Playstation will be attending Tokyo Game Show for the first time since 2019


25 Mar 2023
People talk about FF as if it would sell 20 million if it weren't exclusive. They missed out on maybe 2 million sales (if even) and in exchange they didn't have to pay a dime in marketing expenses.
They'll still be able to release these games on PC and Switch 2. Nobody was going to buy it on Xbox and putting it on Gamepass would've lead to way less sales to the series in the long run. They got paid by Sony to do something that would've made sense to do on their own anyway.
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10 Jan 2023
They'll still be able to release these games on PC and Switch 2. Nobody was going to buy it on Xbox and putting it on Gamepass would've lead to way less sales to the series in the long run. They got paid by Sony to do something that would've made sense to do on their own anyway.
I think 7R would perform very, very well on Switch 2. At least I hope it would, a game of that quality should be drowning in sales and I wonder why it isn't.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
It's a first party game (meaning, published by Sony and specifically PS Studios) but Koei Tecmo owns the IP. Just like Bayonetta 3: it's a first party Nintendo game but Sega owns the Bayonetta IP.
Is there any other 1st party games that the IP is owned by a 3rd party?

Xbox had a bunch like Mass Effect, Dead Rising etc where they published it but didnt own the IP.
But they never worked with Bioware/ Capcom to make those games unlike Sony normally helps the 3rd party studio with something like Xdex/Japan studios etc


21 Jun 2022
Is there any other 1st party games that the IP is owned by a 3rd party?

Xbox had a bunch like Mass Effect, Dead Rising etc where they published it but didnt own the IP.
But they never worked with Bioware/ Capcom to make those games unlike Sony normally helps the 3rd party studio with something like Xdex/Japan studios etc
Dead Rising was a 3rd party exclusive, because was published by Capcom. Just like FFVII or FFVII remake were 3rd party exclusives, because were published by Square Enix.

Mass Effect was originally published by Microsoft, so it was a first party game.

The difference between 1st and 3rd party games is that 1st party games are those published by the platform holder, while 3rd party games are those published by someone who isn't owned by the platform holder of the platform. There are two types of 1st party games, the internally developed ones (when the lead dev studio is owned by the platform holder) and the 2nd party ones (when the lead dev studio is 3rd party, meaning not owned by the platform holder).

In most cases the platform holder owns the IP in addition to publish the game, but not always. Examples could be Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta 3, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Stellar Blade or Rise of the Ronin.

There are also cases that when a 2nd party game is published, the platform holder owns the IP. But some time later the platform holder isn't no longer interested on it and sells it or gives it to that dev studio, or at least allows them to publish the games elsewhere with some other publisher. This is the case of the games from ThatGameCompany or Quantic Dream, or Unfinished Swan with Sony.

There are also 2nd party games where during the development the publisher cancels the project and at that moment gives the IP to the dev studio so they can find another publisher and continue developing the game. That was the case of Rime or some other western indie that now I don't remember.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Dead Rising was a 3rd party exclusive, because was published by Capcom. Just like FFVII or FFVII remake were 3rd party exclusives, because were published by Square Enix.

Mass Effect was originally published by Microsoft, so it was a first party game.

The difference between 1st and 3rd party games is that 1st party games are those published by the platform holder, while 3rd party games are those published by someone who isn't owned by the platform holder of the platform. There are two types of 1st party games, the internally developed ones (when the lead dev studio is owned by the platform holder) and the 2nd party ones (when the lead dev studio is 3rd party, meaning not owned by the platform holder).

In most cases the platform holder owns the IP in addition to publish the game, but not always. Examples could be Bayonetta 2, Bayonetta 3, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Stellar Blade or Rise of the Ronin.

There are also cases that when a 2nd party game is published, the platform holder owns the IP. But some time later the platform holder isn't no longer interested on it and sells it or gives it to that dev studio, or at least allows them to publish the games elsewhere with some other publisher. This is the case of the games from ThatGameCompany or Quantic Dream, or Unfinished Swan with Sony.

There are also 2nd party games where during the development the publisher cancels the project and at that moment gives the IP to the dev studio so they can find another publisher and continue developing the game. That was the case of Rime or some other western indie that now I don't remember.
Man I thought Dead Rising was published by Microsoft, maybe i got it confused with Tomb Raider

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
FFXVI is about as sellable as a new FF can be, people just have completely unrealistic expectations.

Same with FFVII Remake and Rebirth, short of FFVII getting some sort of live action movie or Netflix series that blows up this is about as good as FFVII games can do and has nothing to do with not being on Xbox. When it gets released on PC and Switch it will still sell what it's realistic for it to sell. The deal was great for SE.

I don’t know where these people believe these millions of missing sales would come from. Definitely not on PC and Xbox is not even worth mentioning.


