from as far as anyone can see. Activision killed those golden geese and are working on killing COD as well. When that’s done, it’ll be a zombie brand like Atari.
You forgetting there skateboarding games


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
You (are) forgetting *their skateboarding games
They did a disappointing remaster of the levels from Tony Hawk 1 and 2, while fucking up the career mode entirely, and it sold in mediocre numbers, years after killing the franchise with the insanely rushed and terrible Pro Skater 5. I mentioned THPS in my post. It’s dead, Activision killed it long ago.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Deleted member 417

I never thought about it before but @KiryuRealty is right. Acti have run their franchises into the ground; THPS, Skylanders, Guitar Hero and, if it wasn't for fortnite/PUBG offering a new genre of multiplayer, COD would have been toast as well.

Overwatch has been damaged beyond repair. Outside of the most die-hard fans who refuse to let go, the game is dead

Diablo 3 was a disaster at launch, only saved by the good PR generated from the console versions. While D2 was a competent remaster, having to sit in a fucking queue to play a single player game is bullshit and hurt the franchise further. Diablo 4 will be infested with lootboxes and "just cosmetics that totally don't change the game" MTX.

Activision mis-managed Bungie so badly that they ran as soon as they could.

WoW remake was panned critically and has become a bot-infest lootbox/mtx fest.

Does anyone even play candycrush anymore?

What's left for them to destroy?


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I never thought about it before but @KiryuRealty is right. Acti have run their franchises into the ground; THPS, Skylanders, Guitar Hero and, if it wasn't for fortnite/PUBG offering a new genre of multiplayer, COD would have been toast as well.

Overwatch has been damaged beyond repair. Outside of the most die-hard fans who refuse to let go, the game is dead

Diablo 3 was a disaster at launch, only saved by the good PR generated from the console versions. While D2 was a competent remaster, having to sit in a fucking queue to play a single player game is bullshit and hurt the franchise further. Diablo 4 will be infested with lootboxes and "just cosmetics that totally don't change the game" MTX.

Activision mis-managed Bungie so badly that they ran as soon as they could.

WoW remake was panned critically and has become a bot-infest lootbox/mtx fest.

Does anyone even play candycrush anymore?

What's left for them to destroy?
As much as the merger should not be allowed to happen for proper reasons, it is kind of funny to consider that MS would likely end up spending $80 billion and ending up with dust in the box they are handed.
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24 Jun 2022
they've already cost sony money, $2 million in legal fees and counting.

And they're are directly involved with delaying a PS showcase that would excite us PS5 owners, too. So they are kinda fucking us as well.

big company, sure, but $2 mil is a lot of fucking money and time wasted when sony has no business with this shitty & illegal deal other than being screwed over and having their biggest 3rd part partner taken off the market by ms.

MS is acting like a spoiled baby and want to sabotage Sony in the process.

Something stuck out to me on that website when I read this part:

  • Sony complains that Microsoft wants to see, inter alia, "executed copies of every content licensing agreement [Sony Interactive Entertainment] has entered into with any third-party publisher over the past 11 years." Frankly, I can't see why that is an unreasonable request. Sony will have a database of all those agreements, and given that Sony's own strategy is heavily content-centric, that discovery request seems par for the course to me. Those agreements will contain certain exclusivity arrangements that are relevant to the case (exclusive third-party titles, PlayStation-exclusive features, etc.).

So apparently the person writing the blog can't see why it's unreasonable for Microsoft to request content licensing agreements Sony has with 3P partners for the next 11 years...really? I can understand on some level why they want to find it reasonable: if those agreements are substantial, they can argue that Sony does not in fact need COD and therefore should not be against the deal.

But that works against Microsoft, too: when they first started talking about these discussions they stated that COD would remain multiplat. Why do you need to see content deals between Sony & 3P publishers/developers to determine the validity of an argument that Sony don't "need" COD, if you were always planning to make COD available on their platform in the first place? 🤔

Meaning the intent has now transformed from beyond what was normally openly stated, and that it actually contradicts stuff they've said in the Zenimax acquisition proceedings, too. In those proceedings, with the EC, Microsoft are on record stating that games or IP with no prior multiplat history or of smaller scale to where it "financially made sense" to keep them exclusive, would be such games to be made exclusive to their platform. Well, COD obviously doesn't fit in either category, so why are requesting content licensing agreements from Sony to support an argument that Sony doesn't need COD, unless the intent behind that angle of an argument is to eventually remove COD for PlayStation platforms after all in spite of what's been said in the past, and what was even said to EC regulators in the Zenimax case?

