Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


Active member
24 Jun 2022
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ThreadBanned the dude for telling the truth
Wow, this is why I avoid that forum and that particular thread even though I have an account on that site from long ago.

What kind of forum permabans someone for simply expressing a non-offensive idea? Nothing he said was distasteful or offensive. He was just stating what he thinks may happen and they permabanned him. That's exactly how you create a hivemind and you can't expect to have descent discourse if you everyone is forced to have the same ideas. What a shitty forum.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Wow, this is why I avoid that forum and that particular thread even though I have an account on that site from long ago.

What kind of forum permabans someone for simply expressing a non-offensive idea. Nothing he said was distasteful or offensive. He was just stating what he thinks may happen and they permabanned him. That's exactly how you create a hivemind and toy can't expect to have descent discourse if you everyone is forced to have the same ideas. What a shitty forum.

But... they hurt Microsofts feelings! :p


1 Jul 2022
They are still talking about the Gran Turismo quote and the Jim Ryan email like that's enough to get mad at him/Sony. What a bunch of idiots.
they're so desperate to turn Jim into the next Don mattrick, lol.
Wow, this is why I avoid that forum and that particular thread even though I have an account on that site from long ago.

What kind of forum permabans someone for simply expressing a non-offensive idea? Nothing he said was distasteful or offensive. He was just stating what he thinks may happen and they permabanned him. That's exactly how you create a hivemind and toy can't expect to have descent discourse if you everyone is forced to have the same ideas. What a shitty forum.
no negativity about xbox is allowed, comrade. you must follow the rules. Now lock arms and lets repeat our daily pledge to lord lord spencer.

The deal will go through. the deal will go through. the deal will go through.
Gamepass is the best value in gaming. Gamepass is the best value in gaming. Gamepass is the best value in gaming.
hi-fi-rush is goty. hi-fi-rush is goty. hi-fi-rush is goty.


14 Jul 2022
I can not believe they would ban someone for basically giving his honest opinion on something like that.

Why do people even bother with that site, if some none offensive remarks can get your perma banned?

What a shit hole that place is.

Agreed. It's not even the mods denying them the right to speak their mind, it's that they choose to be there that I don't get.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Agreed. It's not even the mods denying them the right to speak their mind, it's that they choose to be there that I don't get.
That's what I don't get too, it's not like you are part of a community there, living in constant fear or saying the wrong thing and boom you are suddenly gone.



21 Jun 2022
they're so desperate to turn Jim into the next Don mattrick, lol.

no negativity about xbox is allowed, comrade. you must follow the rules. Now lock arms and lets repeat our daily pledge to lord lord spencer.

The deal will go through. the deal will go through. the deal will go through.
Gamepass is the best value in gaming. Gamepass is the best value in gaming. Gamepass is the best value in gaming.
hi-fi-rush is goty. hi-fi-rush is goty. hi-fi-rush is goty.
You should enter the meme competition..
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Reactions: Deleted member 417


21 Jun 2022
They don't even gain anything from the deal. The content they claim to want was going to be available on their preferred platform anyway.
They just want content taken away from another platform out of stupid childish reasons.
they want also that content ''free'' on gamepass. that's why they are making rounds around the deal.
these motherfuckers are cheap fuckers who can ruin the gaming for everyone.

Deleted member 417

Kinda feel like GAF is starting to trend that way too
Always has been. Gaf will protect the viewpoint of xbox gamers and if you question them or make them look bad, you get banned. I've had two alts banned this year alone for questioning the xbox narrative.

It's so fun and easy to rile them up. You just wait until a piece of Microsoft PR drops, then you ask the most basic question and watch them fight.

Gaf shills: "15% of revenue is gamepass, gamepass is doing well"
Me: "revenue isn't profit, is gamepass profitable?"
Shills: "angry npc noises"


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Always has been. Gaf will protect the viewpoint of xbox gamers and if you question them or make them look bad, you get banned. I've had two alts banned this year alone for questioning the xbox narrative.

It's so fun and easy to rile them up. You just wait until a piece of Microsoft PR drops, then you ask the most basic question and watch them fight.

Gaf shills: "15% of revenue is gamepass, gamepass is doing well"
Me: "revenue isn't profit, is gamepass profitable?"
Shills: "angry npc noises"
just seems like they've been way more aggressive with banning in the past year or so. I've seen people get perm'ed for basically nothing.


21 Jun 2022
Always has been. Gaf will protect the viewpoint of xbox gamers and if you question them or make them look bad, you get banned. I've had two alts banned this year alone for questioning the xbox narrative.

It's so fun and easy to rile them up. You just wait until a piece of Microsoft PR drops, then you ask the most basic question and watch them fight.

Gaf shills: "15% of revenue is gamepass, gamepass is doing well"
Me: "revenue isn't profit, is gamepass profitable?"
Shills: "angry npc noises"
they also protecting Phil, you can't say shit about him.
but you can pile and mock Jim as much as you want.


