PlayStation Factions Civil War


25 Mar 2023
The house of PlayStation is divided after recent events, as Factions falters factions are formed, showcase the side you support:

The Doomers:
Hates State of Plays
Anti-PC ports
Shuhei Yoshida/Shawn Layden/Mark Cerny truthers
Pro PS5 Pro
Likes to keep their games separate from their movies and TV shows
Longs for the days when greatness awaited

The Bloomer:
Already waiting for the next Showcase/SoP
Business savvy, focused on metrics like revenue and sees the value in MAUs
Owns stocks
Believes Sony is hiding the good stuff
Project Q truthers
PC port double dippers
Sees value in the shift towards GaaS
Long time Halo enjoyers, looking forward to playing Marathon with their friend over at Xbox.
Understand gen Z tastes, aesthetics and sensibilities
Likes to watch their favorite games in the form of series and movies
Mastered the art of waiting in the dark

The Nuanced:
A nuanced ally of the Bloomer.
Optimistic but caries a seed of doubt.

*colors were chosen at random and don't mean anything.

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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Id say Im a mix of both lol.
I hate the state of plays, not the biggest fan of Jim and Hermen as everyone knows but I like Bungie.
Im not a fan of Project Q but I think Sony must be hiding some stuff
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Gaming Sage
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13 Jul 2022
More my style:

A must: an annual E3-like Showcase (live-fan service included) - per tradition. Doesn't mind State of Plays as a side-dish.
Anti-Jim Ryan - snake oils salesman without carisma (actually a + cause Phil is a likeable snake thus the bite is worse when unexpected).
Anti-Herman - for sure - another BSing snake oil salesman. Too up his ass every time he speaks.
Anti-Shawn Layden - proudly boasted on a podcast he pushed for this PC shit and that it was his idea. Comes from the camp of anything > $0 is a positive (go where the audience is). Total nutty!
Anti-PC ports - most def.
Not necessarily Anti-GAAS but prefer only at most a 20% fraction of SIE publishing efforts to be directed at the transient fad - not 50% or close to 50% of resource allocation (god forbid anything greater). It's a fad just like the FPS rush of the X360/PS3 era and likewise, it already has a big graveyard of games and studios with more to go.

Not Anti-Bungie in the slightest, but yes anti new Bungie IP's being multiplat - the fuck? You snatch Xbox's crown jewel and don't use it as a weapon except for an income stream to fatten the coffers?
Kaz Harai / Shuhei Yoshida/ Mark Cerny / Andrew House / Jack Tretton Club
Anti-PS5 PRO. PlayStation doesn't need to become like PC in the slightest - it's a bad trend. Hardly justifies itself and prays on the worst aspect of tech consumerism. Only useful to justify a long generation like the X360/PS3 generation, not a short one like the PS4.
Traditionalist - FULL BLOWN.
Likes to keep their games separate from their movies and TV shows - Absolutely.
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29 Jun 2022
Which faction is the one who a week before CMA blocked ABK were talking non stop about how Sony needs to counter COD and that the GAAS games in the pipeline were the key, but now are bemoaning Sony for having GAAS games in the pipeline?


25 Mar 2023
Man that's some biased framing. What's a ps5 pro got to do with anything?
Why do you need a PS5 Pro if you can just buy a beefy PC to play the ported games? Come on, let's be reasonable here.

Which faction is the one who a week before CMA blocked ABK were talking non stop about how Sony needs to counter COD and that the GAAS games in the pipeline were the key, but now are bemoaning Sony for having GAAS games in the pipeline?
Probably Doomers, they are easily demoralized but often right when it comes to occurrence of bad events. Prone to False Negatives but immune to False Positives. They favor stronger action and more assertive moves to secure the status quo.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
More my style:

Prefers an annual E3-like Showcase (live-fan service included),

but doesn't mind State of Plays as a side-dish.
Side dish only lol
Anti-Shawn Layden
Anti-PC ports
Not necessarily Anti-GAAS but prefer only be at most a 20% fraction of SIE publishing efforts to be directed at the transient fad.
Not Anti-Bungie, but yes anti new Bungie IP's being multiplat - the fuck?
Kaz Harai / Shuhei Yoshida/ /Mark Cerny/ Andrew House / Jack Treton Club
Anti-PS5 PRO.
Traditionalists - FULL BLOWN.
Likes to keep their games separate from their movies and TV shows - Absolutely.

Im mostly this.
But Im not anti PS5 Pro lol. Layden over Jimbo And Hermen but House/Tretton/Yoshida etc over them all
And I dont mind movies/shows as long as they dont effect games
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Why do you need a PS5 Pro if you can just buy a beefy PC to play the ported games? Come on, let's be reasonable here.

Probably Doomers, they are easily demoralized but often right when it comes to bad things happening. They favor stronger action and more assertive move to secure the status quo.

God of War 2018 and Horizon were so much better for me on PS4 Pro. Im go with a PS5 Pro.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
You need another Faction because I'm a mix of both.

- I like State of Plays
- Have faith in Jimbo (for now)
- Believes Hermen should be demoted back to Guerilla
- Anti PC
- Not Anti GaaS but shouldn't be top priority (buy the GaaS games Instead)
- All for their push into TV / Movies
- I like Bungie
  • thinking_hard
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25 Mar 2023
You need another Faction because I'm a mix of both.
As are we all, but we must all make compromises if we are to see better days. This is either a time for action or for inaction, not a time for both.