8 May 2023
I don’t know where these people believe these millions of missing sales would come from. Definitely not on PC and Xbox is not even worth mentioning.
The gaming media have been spreading propaganda for years that PC is some huge market you can't miss out on. And the general public is falling for it, even Sony fell for it. But reality shows 95% of AAA games do poorly on PC, especially when compared to PlayStation sales.

FF15 took years to sell 1m on PC but sold 8m+ on PS4, FF7Remake still hasn't even sold 1m on PC after 3 years. And when games do poorly on PC there are countless excuses while PlayStation users are always expected to buy games in droves and carry the industry. FF16 PC sales will take 5+ years and deep discounts to match what it sold on PS5 week 1 at full price. And the media will never call it a flop and will actually say those are great results.


21 Jun 2022
The gaming media have been spreading propaganda for years that PC is some huge market you can't miss out on. And the general public is falling for it, even Sony fell for it.
It isn't propaganda, PC being a huge market as said in the reports of all the industry analyst firms, plus in the reports from the country specific publisher+devs associations, plus also frequently posted in the reports of main publishers.

And their AAA are getting so fucking expensive, with 300M+ budgets, meaning they need to sell around 9M+ to be profitable. Which is too fucking risky particularly for the ones who aren't sequels of their top seller blockbusters, so they need to find extra revenue sources -like PC ports, movies, mobile etc- to ensure they reduce the risk, to make sure they are profitable and have no issues covering some game that from time to time -as always happens because it's normal- will tank or get cancelled. And well, we also have to consider that the revenue from game sales is getting replaced year after year by addons revenue, meaning that in the long term the market for SP games will continue shrinking unlike their budgets.

These are all facts, not propaganda. You not liking something doesn't mean it's propaganda, or fake, or that doesn't exist. It only means you don't like it.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It isn't propaganda, PC being a huge market as said in the reports of all the industry analyst firms, plus in the reports from the country specific publisher+devs associations, plus also frequently posted in the reports of main publishers.

And their AAA are getting so fucking expensive, with 300M+ budgets, meaning they need to sell around 9M+ to be profitable. Which is too fucking risky particularly for the ones who aren't sequels of their top seller blockbusters, so they need to find extra revenue sources -like PC ports, movies, mobile etc- to ensure they reduce the risk, to make sure they are profitable and have no issues covering some game that from time to time -as always happens because it's normal- will tank or get cancelled. And well, we also have to consider that the revenue from game sales is getting replaced year after year by addons revenue, meaning that in the long term the market for SP games will continue shrinking unlike their budgets.

These are all facts, not propaganda. You not liking something doesn't mean it's propaganda, or fake, or that doesn't exist. It only means you don't like it.
It's a huge market for trash games that take lowest common denominator hardware to play. Not advanced AAA games. Look at the outcry any time you need more than an i5-4690k or more than a gtx1060 for 1080p. Also Steam players HATE paying full price, especially since a lot of PC players are in countries with low purchasing power.

This "massive market" is not some untapped pool of paying customers for high end games. There used to be lots of AAA games on PC, and they left for a reason.

Look at how PC players treated Alan Wake 2. Or Callisto Protocol. Or Plague Tale Requiem.
  • they're_right_you_know
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8 May 2023
It's a huge market for trash games that take lowest common denominator hardware to play. Not advanced AAA games. Look at the outcry any time you need more than an i5-4690k or more than a gtx1060 for 1080p. Also Steam players HATE paying full price, especially since a lot of PC players are in countries with low purchasing power.

This "massive market" is not some untapped pool of paying customers for high end games. There used to be lots of AAA games on PC, and they left for a reason.

Look at how PC players treated Alan Wake 2. Or Callisto Protocol. Or Plague Tale Requiem.
That boy talking out his ass as usual, not even worth responding to


Active member
1 Mar 2024
The gaming media have been spreading propaganda for years that PC is some huge market you can't miss out on. And the general public is falling for it, even Sony fell for it. But reality shows 95% of AAA games do poorly on PC, especially when compared to PlayStation sales.

FF15 took years to sell 1m on PC but sold 8m+ on PS4, FF7Remake still hasn't even sold 1m on PC after 3 years. And when games do poorly on PC there are countless excuses while PlayStation users are always expected to buy games in droves and carry the industry. FF16 PC sales will take 5+ years and deep discounts to match what it sold on PS5 week 1 at full price. And the media will never call it a flop and will actually say those are great results.

PC is a huge market but mainly for RTS, crappy simulators and games that can run on a toaster. The AAA market is on consoles. PS5 specifically since no one seems to care about Xbox.

PC gamers who brag about hardware are a very small minority. The vast majority of gaming capable PC's are barely on par with current gen consoles. And even the ones who actually own 4080's and 4090's primarily play PC oriented titles which again, can run on a toaster.
  • they're_right_you_know
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