It isn't propaganda, PC being a huge market as said in the reports of all the industry analyst firms, plus in the reports from the country specific publisher+devs associations, plus also frequently posted in the reports of main publishers.
And their AAA are getting so fucking expensive, with 300M+ budgets, meaning they need to sell around 9M+ to be profitable. Which is too fucking risky particularly for the ones who aren't sequels of their top seller blockbusters, so they need to find extra revenue sources -like PC ports, movies, mobile etc- to ensure they reduce the risk, to make sure they are profitable and have no issues covering some game that from time to time -as always happens because it's normal- will tank or get cancelled. And well, we also have to consider that the revenue from game sales is getting replaced year after year by addons revenue, meaning that in the long term the market for SP games will continue shrinking unlike their budgets.
These are all facts, not propaganda. You not liking something doesn't mean it's propaganda, or fake, or that doesn't exist. It only means you don't like it.