4 Jul 2022
LOL the xtards on the resetera thread about the adquisition have been triggered by a post of a guy called doctor avatar,they were used to pile up on every single user who were againts the adquistion that having people cheering that post haved them calling mods and get into total defense mode

i swear to god if his thing fails im gonna open a good bottle of champagne to celebrate their miserable demise


28 Jun 2022
A user named Doctor Avatar on Resetera made great point worth sharing in the Acti/Bliz acquisition thread IMO:

"Sony’s market cap is $93 billion.

Between their indie purchases, Bethesda and Act Blizzard MS will have spent more than Sony’s ENTIRE MARKET CAP on buying up developers, publishers and IP.

Let that fact sink in for a minute.

People on this thread can play the “poor little MS” world’s tiniest violin all they want, but that isn’t “competition”. That’s a multi-trillion dollar corp succeeding by default because they can massively outspend the competition - to the order of dropping Sony’s entire market cap without breaking a sweat. There’s nothing “fair” about one player in an industry being so vastly wealthy that they can spend the entire market cap of their main competitor to “compete fairly”.

In fact if they have to do that to compete all that shows is that they’ve failed to compete on anything even remotely resembling a level playing field.

MS have had every opportunity in the world to compete. They’ve been in the console market for over 20 years (only something like 5 years less than Sony actually). They had developers and were making games on PC before Sony ever entered the gaming market. They had the hugely successful 360 to capitalise off. They had Lionhead, Rare and Bungie. They pioneered console online gaming and subscription gaming services. They were the first console maker to embrace DLC and micro transactions where they now make most of their money.

MS haven’t failed to beat Sony because of Sony’s “unfair advantage.

They’ve failed to beat them because of their mismanagement of their studios and first party portfolio, their choice to focus on and invest in Kinect, and the damage they did to their own brand with the One."

Those are the main factors that have contributed to MS’s relative failure compared to Nintendo and Sony, and they’re all MS’s own doing - nothing to do with big mean Nintendo and Sony.

The industry is perfectly healthy and fairly competitive - Nintendo, Sony, Steam/PC and mobile are all doing better than ever. Xbox is profitable. Xbox is growing. Xbox already has more developers and IP than Sony without Act Blizz. Any argument that they need a 70 billion purchase of Act Blizzard to “fairly compete with Sony” is obviously nonsense.

Apparently the only way the world is fair is if MS are equaling or beating Sony. Anything else, even if it’s MS failing through their own decisions, is unfair. Who knew?"


8 Jan 2023
A user named Doctor Avatar on Resetera made great point worth sharing in the Acti/Bliz acquisition thread IMO:

"Sony’s market cap is $93 billion.

Between their indie purchases, Bethesda and Act Blizzard MS will have spent more than Sony’s ENTIRE MARKET CAP on buying up developers, publishers and IP.

Let that fact sink in for a minute.

People on this thread can play the “poor little MS” world’s tiniest violin all they want, but that isn’t “competition”. That’s a multi-trillion dollar corp succeeding by default because they can massively outspend the competition - to the order of dropping Sony’s entire market cap without breaking a sweat. There’s nothing “fair” about one player in an industry being so vastly wealthy that they can spend the entire market cap of their main competitor to “compete fairly”.

In fact if they have to do that to compete all that shows is that they’ve failed to compete on anything even remotely resembling a level playing field.

MS have had every opportunity in the world to compete. They’ve been in the console market for over 20 years (only something like 5 years less than Sony actually). They had developers and were making games on PC before Sony ever entered the gaming market. They had the hugely successful 360 to capitalise off. They had Lionhead, Rare and Bungie. They pioneered console online gaming and subscription gaming services. They were the first console maker to embrace DLC and micro transactions where they now make most of their money.

MS haven’t failed to beat Sony because of Sony’s “unfair advantage.

They’ve failed to beat them because of their mismanagement of their studios and first party portfolio, their choice to focus on and invest in Kinect, and the damage they did to their own brand with the One."

Those are the main factors that have contributed to MS’s relative failure compared to Nintendo and Sony, and they’re all MS’s own doing - nothing to do with big mean Nintendo and Sony.

The industry is perfectly healthy and fairly competitive - Nintendo, Sony, Steam/PC and mobile are all doing better than ever. Xbox is profitable. Xbox is growing. Xbox already has more developers and IP than Sony without Act Blizz. Any argument that they need a 70 billion purchase of Act Blizzard to “fairly compete with Sony” is obviously nonsense.

Apparently the only way the world is fair is if MS are equaling or beating Sony. Anything else, even if it’s MS failing through their own decisions, is unfair. Who knew?"
Yeah, they probably got banned.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Deleted member 417

Isn't propping up a failing business in an open and free capitalistic market basically communism?

Makes sense why Resetera would love it so much.