Phil Spencer: Starfield being 30fps is a "creative choice", not a hardware issue.


Gaming Sage
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13 Jul 2022
So another dev has made another post about 30 and 60 fps but, this one is a long thread.

The reason he probably has a job today in gaming is because of a console named the Nintendo Entertainment System, and the consoles that came thereafter.

After all that.. still a PC warrior.... (an extremely flawed platform that is incapable of carrying the industry by itself despite having all the opportunity afforded in the world to earn the dominant position vis a vis consoles...and definitely not for lack of backing - MS, Nvidia, Valve, Epic, AMD, HP, Dell etc pouring 100s of billions into the effort.... yet the Japanese, and their little closed boxes are still King of the Hill and drive the industry - brain matter seems to only go in certain directions). I won't go any further cause it doesn't merit much more than that. PC as the savior is an illusion, a delusion and low IQ braindead all mixed into one big pile of intellectual excrement. You would think the state of PC gaming today (yesterday, the year before, and 10 years before that) would be an eye opener but not to some apparently. "But theoretically".... theoretically communism was the perfect utopia. VR is a closed, fixed hardware box too. So is the famous "scalable" cloud that future merchants keep trying to sell (one more way to try to get rid of the pesky Japanese and their tight grip on the premium games market - the sooner, the better for some).

Not to mention this whole charade started not because Starfield runs at 30 fps per say but because it was the perfect opportunity once again to drag MS through the mud for being a consistently False Bsing company that deserves that and much more. And PS gamers are capable of driving that narrative - easy pickings when it's bullet proof. Everyone then bregudginly or otherwise gets on board. Starfield and 30 fps is just a means to an end to clown a low standards laggard like MS Xbox on all the BS they talk/pull yet when it comes time to deliver - always the same shit. Obviously some do not understand how war is waged on these streets, nor can they spot the hands and movers. That it becomes an "honest" and real debate for some is but a positive byproduct for a short news cycle.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
So another dev has made another post about 30 and 60 fps but, this one is a long thread.

I don't totally agree with his opinion on 30 being impossible to play, though there are certain games where not having 60 is a deal breaker IMO (racing, fighting), but yeah .... otherwise all of this makes complete sense to me personally.


20 Jun 2022
That is the key point.

There is no way to have the same visual quality between 30fps and 60fps unless the developer choose to not use half of GPU raw power or the console in 30fps mode.

Technically, you can, but only on PC. I play at 1080p, which means I can max out most games while staying at 60fps or above. Without RT that is, because AMD card. So if you're capped on resolution, you can have the same fidelity at at least 60fps
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Technically, you can, but only on PC. I play at 1080p, which means I can max out most games while staying at 60fps or above. Without RT that is, because AMD card. So if you're capped on resolution, you can have the same fidelity at at least 60fps
But if you choose to add affects and/or increase resolutiom you will get better fidelity and the framerate will drop reaching the 30fps.

At the same time if you cap that 60fps visuals to 30fps then your GPU use will drop proportionally.


20 Jun 2022
But if you choose to add affects and/or increase resulting you will get better fidelity and the framerate will drop reaching the 30fps.

I just said I play most games maxed out at 60fps at my target resolution. Maxed out means everything set to the highest possible setting.


25 Mar 2023
Technically, you can, but only on PC. I play at 1080p, which means I can max out most games while staying at 60fps or above. Without RT that is, because AMD card. So if you're capped on resolution, you can have the same fidelity at at least 60fps
I'll never understand the decision to go above 1080p without first hitting a stable 60fps.

I always liked that my PC monitor is 1080p saves me a lot of money and doesn't bother me at all as long as the game has a decent AA solution.

To me it's drastically easier to tell the difference between 30fps and 60fps than any change in resolution above 1080p on a 4K screen. Just move the camera around and if the experience sucks it's 30fps.

With both the PS4 Pro and PS5 I usually can not tell the difference between graphics mode and performance based on the image I was seeing. My vision is fine and I sit really close to the screen. Other than things like aliasing that stands out on some titles the differences are pretty much negligible.
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