PC Port of Spiderman 2 being developed by community and it's far along. The damage of leaks! Build complete.


25 Mar 2023
I'm not saying let them pirate.

But the leak is the leak, and Sony seems committed to it's PC strategy in the short to medium term. I'm sure they will course correct if they deem it necessary. In the meantime maybe let them worry about it 🤷
I have no faith they'll course correct, I just want to register in writing that I saw it coming and that the outcome was not a surprise. PlayStation is on it's way out. PlayStation will likely be dead or close to dead 5 to 10 years after Xbox officially dies because of their decisions to copy Xbox business model.

PlayStation main problem is Sony's greed and shortsightedness, that will be it's downfall.


21 Jun 2022
But the leak is the leak, and Sony seems committed to it's PC strategy in the short to medium term. I'm sure they will course correct if they deem it necessary. In the meantime maybe let them worry about it 🤷
Yes, Sony will course correct if needed. But as of now they are generating hundreds of millions per year with PC, with a great ROI and yearly growth. So obviously will continue pushing it, specially not they need to improve their profitability.

Meanwhile in console they are growing their active userbase reaching all time history records for any console maker, plus having all time record sales for their first party console games and their console also nearing all time record sales with sequels of games previously ported to PC, with around a half of console sales being new users, and dozens of millions still on PS4 whose still have to upgrade to next gen. No signs at all of PC causing negative effects in console, in any case the opposite.

Meaning, things are going great for them, so have no reason to tone down their PC efforts.
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24 Jun 2022
That narrative was just always bullshit. Sony misread the console market just like they misread the portable market years ago. They got into their heads that AAA single player games were on the way out and PC/mobile/GaaS (same mistake many other publisher had made some years prior).

For some reason Sony is completely incapable of recognizing their advantageous position and how good they have and are dead set on becoming just another failed big publisher.

Well when you have people in leadership who are influenced by a money/growth-first mentality and not an identity-first mentality (corporate/brand-wise), you sometimes forget about lessons learned from the past and might get lax in what your strengths are. Companies like Nintendo don't seem to have these issues because they're part family-owned so there's a fixed brand identity that remains at the core no matter the generation. Even with systems that have been duds, they've always been consistent in their software offerings on those platforms. Wii U is a perfect example of this.

SIE have usually been somewhere in the middle of Nintendo and Microsoft in that regard, but usually either squarely in the middle or leaning somewhat more the Nintendo way. But I think with the overzealous chase for GAAS, the explosion in frequency for PC ports undermining the core of the console, the growing muddy messaging through obfuscation etc., they've been leaning a bit too close to modern Microsoft for my liking. And probably a good many others, too.

I'm just some random dude, but to me it's clear that Sony is completely fucking themselves long term and have no idea about what they are doing. This stuff is not that hard to predict, from day on I knew that Xbox releasing all their games on PC and putting all their focus on gamepass was a terrible idea, I could see that Nintendo unifying their development effort on a single platform was a great idea, I called that Sony completely giving up on the portable space was a massive mistake.

Yeah I am a bit surprised Sony never at least considered re-fashioning the PS Vita as a premium controller accessory for the PS4. That would've been a way to salvage the handheld and maybe the PS Portal would've been a more typical portable form-factor device that could natively run PSP & PS Vita, and PS1 games and still do the streaming of PS4 & PS5 games.

Maybe would've been a bit more expensive to make (though it's PS Vita tech on smaller nodes, which would've helped keep the pricing low, or at least in line with the PS Portal's current production costs), but the price would've justified it. At least I hope the rumored PS handheld for the PS6 is true because Sony definitely need a handheld/portable option in their console ecosystem to be more competitive with Nintendo and PC/Steam.

What is funny is that the PC boom is already over, their biggest single player IPs have already landed on PC and all those games combined made less money than Days Gone on PS4. A game Sony deemed unworthy of a sequel.

Hopefully they have made changes to the PC strategy then. Even some of the GAAS titles should remain exclusive to the console; Valve does it with their own GAAS titles on Steam, and those are very successful.

Though, I think it'd also require Sony to get rid of paid online on console; no coincidence that Helldivers 2 uptick exploded on PS5 the weekend they waived the PS+ requirement to play online. Paid online is an archaic relic of gaming's past; sub services should find other ways to justify value to customers than locking a necessity behind a paywall.