Not even to mention the possibility of those agreements being leaked and getting through the grapevine, getting out in the public well before Sony and 3P partners are ready and potentially negatively affecting messaging control for the brand and even causing certain deals to potentially fall apart (again, looking back at when 3DFX were in court for something in the '90s, they ended up revealing they were working with SEGA on the Dreamcast before SEGA wanted and, apparently, that's a big reason SEGA went against working with 3DFX and chose NEC for the GPU instead).

Interesting, I would also like to add that I've seen that lawyer's website before and he admits to being currently affiliated with Microsoft in terms of legal counsel. His writings seem fairly biased and it's pretty obvious why.

View attachment 422

Picked up on that too after reading Bodycount's link for a few minutes. If Microsoft really wanted pertinent information, they could just ask for budgeting costs of Sony's previously released games and marketing costs for specific 3P games already out on the market or coming to market soon that they have known marketing or publishing deals with.

They simply do not need 11 years worth of future Sony & 3P exclusive content licensing deal agreements or upper management employee performance reviews. At that point, they're getting ridiculous.
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24 Jun 2022
They don't even gain anything from the deal. The content they claim to want was going to be available on their preferred platform anyway.
They just want content taken away from another platform out of stupid childish reasons.

Nah, @Gediminas put it well. They want to not pay for a game they claim to say they want, yet not enough to pay for it. So they'll abuse $1 Game Pass trail deals, abuse region switching tricks to keep getting free Game Pass deals, load up on MS Reward points to pay off for months of Game Pass, to access the game (and other ABK games) for "free".

That's the real reason they argue so vehemently in favor of the deal while talking about how "pro-consumer" it is for gamers (themselves, individually).

A user named Doctor Avatar on Resetera made great point worth sharing in the Acti/Bliz acquisition thread IMO:

"Sony’s market cap is $93 billion.

Between their indie purchases, Bethesda and Act Blizzard MS will have spent more than Sony’s ENTIRE MARKET CAP on buying up developers, publishers and IP.

Let that fact sink in for a minute.

People on this thread can play the “poor little MS” world’s tiniest violin all they want, but that isn’t “competition”. That’s a multi-trillion dollar corp succeeding by default because they can massively outspend the competition - to the order of dropping Sony’s entire market cap without breaking a sweat. There’s nothing “fair” about one player in an industry being so vastly wealthy that they can spend the entire market cap of their main competitor to “compete fairly”.

In fact if they have to do that to compete all that shows is that they’ve failed to compete on anything even remotely resembling a level playing field.

MS have had every opportunity in the world to compete. They’ve been in the console market for over 20 years (only something like 5 years less than Sony actually). They had developers and were making games on PC before Sony ever entered the gaming market. They had the hugely successful 360 to capitalise off. They had Lionhead, Rare and Bungie. They pioneered console online gaming and subscription gaming services. They were the first console maker to embrace DLC and micro transactions where they now make most of their money.

MS haven’t failed to beat Sony because of Sony’s “unfair advantage.

They’ve failed to beat them because of their mismanagement of their studios and first party portfolio, their choice to focus on and invest in Kinect, and the damage they did to their own brand with the One."

Those are the main factors that have contributed to MS’s relative failure compared to Nintendo and Sony, and they’re all MS’s own doing - nothing to do with big mean Nintendo and Sony.

The industry is perfectly healthy and fairly competitive - Nintendo, Sony, Steam/PC and mobile are all doing better than ever. Xbox is profitable. Xbox is growing. Xbox already has more developers and IP than Sony without Act Blizz. Any argument that they need a 70 billion purchase of Act Blizzard to “fairly compete with Sony” is obviously nonsense.

Apparently the only way the world is fair is if MS are equaling or beating Sony. Anything else, even if it’s MS failing through their own decisions, is unfair. Who knew?"

Rare to see a post on Reset critical of MS/Xbox and doing so in a respectful manner (as in, not antagonizing other users or personally insulting anyone).

Reset's been extremely protective of MS/Phil Spencer criticism for a good while now, especially after the Jim Ryan email stuff (where, again, all he was saying IMO was that as adults you have to tolerate differences in opinion but still work with people to get tasks done...which is a real-life fact) where IMO a lot more openly obvious and even hostile criticism against Sony/PlayStation was tolerated after that.

