The games Xbox doesn't get are niche titles that even PlayStation fanboys don't buy. In other words, no big loss. Seriously, when an Assassin's Creed or GTA skips Xbox, then they have problems but until that day, nah. As for the business model, it's 2024, NOT 2005. People need to get over the old school mentality of 20 and 30 years because unless you're Nintendo, it doesn't work anymore. Sony IS a third party publisher just like Microsoft. Both are changing, only difference is that Microsoft is years ahead like they always are. The only company that will forever stay old school is Nintendo which let's be honest, even if Sony and/or Microsoft were to release all of their first party games day one on the opposing console, ponies and xbots aren't going anywhere because Nintendo isn't giving ponies or xbots what they want game wise.