Playstation should port their Exclusives to Xbox Series consoles


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17 May 2024
Without exclusivity, these games wouldn't get made at all. Look at Valve, they don't make anything anymore. Sony would be the same.
Did you miss the leaks of the new multiplayer shooter Valve is working on or...?
Half Life Alyx happened too.

And why would Sony be like Valve, rather than like Square Enix/Koei Tecmo/Bandai Namco/Capcom/Sega/Spike Chunsoft/Nippon Ichi Software/etc?


21 Jun 2022
Did you miss the leaks of the new multiplayer shooter Valve is working on or...?
Half Life Alyx happened too.
A VR game in over a decade and the other is made by someone else. Same as DOTA or Counterstrike. They were made by outside developers and they bought the finished product (they were free mods actually). The laziest company on planet earth.

Sony is publishing 10 games just this year and people still say there's nothing coming out. That's how biased people are.
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8 May 2023
All right I'll bite
Why should I care about or want Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft to have exclusives
Do you think it's a coincidence that some of the best games of all time happen to be console exclusives?

Exclusives force platform owners to create games worth buying a console for, while maximizing a consoles capability. 3rd party simply don't have those incentives,which is why it's rare for 3rd party games to match the quality of 1st party.

They also give each console its own unique identity and an opportunity to differentiate itself from competitors. Imagine if all games were on all platforms, what do you think would happen? The trillion dollar company would just create the most powerful console at the lowest price, because they'd be the only ones that can afford to take a big loss on hardware. It'd be the defacto console to own and would overtake market share. Which is probably why Phil was spreading so much anti exclusive FUD for so long.

Disingenuous PC gamers say they can differentiate themselves in other ways, but that's just stupid. No one is buying a console because it has a better UI or slightly better controller, exclusives are the end all be all, always have been and always will be


8 May 2023
Without exclusivity, these games wouldn't get made at all. Look at Valve, they don't make anything anymore. Sony would be the same.
Did you miss the leaks of the new multiplayer shooter Valve is working on or...?
Half Life Alyx happened too.

And why would Sony be like Valve, rather than like Square Enix/Koei Tecmo/Bandai Namco/Capcom/Sega/Spike Chunsoft/Nippon Ichi Software/etc?
Lol...the first single player game Valve made in a decade was ..... an exclusive created to sell their own hardware?? (the overpriced Index) 😂 Thank you for proving my point.

They're making bank from their storefront and are just now resting on their laurels. Their new game is gaas 😐 where they can exploit people like they do in CSGO.

And @Gods&Monsters is right, Alan Wake 2 wouldn't exist without Epic publishing it, which is why they made it exclusive to their launcher. Exclusivity is a net positive for the industry.


Active member
17 May 2024
Neither of you answered my question
Why would Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft be like Valve, rather than like Square Enix/Koei Tecmo/Bandai Namco/Capcom/Sega/Spike Chunsoft/Nippon Ichi Software/Idea Factory/etc, all of whom for the most part release the majority of their games multiplat
You don't *need* exclusivity deals to be able to make video games


21 Jun 2022
Neither of you answered my question
why would Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft be like Valve, rather than like Square Enix/Koei Tecmo/Bandai Namco/Capcom/Sega/Spike Chunsoft/Nippon Ichi Software/etc, all of whom for the most part release the majority of their games multiplat
Because they are platform-holders? I thought that was obvious. There's no incentive to make big and expensive tentpole releases if you're just going to give it away to your competitors, making their platforms even more attractive than yours.

They would just collect the cheques.
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8 May 2023
Neither of you answered my question
I answered your question already... why are you being obtuse? Oh, cuz you're a PC super fan you guys are all obtuse and don't care about the truth.

Why would Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft be like Valve, rather than like Square Enix/Koei Tecmo/Bandai Namco/Capcom/Sega/Spike Chunsoft/Nippon Ichi Software/Idea Factory/etc, all of whom for the most part release the majority of their games multiplat

You don't *need* exclusivity deals to be able to make video games
What is this even supposed to mean? lmao, who said you needed exclusivity deals to make video games?


Active member
17 May 2024
They also give each console its own unique identity and an opportunity to differentiate itself from competitors. Imagine if all games were on all platforms, what do you think would happen? The trillion dollar company would just create the most powerful console at the lowest price, because they'd be the only ones that can afford to take a big loss on hardware. It'd be the defacto console to own and would overtake market share. Which is probably why Phil was spreading so much anti exclusive FUD for so long.

Disingenuous PC gamers say they can differentiate themselves in other ways, but that's just stupid. No one is buying a console because it has a better UI or slightly better controller, exclusives are the end all be all, always have been and always will be
You can differentiate your console by making it have new/different functionality the way Nintendo does. The Wii sold like hotcakes and not because of exclusives but because everyone was excited to play party games with their motion controller.

Let me put this in another way: I want the video game industry to be like the movie industry, where all DVD and bluray players can play all dvds and blurays regardless of publisher. Do the dvd/bluray manufacturers suffer? Not at all. And we still get really high quality movies.
What do you mean huh
3rd party publishers generally release their games multiplat. I want Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft to be the same way. Capcom didn't need an exclusivity deal for Resident Evil 4 Remake to be a rad af game.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You can differentiate your console by making it have new/different functionality the way Nintendo does. The Wii sold like hotcakes and not because of exclusives but because everyone was excited to play party games with their motion controller.

Let me put this in another way: I want the video game industry to be like the movie industry, where all DVD and bluray players can play all dvds and blurays regardless of publisher. Do the dvd/bluray manufacturers suffer? Not at all.