They look so low because a port costs like this for big games running on custom engines. And they are probably even including the marketing budget for the PC port there.

No; the more likely reason the costs are low is because those listed costs are only for what end-line work Nixxes are doing for the PC ports. The bulk of the costs for the PC port are probably absorbed into the main budgets considering PC versions of the games are being developed simultaneously with the PlayStation ones (Spiderman 2 and Wolverine show this to be true).

Once Nixxes adapted an engine, in future games they only have to port part of the new code for the engine that may have been added or changed since the previous game, implement the KBM controls if aren't already implemented, add widescreen support fixing any possible issue, to support for the latest GPU specific things like super sampling methods they may want to add, implement some scalability stuff and related settings, fixing the UI/HUD/cutscenes on weird resolutions, plus overall testing, tweaks and bugfixing.

IIRC, wasn't it Guerrilla who made changes to Decima to get it on PC, not Nixxes? I'd put Kojima Productions ahead of Nixxes there in that regard, too. And considering studios like Sucker Punch are the ones who made their custom engines, why wouldn't they have the majority of work put into getting the engines working on PC?

So I don't think attributing the engine adaption to Nixxes makes sense, but them likely only adding a few things like widescreen support, KB&M support etc. yeah that would fall on Nixxes. Those aspects are cheap to do, hence likely the reason behind the costs we've seen listed in the documents for the PC ports: those things are only a smaller part of the total work (and therefore costs) needed for the ports in the first place.

Consoles nowadays are pretty much PCs, and nowadays pretty much all the development of a console game is made and tested on a PC (only the final part is required to use devkits and tests kits, to ensure performance, very console specific stuff like trophies or tech stuff and bugfixing), there isn't a lot of things to change once the engine already supports PC. Just a few folks working during a few months are needed to port it.

Consoles aren't really like PCs though; yes they use x86-64 architectures and whatnot, but even the CPUs are highly customized compared to their PC counterparts, let alone the GPUs. If game code were written "to the metal" for a console like PS5, you would not be able to run that code as-is on a Windows PC without re-compiling and extensive changes.

I know that PCs have been used for game development in the past, even in the SNES/Genesis eras etc. Back then though either only non-critical parts of the game code were done on PCs (usually in C), or the PC was using a software environment simulating that of the target console. And usually, the console still needed to be connected to the PC as the actual code would compile and run on the console devkit; the PC was just useful for writing the code, it wouldn't run it.

Modern-day dev actually extensively uses the console devkits in similar ways to what I just described: you write the code on PC in something like C++ or Python or whatever, the parts of your game code and stuff. There's some SDK package to simulate some part of the console environment to I guess parse the code or something, and you've got the devkit hooked up to the PC (wired or wirelessly) to receive the code to run/test on the devkit once it's been compiled.

So in actuality, the console devkits are used regularly and iteratively to test the code. They aren't just present for the final parts of development, otherwise the devs would have no way of knowing what parts of the game need adjusting until they've finished the vast bulk of coding. Which can be an issue, because it's usually better to iteratively test things along the way vs. the "waterfall" method (what you're describing) where you code everything in an OS/SDK environment not present on retail systems (even if you're using PC specs "equivalent" to the target console) and then spend a long process paring down the code in isolation.

I'm mainly speaking of the process for games targeting multiplatform status from Day 1 or those that are exclusive to a given console, in terms of how the PC is leveraged during development alongside devkits. Games that target PC first obviously do things differently, and probably closer to what you're describing, particularly when they then get a port going for a console.

They said that bought Nixxes and work with Iron Galaxy or Jetpak to do that PC porting job, so lead studios like Insomniac, ND and Guerrilla can focus on making games for PS and don't need to worry about the ports.

But the existence of runnable builds of Spiderman 2 and Wolverine on PC already, show this isn't 100% the case. Naughty Dog, speaking of, retooled their whole pipeline to factor in PC co-development.

People from Insomniac etc. are only required to send them the material and overview the job, plus maybe to reply some specific tech question or help with some very specific couple of complex tech engine related things they may have added to the engine for that game.

That is part of what they're doing, but is not the only thing they're doing on these ports. If it were that simple, we'd 1: be seeing more 1P releases with shorter interval periods between them, and 2: have probably seen this porting initiative take hold much earlier.

Even when Microsoft eventually did Day 1 on PC for all games, it wasn't immediate. They took four years to reach that point, right before the launch of the Series consoles in fact.

