Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


16 Jul 2022
Most people on ERA, from what I've been reading, are convinced the deal is dead. There are a few that still believes, though.
Some of those who believe will be guys luck pachter, trying to spread copium to stop the stock prices plummeting


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Phil Spencer is getting sexually harassed on that plane. Kotick can't behave him for that length of time.
It’ll be Microsoft’s version of the Plane Ride from Hell!

I’m picturing the episode of Duckman with the senator being treated for his addiction to senate pages through the use of a shock decoy.


19 Jan 2023

outriders Dev furious at the new news that MS fudged gamepass numbers to get devs on board, royally screwing over him and the team, and killing the outriders ip with gamepass.

I mean he worked on outsiders with would of bombed anyway so at least Square got some money out of it.

Deleted member 417


outriders Dev furious at the new news that MS fudged gamepass numbers to get devs on board, royally screwing over him and the team, and killing the outriders ip with gamepass.

This confirms that Microsoft are using PC and Gamepass App numbers in with xbox to boost the profile of Gamepass on xbox. Now i would like to see how they calculate MAU and how/how long a person gets counted as an MAU

and why Monthly active users? Show me daily and weekly users you cowards.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
This confirms that Microsoft are using PC and Gamepass App numbers in with xbox to boost the profile of Gamepass on xbox. Now i would like to see how they calculate MAU and how/how long a person gets counted as an MAU

and why Monthly active users? Show me daily and weekly users you cowards.

I would assume Minecraft, Zenimax games, PC and Xbox users are all used.


1 Jul 2022
I mean he worked on outsiders with would of bombed anyway so at least Square got some money out of it.
we don't know that. When i see a game launch in gamepass, as a PS4/PS5 owner, i usually will not buy it. Same with WoLong. If it's on gamepass, no way can you expect me to pay $70.

What MS did was lie to Square-Enix and told them that gamepass would increase sales, that devs were having success, and pointed to their own game, state of decay 2 as an example. A game which they fudged the numbers for. all this to fool devs into supporting the service.

this is really serious and may very will be illegal...

it's looking very well like this could be one of the reasons for the square-enix/MS fallout.

and if people can fly's next game is PS5 exclusive... whoo boy, now we know why.

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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
this is probably why MS and square enix had a fall out as well... juicy details coming out of this case!
This guy isn't from square enix nor is he behind outriders.

He is a dev from the game studio "The Outsiders" that developed Metal Hellsinger.

That doesn't change the point, though. Xbox probably gives a presentation to these devs giving MAU counts, projected growth, etc. and either the MAU are very misleading or MS are presenting numbers knowing that a lot of those MAU will never even look at these games. And based on gamepass missing growth targets constantly these devs are probably feeling very sore that the numbers aren't what they were told they'd be.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
ha, i misread that one. The outriders devs were pretty vocal about their hatred of MS and gamepass too, weren't they?

edit: yup.

very weird stuff going on here.
Cautionary tale for people willing to believe anything coming out of one of the biggest pathological liars in the gaming industry. It's a testament to how raw charisma is an effective tool in interpersonal relationships that the 2nd richest company in the world is still harboring such an ineffective executive.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Cautionary tale for people willing to believe anything coming out of one of the biggest pathological liars in the gaming industry. It's a testament to how raw charisma is an effective tool in interpersonal relationships that the 2nd richest company in the world is still harboring such an ineffective executive.
The rule of thumb is, if Microsoft PR says something, it is total bullshit. That company is built or lying, scheming, cheating and theft, and the company culture is that the customer is a rube to be fleeced.


22 Jul 2022

outriders Dev furious at the new news that MS fudged gamepass numbers to get devs on board, royally screwing over him and the team, and killing the outriders ip with gamepass.

It’s The Outsiders dev studio who made Metal Hellsinger. Not Outriders 😂

Still, doesn’t change the context.