What do you mean huh
3rd party publishers generally release their games multiplat. I want Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft to be the same way. Capcom didn't need an exclusivity deal for Resident Evil 4 Remake to be a rad af game.
lmao you contradict yourself

people bought the wii because it had exclusive games that leveraged their new controller. if those games were available on other platforms people would have just stayed on those platforms and bought a new controller. See how that works? When Nintendo made the games exclusive, they went and bought

1) Nintendo console
2) Nintendo game on their own platform, meaning no 3rd party platform split
3) Other games on Nintendo, meaning Nintendo gets even more money
4) Introduced to the Nintendo IP library, making it more likely for them to purchase future Nintendo consoles.

None of that synergy exists when you make your games multiplat.


8 May 2023
You can differentiate your console by making it have new/different functionality the way Nintendo does. The Wii sold like hotcakes and not because of exclusives but because everyone was excited to play party games with their motion controller.
😂😂😂The Wii absolutely did sell because of exclusives. The exclusives were built around its special functionality. Once again being disingenuous

Let me put this in another way: I want the video game industry to be like the movie industry, where all DVD and bluray players can play all dvds and blurays regardless of publisher. Do the dvd/bluray manufacturers suffer? Not at all.
Gaming is a 300 billion dollar industry, the movie industry is only 30 billion, so you want gaming to significantly degenerate just so you can save a few dollars on a console? 😂 This is why I say people who are anti exclusivity don't think about it for more than 5 seconds, like children.

And that's still an awful example, the movie industry does compete through exclusivity now that everything is streaming. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Paramount, Apple, etc all get into huge bidding wars over exclusivity rights. And they're all creating a ton of original content that can only be watched exclusively through on their own service. Some of them are best movies/shows in years too...I wonder's almost like they need create great art to incentivize people to their service.....

And dvd/blu ray players are sold at a huge mark up 🤣 unlike consoles, so another awful example.

What do you mean huh
3rd party publishers generally release their games multiplat. I want Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft to be the same way. Capcom didn't need an exclusivity deal for Resident Evil 4 Remake to be a rad af game.
I already addressed this earlier. You never answered my question, you think the fact that some of the best games of all time are exclusive is just a coincidence? You think it's a coincidence that Sony and Nintendo get nominated for GOTY every year while 99.99% multiplatform publishers never do? RE4 Remake is a remake....of a former exclusive 😂 The only multiplat publishers that can go toe to toe with Sony/Nintendo are Rockstar and CDPR, and they only release 1 game per generation.


Active member
17 May 2024
. You never answered my question, you think the fact that some of the best games of all time are exclusive is just a coincidence? You think it's a coincidence that Sony and Nintendo get nominated for GOTY every year while 99.99% multiplatform publishers never do? RE4 Remake is a remake....of a former exclusive 😂 The only multiplat publishers that can go toe to toe with Sony/Nintendo are Rockstar and CDPR, and they only release 1 game per generation.
Its hard for me to answer this because I don't have mainstream tastes and don't enjoy most AAA titles


21 Jun 2022
And that's still an awful example, the movie industry does compete through exclusivity now that everything is streaming. Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Paramount, Apple, etc all get into huge bidding wars over exclusivity rights. And they're all creating a ton of original content that can only be watched exclusively through on their own service. Some of them are best movies/shows in years too...I wonder's almost like they need create great art to incentivize people to their service.....
They always forget that fact. Exclusivity is part of every industry without any backlash. Video games is the only place where there's so much noise about it (specifically when it's Playstation vs PC or Xbox).

Valve also keeps everything exclusive to their own platform but Trisha didn't even notice 😒
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17 May 2024
Valve also keeps everything exclusive to their own platform but Trisha didn't even notice 😒
I used to own Portal 2 on PS3 sir
Most Valve games are multiplat. Its just they don't put out many games so all their releases are on older consoles.


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17 May 2024
Going back 2 gens to prove a point. I'm talking about DoTA 2, Counterstrike 2. You can only access in their store. Not Epic, not GOG. I wonder why? I thought only Sony did exclusivity 🤔
no Sony isn't the only one that does exclusivity, but you have a point.
Valve should put their games on more storefronts and release their games on modern consoles too


8 May 2023
Its hard for me to answer this because I don't have mainstream tastes and don't enjoy most AAA titles
Don't worry, I already answered it for you

They always forget that fact. Exclusivity is part of every industry without any backlash. Video games is the only place where there's so much noise about it (specifically when it's Playstation vs PC or Xbox).

Valve also keeps everything exclusive to their own platform but Trisha didn't even notice 😒
These people that say it know exclusives are important, they just want PlayStation to fail and die off.

Like I posted earlier, people like Mutahar, Gene, and plenty of others were cheering for the end of PS exclusivity. And now they're saying the PS5 sucks because it has no exclusives 🤣


I own Portal 2 on PS3 sir
Most Valve games are multiplat. Its just they don't put out many games so all their releases are on older consoles.
It was a late port and it doesn't change the fact that when Valve was putting out top tier single player games, they only did it to build up their platform. If you wanted to play Half Life and Portal, you had to install Steam. Once they solidified themselves as the monopoly for PC digital sales, they stopped making single player games and felt comfortable porting a few games over to console. And as a result, we stopped getting those games until it was time to sell their headset. And they still haven't ported over Alyx, I wonder why 🤔
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Active member
17 May 2024
Yeah, they should port Half Life Alyx to PS5 with PSVR support, would be pretty cool
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