There's no "secret lion porting work" in the side of Insomniac, and if it would exist it would be included in the budget of the ports, which isn't the case.

If final duties of the port are being handled by teams like Nixxes, then only the costs associated with their part of the work would be listed in those specific port costs. Things that fall on the original studios like Insomniac etc., would be baked into the total budget costs aside from the ports.

And we wouldn't know that specific number because it's obfuscated.

You forgot:
-MLB 21, 22, 23, 24
-Horizon CoM
-Firewall Ultra
-Spider-Man 2
-Rise of the Ronin

Like @Nhomnhom said, these are all either not from 1P internal studios, are games already on other platforms (like MLB), are GAAS titles (also MLB), or require a PSVR2 in order to play.

Spiderman 2 is kind of the only one that is 1P internal, non-GAAS, and doesn't require a PSVR2 that is fully exclusive to the console. At least for now, legally. We know there'll eventually be a PC port, and there is already a port for those who want to illegally access the game on that platform, due to leaks from the December ransomware hack.
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21 Jun 2022
No; the more likely reason the costs are low is because those listed costs are only for what end-line work Nixxes are doing for the PC ports. The bulk of the costs for the PC port are probably absorbed into the main budgets considering PC versions of the games are being developed simultaneously with the PlayStation ones (Spiderman 2 and Wolverine show this to be true).
No, that's full budget of the port, period. 2M is an already high cost for a port, European indie games get ported for a few thousand dollars and a AAA port did cost around 1M some years ago. With these 2M it may even include the marketing etc.

IIRC, wasn't it Guerrilla who made changes to Decima to get it on PC, not Nixxes?
Nixxes ported both HFW and HZD, not Guerrilla. Meaning, Nixxes did 99.99% of the job. Guerrilla may have helped with some rare very technical, console specific thing that may have required some info or support on Nixxes side.

I'd put Kojima Productions ahead of Nixxes there in that regard, too. And considering studios like Sucker Punch are the ones who made their custom engines, why wouldn't they have the majority of work put into getting the engines working on PC?
Because Sony bought Nixxes to do such job and not having people like Insomniac, Guerrilla or Sucker Punch having to waste time on PC stuff, letting them to focus on their next PS game.

So I don't think attributing the engine adaption to Nixxes makes sense, but them likely only adding a few things like widescreen support, KB&M support etc. yeah that would fall on Nixxes. Those aspects are cheap to do, hence likely the reason behind the costs we've seen listed in the documents for the PC ports: those things are only a smaller part of the total work (and therefore costs) needed for the ports in the first place.
Normally ports costs less. Pretty likely the 2M budget doesn't only include the full porting costs, but also the related marketing, PR, etc. costs.

Remember that GoW2018 was ported by 4 engineers during 2 years and was the first game ported with that engine. So to port GoWR would take them way less having a previous version of the engine already ported.

I know that PCs have been used for game development in the past, even in the SNES/Genesis eras etc. Back then though either only non-critical parts of the game code were done on PCs (usually in C), or the PC was using a software environment simulating that of the target console. And usually, the console still needed to be connected to the PC as the actual code would compile and run on the console devkit; the PC was just useful for writing the code, it wouldn't run it.
Back in the time yes, but right now I can play even a VR game or phone game under development to test it on my PC watching it in the PC monitor, without the headset or a real devicce.

And well, even in the 8-16 bit era for computers and console games devs had emulators.

Nowadays only very console/VR hardware specific stuff requires being tested in the devkit/final device.

Normally until almost the very end the game is mostly tested on PC because first it's faster and second it's cheaper (don't need to buy a lot of devkits/testkits/devices for the team).

But the existence of runnable builds of Spiderman 2 and Wolverine on PC already, show this isn't 100% the case.
The existance of these development builds just show they are development builds of modern games. All modern games have development builds that run on PC, including the console exclusive, mobile exclusive, or VR exclusive games.

Being the build runnable on PC doesn't mean it's a commercially viable PC product: some visual stuff won't be visible in PC, it will miss PC specific settings or features if weren't already included in the engine when doing a previous PC port made in that engine, its performance won't be optimized for PC, it will have PC specific bugs, etc.