Do you align yourself with the status quo in favor of change? Or do you want change so that we can get back to how things were?


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
More my style:

A must: an annual E3-like Showcase (live-fan service included) - per tradition. Doesn't mind State of Plays as a side-dish.
Anti-Jim Ryan - snake oils salesman without the carisma (actually a + cause Phil is a likeable snake).
Anti-Herman - for sure - another BSing snake oil salesman
Anti-Shawn Layden - proudly boasted on a podcast he pushed for this PC shit and that it was his idea. Comes from the camp of anything > $0 is a positive (go where the audience is). Total nutty!
Anti-PC ports - most def.
Not necessarily Anti-GAAS but prefer only at most a 20% fraction of SIE publishing efforts to be directed at the transient fad - not 50% or close to 50% of resource allocation. It's a fad just like the FPS rush of the X360/PS3 era and likewise, it already has a big graveyard of games and studios with more to go.

Not Anti-Bungie in the slightest, but yes anti new Bungie IP's being multiplat - the fuck?
Kaz Harai / Shuhei Yoshida/ Mark Cerny / Andrew House / Jack Tretton Club
Anti-PS5 PRO. PlayStation doesn't need to become like PC in the slightest - it's a bad trend. Hardly justifies itself and prays on the worst aspect of tech consumerism. Only useful to justify a long generation like the X360/PS3 generation, not a short one like the PS4.
Traditionalist - FULL BLOWN.
Likes to keep their games separate from their movies and TV shows - Absolutely.
Yes! Never got the Shawn Layden praise he started the PC initiative. He also wanted bigger but Less first party games. He was the one who floated the GaaS idea as well.

He also was the one who hated their big showcases and wanted to scale them back. Also hated paying for Marketing deals because his Bestie Phil Spencer also said he hated them.

But he did get us Insomniac so bravo!


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
As are we all, but we must all make compromises if we are to see better days. This is either a time for action or for inaction, not a time for both.

Do you align yourself with the status quo in favor of change? Or are do you want change so that we can get back to how things were?
Well let's get rid of Hermen. How do we go about this? Lol


25 Mar 2023
Yes! Never got the Shawn Layden praise he started the PC initiative. He also wanted bigger but Less first party games. He was the one who floated the GaaS idea as well.

He also was the one who hated their big showcases and wanted to scale them back. Also hated paying for Marketing deals because his Bestie Phil Spencer also said he hated them.

But he did get us Insomniac so bravo!
Did he start it tho? Days Gone was a flopped Unreal game and they were contractually obligated to port Decima to release Death Stranding making the Horizon port a quick cash grab. That is very different from going out of their way to port every PlayStation game to PC and announcing games as PS5/PC games on a PlayStation event.

Well let's get rid of Hermen. How do we go about this? Lol
We wish it strongly and let the world know that he ain't the man for the job and that we'll not partake in any GaaS activity.


Gaming Sage
Icon Extra
13 Jul 2022
Well let's get rid of Hermen. How do we go about this? Lol
Only way that matters. Missing sales target on hardware sales aka PS5 sales, and missing sales targets on all new GAAS endeavors. That's the only way you're gonna get Kenichiro's attention to get these clowns in order. Otherwise they'll laugh at the lack of collective power of the vocal fans of the brand (dismissed as fringe, extreme, radical, and ignorant of business you see). You got the conformists - conform to the "plan", conform to the "vision", conform to the "brand", fall in line, don't overreact (they're watching), everything is fine - always fearful, always looking over their shoulder about what the xbox fanboys or PC fanboys may say. You have the corporate bootlickers obsessed with numbers trying to rationalize everything through that instead of thinking with their own brain - totally obsessed. Then the fake neutrals and bad faith actors capping for other platforms roleplaying as a James Bond double-agent on boards and social media. Lastly then you have the open-legitimate competition - fans and corps alike......

Many will cheer Sony marketing and plants on any attempt to stamp out any boycott. It's just like politics. You prop the opponents who you know are fundamentally weak and flawed.

First rule of politics: always keep your base happy. Second rule: Keep your base happy. Third rule: see 1st and 2nd.

Talk the talk but not walk the talk = Betrayal.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Did he start it tho? Days Gone was a flopped Unreal game and they were contractually obligated to port Decima to release Death Stranding making the Horizon port a quick cash grab. That is very different from going out of their way to port every PlayStation game to PC and announcing games as PS5/PC games on a PlayStation event.

We wish it strongly and let the world know that he ain't the man for the job.
Well he definitely got the PC initiative kickstarted. It was him who also started the TV show initiative (which I don't mind). He may not have been around by the time the first game came out on PC but he definitely set in motion.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Only way that matters. Missing sales target on hardware sales aka PS5 sales, and missing sales targets on all new GAAS endeavors. That's the only way you're gonna get Kenichiro's attention to get these clowns in order. Otherwise they'll laugh at the lack of collective power of the vocal fans of the brand (dismissed as fringe, extreme, radical, and ignorant of business you see).

First rule of politics, always keep your base happy.
Well their games have been selling less and less this generation so seems that's already in effect.
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25 Mar 2023
A tree way tie, the perfect split.
queue reaction s GIF

Well he definitely got the PC initiative kickstarted. It was him who also started the TV show initiative (which I don't mind). He may not have been around by the time the first game came out on PC but he definitely set in motion.
I don't think the problem with PC ports was that. That wasn't even the first time we got PC ports, the key moment was the unwavering commitment to it, veiled for some time but now completely in the open.