Every time that happens you also have a minority of assholes that will drop in on the discussions to say they don't care about it but muster the energy to type that - obviously faking it and acting as if beyond it. Everyone is obviously interested in the fact that they "don't care". Then there are others that try to rationalize and justify the price increase as if paid PR, while doing it for free, using ridiculous rationales - the corporate bootlickers and ass sniffers of this world. On the one hand it's useless... while on the other they must shill for the masters from above cause they may be watching - notice me senpai!
You also have the rich, cool, smart badass archetypes..... "pull yourself by your bootstraps", "if you're poor it's your fault" types.... acting as if they have their tubs made of gold, and bath in money everyday so fuck everyone around them that is not at their level. When it's not the financial type, it's the intellectual type that proceeds to do mental masturbation. "Hey look at me!" types... trying to impress females at the wrong place and time.
Then there are the obvious fanboys of other "services", in this case gaming platforms trying to "stealthily" promote their platform of choice as if no one can see through them - master plan in execution.
The stupidity knows no bounds.
The question in the OP goes beyond the price increase as well and can be totally detached to it. The topic merely borrows the timing of the price increase to capitalize on attention and furor.
It's a simple question. Should online play be gated behind a subscription service? Is it OK, Acceptable or should it STOP?
Funny that the straw man that these minority archetypes argue against hardly addresses the main question. Dancing around a fire if you will.