A porting work that will have to be done later by Nixxes, once they work in the PC port. Which according to the leak about the PC ports budgets is being made a little during FY23 ($0.6M) but specially during FY24 ($4M).
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27 Jun 2023
Ideally if they were considering PC versions of these 1P games (specifically non-GAAS ones), you'd think they wouldn't even enter PC development until after the PS version is completed, has gone gold, and has released. That doesn't seem to be the case though. And, that also introduces a ton of other issues, like if the console/PC co-development strategy affects game scope and ambition, affects technical polish at release, etc.

Basically many of the same problems Microsoft has with doing simultaneous Series S & X builds of their own games, alongside PC. The lowest spec in any supported device network is always going to be what determines aspects of game scope, potentially negatively.
This would explain HFW, SM2 buggy launches compared to there previous entry also why there first party is taking long & there output in 2023 & 2024 has been abysmal.

Another theory is also SM2 DLC & patches taking long it took 4+ month for new game + also by now SM PS4 had release DLC from what I remember. Will likely get the beatle dlc for SM2 around the summer hope it’s not around holiday also from the leaks there was a carnage dlc for Q4 2024 I’m just gonna assume that the carnage dlc will be fuse into the Venom game releasing in 2025 holiday then Wolverine in 2026 & SM3 in 2027/2028 insomniac seems spread so thin focusing on a ip they don’t own crazy how will get a new R&C game around 2030 roughly 9 years since rift apart & a new ip around 2030. Sony really needs to license out there ip to 3rd party like Nintendo & if they do a great job bring them in first party or heavy investment to ensure they can keep working on license PS ip


27 Jun 2023
I have no faith they'll course correct, I just want to register in writing that I saw it coming and that the outcome was not a surprise. PlayStation is on it's way out. PlayStation will likely be dead or close to dead 5 to 10 years after Xbox officially dies because of their decisions to copy Xbox business model.

PlayStation main problem is Sony's greed and shortsightedness, that will be it's downfall.
By the time Sony course correct many PS gamers & the conversation surrounding PS will be to late like Xbox. Xbox will never be able to compete in the console space since they have no exclusive also Xbox gamers that migrated to PC has build not only a Xbox library but also a PC library 0 chance the migrate back same will happen to PS by the time PS course correct I would be all in on PC & Nintendo never looking back since PS has dropped there wall garden there platform & storefront are secure as other like PC/Steam & Nintendo. RN PS is allowing PC players to stick even more to PC by letting them build a library on PC w PS, PC & Xbox games all while PS console continues to loose its reason to exist why buy a PS console when it’s wall gardens are down & long term it’s platform & storefronts aren’t secure for long term investment as a gamer? Same issue Xbox has players from PC, PS & Nintendo don’t budge buying Xbox console because there platform & storefront is super unstable since it has no exclusive & no reason to exist.

Sony should’ve w the PS6 follow Nintendo combine traditional & mobile & make a hybrid handheld that has the power of PS5 & can play PS4, PS5 & PS6 exclusive games. Double down first party studios to increase first party output, no longer port seek other method for monetization like live service, mobile, singleplayer cross over mtx using PS own ip, cross media, parks, animation, toys. Double down live service green light PS allstars, PS home, SOCOM. License PS ip to further increase output of games on franchise. Double down on cross media tv shows, movies & animation. Create/bring back family friendly & teen ip back to cater younger generations ie Sly cooper, Jak & Daxter, R&C, Parapper the rapper, Gravity Rush, Ape Escape (these games are great ip that can be translated to animation & parks “become more Nintendo”) Make acquisitions & secure long 3rd party partners or partners w great expansion like Square Enix(Asia), Kadokawa/Fromsoft(Asia/Cross media), Hoyoverse/Shift up(Mobile), Arc System Work(Asia/EVO) LVL5(Asia/JRPG) & many others studios that are no brainers literally just follow Nintendo & you’ll seek positive growth & not put the brand at potential risk of harm & awkward position within the gaming market which they are now in.


28 Jun 2022
Interesting to see what affect if any it has on sales in the long run.


27 Jun 2023
No, that's full budget of the port, period. 2M is an already high cost for a port, European indie games get ported for a few thousand dollars and a AAA port did cost around 1M some years ago. With these 2M it may even include the marketing etc.

Nixxes ported both HFW and HZD, not Guerrilla. Meaning, Nixxes did 99.99% of the job. Guerrilla may have helped with some rare very technical, console specific thing that may have required some info or support on Nixxes side.

