PlayStation Showcase 2023 Hype Train Thread. Choo Choo! All Aboard!


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Terribly disappointed in what I saw tonight, giving the show a 3.5 out of 10.

I knew something was wrong when they opened up the show with that crappy rap music squad of Antifa-looking teenage people trying to break into that bank.

Were there a couple of games i liked sure, but we as a fanbase have waited so long and this is what they show us, it reminded me of an xbox show i saw a year back just throwing none descript game after game at the audience, this is not what i expected from Sony, this feels more like a Microsoft showing in the last few years to me.

I am tired of seeing this type of format, just show fewer games with an emphasis on gameplay, narrative and story.

This "let's flood the consumer with flashy lights, shit music and games that i can't seem to remember has to stop.

And WTF is with all the cat games?

dog shame GIF

Ass of Can Whooping

Active member
9 Jul 2022
Why is this industry catering to the generation that don't even play your fucking games. They can't even afford your $70 trashware and they're too busy deciding what gender to be in the morning to care.

Get a fucking clue already. Fuck this industry


Active member
19 May 2023
I feel like this the showcase we got because of regulators. Coming out gangbusters wouldn’t help Sony’s case. That has to 💯 be the reason this showcase was so Meh.

Phase 2 MY ASS!


2 Jul 2022
I feel like this the showcase we got because of regulators. Coming out gangbusters wouldn’t help Sony’s case. That has to 💯 be the reason this showcase was so Meh.

Phase 2 MY ASS!
I still believe it was marketing obligations.
24 Jun 2022
I feel like this showcase was made because of marketing contracts and nothing else.

Very likely tbh. Tons of games shown that we didn't even know of, with release dates just a few months out. They wanted that promotion.

I wonder if the problem is that Sony thinks Xbox are so weak that they don't have to try anymore.

Hopefully that's not the reason, because if so then I'm actually hoping the Xbox Showcase blows this one out of the water. There's already the rumor P3R reveal footage will be there; if they get Jet Set Radio reveal there as well, Avowed gameplay, (in-depth) Hellblade 2 gameplay, AND Starfield looks like it's actually in great shape, they'll pretty much beat out this showcase.

That's in addition to any other 1P reveals they have or something extremely unlikely but would be megaton if they got it at their event. The PS Showcase had some great stuff in it but in terms of exclusives they only really had Spiderman 2 and Phantom Blade 0. And maybe Helldivers 2, that looked pretty good.

The other good stuff they had that was 3P AAA was multiplat.


21 Jun 2022

Sony Making excuses or…?

No, he's only stating facts. The AAA new IP Bend is working on was greenlighted in March 2021 according to Jason Schreier.

Considering it may take at least 5-6 years to be released since then (so at least aprox March 2026-2027), it didn't make sense to expect to see this Bend game this year.

And if they would do it people would complain because it's a CG logo teaser. Or if they show a vertical slice then they'd complain because the final game many years later doesn't look like that and because got changed (and pretty likely downgraded in some area).

So the best idea is to don't announce the game until it's a year or year and a half from release, and to don't show gameplay until it's months away from being released.


25 Mar 2023
Most disappointing show ever, no one comes even close. Massive failure and it looks like Hermen Hults is Sony's Phil Spencer, absolutely no talent.

That is what Sony get's by promoting a guy from one of their most mid studios, this is a John Kodera level inept hire.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
They should have invested in AA games studios too. Smaller but great games to pad out their dry seasons. Instead they are buying up GaaS studios. This GaaS initiative should have started with them acquiring Rocket League way back then. Uncharted 4 Multiplayer had the potential.

They've missed the mark and will spend the entire general playing catch up.
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25 Mar 2023
They should have invested in AA games studios too. Smaller but great games to pad out their dry seasons. Instead they are buying up GaaS studios. This GaaS initiative should have started with them acquiring Rocket League way back then. Uncharted 4 Multiplayer had the potential.

They've missed the mark and will spend the entire general playing catch up.
Exactly, we get less AA/experimental games on top of less AAA single player games and less new IPs.

In exchange we get more GaaS that look uninspired and that they can't even show properly and PC ports. The only decent GaaS (Factions) they can't even show after 3 years and it comes from what we originally expected to get along with TLoU Part II.
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21 Jun 2022
Exactly, we get less AA/experimental games on top of less AAA single player games and less new IPs.

In exchange we get more GaaS that look uninspired and that they can't even show properly. The only decent GaaS (Factions) they can't even show after 3 years and it comes from what we originally expected to get along with TLoU Part II.
Factions seems to be stuck in hell.
  • sad
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