PlayStation 5 Technical Presentation (9/10/2024)


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
You have a disc drive on your PC playing Steam games?
wtf?! On steam you have access to your files. Can crack, mod, revert versions and copy the game.
On console, game from the disc is THE ONLY way to own the game, paly offline and go to v1.0 if I want it.
And most games work without patches.

Dr. E99

Active member
1 Sep 2024
If you intend to increase prices to silly amounts I would expect to not remove features

For real. What are you actually getting for your extra $200-$300 in a "Pro" model? Some depth of field graphical fidelity in background characters that 99% of players don't care about?


17 May 2024
You have a disc drive on your PC playing Steam games?
I wasn't aware Steam games were sold on discs
I did have a disc drive on my last PC; when I upgraded I wasn't given the option to have an internal disc drive.
To answer your question, currently no, but I do intend to get a Bluray disc drive externally down the line. I need to be able to play my movies and TV shows and rip my PS1/PS2/PS3 games.
I do own a decent chunk of physical PC games, just as I own several PS4 games on disc.
Purrsonally, I would not want a digital only console because the appeal of consoles (for me) is being able to physically own a game that can't be taken away. You trust renting games from Sony's servers that much? After they already took away digital purchases of TV shows and movies from people?
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