Because Sony bought Nixxes to do such job and not having people like Insomniac, Guerrilla or Sucker Punch having to waste time on PC stuff, letting them to focus on their next PS game.

Normally ports costs less. Pretty likely the 2M budget doesn't only include the full porting costs, but also the related marketing, PR, etc. costs.

Remember that GoW2018 was ported by 4 engineers during 2 years and was the first game ported with that engine. So to port GoWR would take them way less having a previous version of the engine already ported.

Back in the time yes, but right now I can play even a VR game or phone game under development to test it on my PC watching it in the PC monitor, without the headset or a real devicce.

And well, even in the 8-16 bit era for computers and console games devs had emulators.

Nowadays only very console/VR hardware specific stuff requires being tested in the devkit/final device.

Normally until almost the very end the game is mostly tested on PC because first it's faster and second it's cheaper (don't need to buy a lot of devkits/testkits/devices for the team).

The existance of these development builds just show they are development builds of modern games. All modern games have development builds that run on PC, including the console exclusive, mobile exclusive, or VR exclusive games.

Being the build runnable on PC doesn't mean it's a commercially viable PC product: some visual stuff won't be visible in PC, it will miss PC specific settings or features if weren't already included in the engine when doing a previous PC port made in that engine, its performance won't be optimized for PC, it will have PC specific bugs, etc.

A porting work that will have to be done later by Nixxes, once they work in the PC port. Which according to the leak about the PC ports budgets is being made a little during FY23 ($0.6M) but specially during FY24 ($4M).
As a PS gamer who invested in PS hardware since PS2 idc about the justification for PC ports

Point blank PC ports harm PS console, PS storefront overall in the long run & strengthens other direct competitors like PC/Steam & Nintendo & in ways even Xbox because a world where PS has no exclusive makes MS/Xbox stronger aswell.

There’s no justification for PC ports oh increase profits well guess what instead of releasing 1 first party game in 2023 how bout you release 3 major first party game per year boom increase profit without putting PS console, PS storefront, PS identity or PS position in gaming in harm.

Need to further increase profit we’ll look at your first party output & cut budget & manage them better so they release games every 4 year instead of 5-7 years. Need to increase profits yet again double down on live service across PS & PC oh need to further increase profits? Double down in love service & make mobile games or buy a Mobile publisher to translate your live service games across PS & PC to Mobile. Oh gues what need to further increase profits? Monetize your Singleplayer games introduce crossover cosmetic mtx like GOT2 having a crossover w inFAMOUS & make Cole a playable character in the singleplayer game it would be optional cosmetic that won’t hurt singleplayer fans hell you can go crazy & make a Samurai Cole skin that’s more esthetically in-line w GOT theme. Need even more profits you have cross media, toys, parks & a slue of ip that can be licensed to 3rd party like Disney is doing pimpin out Epic games by letting them use Disney characters for skins.

There’s so many option for Sony to massively increase profits & expand onto other platforms like PC & Mobile & reach new customers without completely diminishing, harming or self imploding the platform, storefront, brand/identity that made Sony the brand it is that being PS console without PS console there is no Sony


25 Mar 2023
By the time Sony course correct many PS gamers & the conversation surrounding PS will be to late like Xbox. Xbox will never be able to compete in the console space since they have no exclusive also Xbox gamers that migrated to PC has build not only a Xbox library but also a PC library 0 chance the migrate back same will happen to PS by the time PS course correct I would be all in on PC & Nintendo never looking back since PS has dropped there wall garden there platform & storefront are secure as other like PC/Steam & Nintendo. RN PS is allowing PC players to stick even more to PC by letting them build a library on PC w PS, PC & Xbox games all while PS console continues to loose its reason to exist why buy a PS console when it’s wall gardens are down & long term it’s platform & storefronts aren’t secure for long term investment as a gamer? Same issue Xbox has players from PC, PS & Nintendo don’t budge buying Xbox console because there platform & storefront is super unstable since it has no exclusive & no reason to exist.

