Moore's Law is Dead teasing a potential PS Vita successor


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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Gaming performance is about a lot more than ipc.
His claim is wrong in so many levels.

The “best for measuring IPC” he posted make File Compression, Navigator on Web, Open Photo, etc etc etc… all benchmarks that rely on COMPONENTS parts and not IPC 🤷‍♂️

The strongest CPU in the market with a low bandwidth RAM will lose to a mobile CPU with high bandwidth RAM in his “best” benchmark.

Zen IPC over Jaguar is around 50%.
Do you know why PS4 ran these Jaguar cores with better performance? Because Sony give better components in special way better bandwidth than any APU based in Jaguar dreamed to have.

And that is why it do so well in games compared with PC Jaguar APUs.

PS5 has Zen2 but in CPU only terms it is not that drastic increase like people tries to say… it is a good increase but others components parts helps way more to increase PS5 over PS4 performance than the CPU… for example GPU and RAM give way more boost than CPU.

And it hat using a Zen 2 desktop as base for may estimates… PS5 uses a capped Zen 2 mobile that should give lower increase.
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4 Aug 2023
Man 😂😂😂😂

Jaguar IPC is stronger than Bulldozer.

Zen to Bobcat is 42% increase in IPC.
Jaguar to Bobcat is 15% increase IPC.
Zen to Bulldozer is 4x% increase in IPC (by AMD… it is probably a bit lower).

You come with these weird 4x, 8x, etc that never existed… even AMD doesn’t claim even when their own inflated %.

And just to stop the bullshiting here.
There is Jaguar in the place I said it is.


Jaguar to Escavator IPC is less than 10% difference.

Edit - I realized you can even read your own link… it shows 35% of Escavator performance with with 33% less clock in single core performance… with big component difference.

RAM speed alone is what makes the big difference between performance… not CPU… I understood now?

CPU performance at the same clock (IPC) they are very close to each other.
You know what, I'm not even going to bother.

You could have tried to learn something out of this from someone who actually makes a living out of measuring compute and rendering performance for real-time 3D applications, but instead you just got blocked for choosing the path of trolling, mockery and sheer ignorance instead.

Good riddance.
  • haha
Reactions: ethomaz


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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
You know what, I'm not even going to bother.

You could have tried to learn something out of this from someone who actually makes a living out of measuring compute and rendering performance for real-time 3D applications, but instead you just got blocked for choosing the path of trolling, mockery and sheer ignorance instead.

Good riddance.
You come with bullshit numbers from benchmarks that rely more on components combination than CPU… go against own AMD PR.

And I’m the trolling / bad guy? Is that you Sir Lead Xbox engineer trying to spin my points and not replaying the actual point.

I’m just posting facts on the table… blame AMD, Intel, etc that are really not generous with CPU performance increase 🤷‍♂️

Do you know why Intel and AMD invested so much in multi-core? Because IPC and clock improvement are very small in CPUs.

How do you double performance if your IPC Improved less than 10% and clocks can’t go over 20%? Well put two cores in the same CPU… that is the CPU trick to have big performance gains since silicon stoped to give advantages with die shrink in 201x.
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