But I think after the "culture of cancellation" Phil Spencer comments (which was weirdly phrased if it's just about games getting cancelled because....I don't think there's a culture for that xD) and MS laying off 10K employees when Satya & others were getting private Sting concerts, they're maybe KINDA loosening up and more open MS/Xbox/Phil Spencer criticism is becoming somewhat more tolerated. They're still obviously protective of a lot of BS though and it doesn't help some of the mods and media who are there lean MS/Xbox (to the point of protecting it and/or allowing obvious anti-Sony/PS stuff proliferate for way too long).

Generally though it hasn't seemed as "protect MS/Xbox/Phil at all costs!" there the past 3 or so weeks as it has in the past, from my POV anyway. I was trying to find the Doctor Avatar person in the thread but it's too many posts to spot. Interestingly Jason Schreier is in there and very much against the acquisition; obviously there are quite a few questioning his reasons why but he hasn't been warned, thread-banned or banned despite clearly not being in receptive favor of the deal.

Granted, Reset don't want to ban a well-known name, but that's another topic.
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8 Jan 2023
Nah, @Gediminas put it well. They want to not pay for a game they claim to say they want, yet not enough to pay for it. So they'll abuse $1 Game Pass trail deals, abuse region switching tricks to keep getting free Game Pass deals, load up on MS Reward points to pay off for months of Game Pass, to access the game (and other ABK games) for "free".

That's the real reason they argue so vehemently in favor of the deal while talking about how "pro-consumer" it is for gamers (themselves, individually).

Rare to see a post on Reset critical of MS/Xbox and doing so in a respectful manner (as in, not antagonizing other users or personally insulting anyone).

Reset's been extremely protective of MS/Phil Spencer criticism for a good while now, especially after the Jim Ryan email stuff (where, again, all he was saying IMO was that as adults you have to tolerate differences in opinion but still work with people to get tasks done...which is a real-life fact) where IMO a lot more openly obvious and even hostile criticism against Sony/PlayStation was tolerated after that.

But I think after the "culture of cancellation" Phil Spencer comments (which was weirdly phrased if it's just about games getting cancelled because....I don't think there's a culture for that xD) and MS laying off 10K employees when Satya & others were getting private Sting concerts, they're maybe KINDA loosening up and more open MS/Xbox/Phil Spencer criticism is becoming somewhat more tolerated. They're still obviously protective of a lot of BS though and it doesn't help some of the mods and media who are there lean MS/Xbox (to the point of protecting it and/or allowing obvious anti-Sony/PS stuff proliferate for way too long).

Generally though it hasn't seemed as "protect MS/Xbox/Phil at all costs!" there the past 3 or so weeks as it has in the past, from my POV anyway. I was trying to find the Doctor Avatar person in the thread but it's too many posts to spot. Interestingly Jason Schreier is in there and very much against the acquisition; obviously there are quite a few questioning his reasons why but he hasn't been warned, thread-banned or banned despite clearly not being in receptive favor of the deal.

Granted, Reset don't want to ban a well-known name, but that's another topic.
Interesting that Jason Schreier isn't in favor of the deal. I would have figured he'd be leaning towards Xbox given all the semi hit pieces he's written on Playstation this gen.

I also imagine that they wouldn't ban him for takes like that because they want industry people to stick around and give their forum more legitimacy.
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8 Jan 2023
Apparently Activision did really well last year. If some want to argue that Playstation doing well last year means the deal should go through, Activision doing well should factor against it going through by the same logic. Company performance shouldn't be the sole factor for deciding the legitimacy of a deal, but I think this does help underscore how much MS have been downplaying the massive boost/advantage this deal would potentially give them.

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  • they're_right_you_know
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
AFAIK Provisional decision may ask for remedies.
They were in negotiations for remedy terms already, and there was that massive PR offensive over the weekend, so it looks like talks broke down Friday and we are about to get the word that the deal is killed.

Provisional Decision in government language usually means that the government body has put an end to negotiations and is imposing their decision without further talks.

Also, MS has made it known they don’t feel that they should make any meaningful concessions, so any conditions that the authorities wish to impose will be deal-killers.


16 Jul 2022
Yes, structural or behavioral. Many saying structural would be most likely in this situation if it isn't blocked.
Structural would be a good compromise if they don't go for a full block.

CMA could look at it as a win win situation if they give them King and Blizzard and make them divest Activistion. Which will give MS what they say the are mainly doing this acquisition for mobile(we know this is bullshit), and also make the CMA look they are taking a strong stance on big tech and address their concerns about subs services and cloud.

But yeah who knows they may go for behavioral remedies.
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