Sony should’ve w the PS6 follow Nintendo combine traditional & mobile & make a hybrid handheld that has the power of PS5 & can play PS4, PS5 & PS6 exclusive games. Double down first party studios to increase first party output, no longer port seek other method for monetization like live service, mobile, singleplayer cross over mtx using PS own ip, cross media, parks, animation, toys. Double down live service green light PS allstars, PS home, SOCOM. License PS ip to further increase output of games on franchise. Double down on cross media tv shows, movies & animation. Create/bring back family friendly & teen ip back to cater younger generations ie Sly cooper, Jak & Daxter, R&C, Parapper the rapper, Gravity Rush, Ape Escape (these games are great ip that can be translated to animation & parks “become more Nintendo”) Make acquisitions & secure long 3rd party partners or partners w great expansion like Square Enix(Asia), Kadokawa/Fromsoft(Asia/Cross media), Hoyoverse/Shift up(Mobile), Arc System Work(Asia/EVO) LVL5(Asia/JRPG) & many others studios that are no brainers literally just follow Nintendo & you’ll seek positive growth & not put the brand at potential risk of harm & awkward position within the gaming market which they are now in.
100%. To me is was always such an obvious mistake because I also play on PC and what lead me to keep buying PlayStation was them being different to PC.

Once of the many reasons why I hated Xbox was it being completely redundant if you own a PC.

Nintendo is the one that gets it, Sony used to get it as well in the past (they even had SOE operating in parallel to regular PlayStation studios).

Only very specific GaaS titles ever made sense to get PC releases, Helldivers 2 being a good example, the same as the first Helldivers.
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21 Jun 2022
Point blank PC ports harm PS console
The available evidence says it isn't the case, and that if they have some effect is to provide more fans/sales to the console and console releases of sequels of such games, plus increasing its active userbase.

There’s no justification for PC ports oh increase profits
It's a fact that if a PC port costs 2M and generates over 50M while not generating any negative impact (and may even be generating a positive impact) on their console business it's increasing profits.

Need to further increase profit
Big AAA console games this generation will cost over $300M each (meaning, will need to sell somewhere over around 10M to be profitable) and Sony is working in over two dozen of them at the same time.

Double down in love service & make mobile games or buy a Mobile publisher to translate your live service games across PS & PC to Mobile.
Love service? xD

Regarding mobile yes, they are working on it. Bought Savage/Neon Koi, hired top mobile gaming industry people and partnered with many big mobile gaming publishers who are working on bringing their IPs to mobile. But these games will take time, because big mobile games also need several years of development.

Regarding more acquisitions, an important part of the profits decrease is that SIE is still paying costs related to the acquisitions they did in recent years. So pretty likely one of the reasons they had to say that will pause their acquisitions during a handful years to continue later is to pay and integrate the past acquisitions before moving to new ones.

But make sure That after successfully expanding to MP/GaaS, PC and movies+tv shows in recent years with the projects recently released and the ones they have in the works, the main growth vector for the next permanent SIE CEO will be to expand in mobile gaming releasing the projects they have in the works (not only games, mobile PS cloud gaming client too, and maybe a mobile gaming store), acquiring and creating new teams who will be focused on working on mobile.

Oh gues what need to further increase profits?
In addition to the things I mentioned, the other thing that is hurting their profitability is the inflation+rising costs of components for their hardware (+ shipping physical stuff). They will have to take some additional actions to improve profitability here, in addition to the ones already taken.

Monetize your Singleplayer games introduce crossover cosmetic mtx like GOT2 having a crossover w inFAMOUS & make Cole a playable character in the singleplayer game it would be optional cosmetic that won’t hurt singleplayer fans hell you can go crazy & make a Samurai Cole skin that’s more esthetically in-line w GOT theme.
That wouldn't generate the hundreds of millions per year that PC generates to them, but any help like paid cosmetics for SP games would be welcome.

Need even more profits you have cross media, toys, parks & a slue of ip that can be licensed to 3rd party like Disney is doing pimpin out Epic games by letting them use Disney characters for skins.
Sony has over 10 videogame to cinema/tv show adaptations. Most from themselves, but they are also adaptating MGS, Zelda and not sure if some Capcom one.

So in addition to be funding a ton of console/pc games, and several mobile games, they are also funding a lot of movie/tv adaptations. Before investing in more areas, they have to wait a bit to see some of these investments being released to the market and starting to generate more money.

That will help improve their profitability. As a next step, in addition to focus their growth focus more on mobile, I think it will be time to also focus on additional merchandising/entertainment areas as could be theme parks, toys & figurines, model kits & statues, comics, books, board games, pen & paper RPGs, apparel, music (here I'd include gaming related new & old OST albums, remixes albums, tribute albums, audio books in collaboration with popular Sony Music staff)

There’s so many option for Sony to massively increase profits & expand onto other platforms like PC & Mobile & reach new customers without completely diminishing, harming or self imploding the platform, storefront, brand/identity that made Sony the brand it is that being PS console without PS console there is no Sony
All the evidence says they are not "diminishing, harming or self imploding the platform, storefront, brand/identity" at all, but the opposite: they are better than ever in most related metrics (in the other ones they are in great shape) and in a growing trend in all areas.


27 Jun 2023
The available evidence says it isn't the case, and that if they have some effect is to provide more fans/sales to the console and console releases of sequels of such games, plus increasing its active userbase.

It's a fact that if a PC port costs 2M and generates over 50M while not generating any negative impact (and may even be generating a positive impact) on their console business it's increasing profits.

Big AAA console games this generation will cost over $300M each (meaning, will need to sell somewhere over around 10M to be profitable) and Sony is working in over two dozen of them at the same time.

Love service? xD

Regarding mobile yes, they are working on it. Bought Savage/Neon Koi, hired top mobile gaming industry people and partnered with many big mobile gaming publishers who are working on bringing their IPs to mobile. But these games will take time, because big mobile games also need several years of development.

Regarding more acquisitions, an important part of the profits decrease is that SIE is still paying costs related to the acquisitions they did in recent years. So pretty likely one of the reasons they had to say that will pause their acquisitions during a handful years to continue later is to pay and integrate the past acquisitions before moving to new ones.

But make sure That after successfully expanding to MP/GaaS, PC and movies+tv shows in recent years with the projects recently released and the ones they have in the works, the main growth vector for the next permanent SIE CEO will be to expand in mobile gaming releasing the projects they have in the works (not only games, mobile PS cloud gaming client too, and maybe a mobile gaming store), acquiring and creating new teams who will be focused on working on mobile.

In addition to the things I mentioned, the other thing that is hurting their profitability is the inflation+rising costs of components for their hardware (+ shipping physical stuff). They will have to take some additional actions to improve profitability here, in addition to the ones already taken.

That wouldn't generate the hundreds of millions per year that PC generates to them, but any help like paid cosmetics for SP games would be welcome.

Sony has over 10 videogame to cinema/tv show adaptations. Most from themselves, but they are also adaptating MGS, Zelda and not sure if some Capcom one.

So in addition to be funding a ton of console/pc games, and several mobile games, they are also funding a lot of movie/tv adaptations. Before investing in more areas, they have to wait a bit to see some of these investments being released to the market and starting to generate more money.

That will help improve their profitability. As a next step, in addition to focus their growth focus more on mobile, I think it will be time to also focus on additional merchandising/entertainment areas as could be theme parks, toys & figurines, model kits & statues, comics, books, board games, pen & paper RPGs, apparel, music (here I'd include gaming related new & old OST albums, remixes albums, tribute albums, audio books in collaboration with popular Sony Music staff)

All the evidence says they are not "diminishing, harming or self imploding the platform, storefront, brand/identity" at all, but the opposite: they are better than ever in most related metrics (in the other ones they are in great shape) and in a growing trend in all areas.
Thanks for proving all of my points are correct

Nothing will be as funny as a consumer & gamer deepthroating these big corporations from fucking over the consumer & gamer

Keep deepthroating these corporations your doing great at showing it off lol
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27 Jun 2023
100%. To me is was always such an obvious mistake because I also play on PC and what lead me to keep buying PlayStation was them being different to PC.

Once of the many reasons why I hated Xbox was it being completely redundant if you own a PC.

Nintendo is the one that gets it, Sony used to get it as well in the past (they even had SOE operating in parallel to regular PlayStation studios).

Only very specific GaaS titles ever made sense to get PC releases, Helldivers 2 being a good example, the same as the first Helldivers.
Yuh as an ex Xbox gamer the moment they went day n date it made Xbox console & Xbox as whole irrelevant.

Unless they drop 95 MC absolutely banger goty you can’t ignore game I could careless about there games or brand & I migrate to PC for anything revolving them & further invested in PS & Nintendo


28 Jun 2022
Yuh as an ex Xbox gamer the moment they went day n date it made Xbox console & Xbox as whole irrelevant.

Unless they drop 95 MC absolutely banger goty you can’t ignore game I could careless about there games or brand & I migrate to PC for anything revolving them & further invested in PS & Nintendo
Sounds about right.