Recent reviews for Starfield on Steam drop to 'mostly negative...'


11 Jul 2023

Evidence that the anti woke crowd can be just as insufferable as the super woke crowd.

Frustrated Headache GIF by Kelly Clarkson
Those character descriptions are from a book called Their Troublesome Crush.


11 Jul 2023
That's why I stopped responding. There's no conversation to be had with people who didn't play the game and just want to beat their chest about some culture war nonsense.
Mightier than thou garbage as per usual. No response to Square Enix deliberately injecting culture war nonsense into their games though.
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14 Aug 2022
met up with a few friends last night for Christmas, they all play on Steam and PC only, all of them said they asked for a refunds within a week of buying the game.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Clearly you didn’t play it and know nothing about it, literally all the enemy bosses are woman and the final boss is an evil demon.

Crazy how you know nothing about the game and still call it woke 🤦‍♂️

I played the demo, wasn't a fan of the constant banter with the cuff and the gameplay/graphics didn't appeal to me.


8 May 2023
I played the demo, wasn't a fan of the constant banter with the cuff and the gameplay/graphics didn't appeal to me.
That's fine, I'm just saying the stuff about male enemies is false. Also neither you nor @Nimrota were able to say how the game is actually woke. Black girl character isn't woke, marvel writing isn't woke. You can say Square's decision to pick a black female character was woke, but that doesn't make the game itself woke at all.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
That's fine, I'm just saying the stuff about male enemies is false. Also neither you nor @Nimrota were able to say how the game is actually woke. Black girl character isn't woke, marvel writing isn't woke. You can say Square's decision to pick a black female character was woke, but that doesn't make the game itself woke at all.

I never said a black girl is woke, there was that Arkane game with the Black Female MC and nobody complained about it. Forgot its name.

Gamers don't have a problem with black women in games or media, look how popular Twintails is in the Nintendo game Arms or how popular Yoruchi from Bleach us.


8 May 2023
I never said a black girl is woke, there was that Arkane game with the Black Female MC and nobody complained about it. Forgot its name.

Gamers don't have a problem with black women in games or media, look how popular Twintails is in the Nintendo game Arms or how popular Yoruchi from Bleach us.
Well then what makes it woke? Or do you think it isn't and just that the "writing is bad". Idk how you can have that opinion when you never actually played the game....


11 Jul 2023
The r/Starfield mods banned me after I asked them why they deleted a post I had that didn't break any of the rules. Here is their seethe:

What a ridiculous and childish take. You can clearly see that a massive amount of posts are negative, and a lot of the top posts this month are critical and giving criticism. We remove REPEITIVE posts that add nothing to the discussion that hasn't been said a million times. When we get 100s of the exact same shit post, we remove them, much as the community has asked over this communities history

Amazing how you can take "we remove very repetitive posts" and turn it into some bullshit attack to go after the mod team acting like its censoring opinions. The only problem with that absolutely ridiculous take, is the fact that you can clearly see the massive amount of criticism that gets posted.

Keep pretending youre some kind of victim though, and that there is some conspiracy going on, all while somehow being blind to the thousands of CLEAR as day posts around you that are negative. I'm sure it somehow makes you feel better to pretend something is happening and make this unhinged unintelligent claims that have zero bearing on truth or reality.

Maybe next time try to have some logic or reason to your thoughts, rather than spouting bullshit from your mouth so fast that common sense can't keep up.

Happy New Year, Kiddo, hope things are better for you this year.
For me it's the smarmy condescending kiddo comment. Better yet this was their reply to my comment "Perhaps update the rules to add something like "No criticism/negativity towards Starfield" so you can be upfront about what type of community you're trying to foster. Cheers."

Things must not be going well for Starfield defenders if this is the type of breakdown they're having. Trying to spin criticism as "repetitive" on a sub meant to discuss one single game is peak cope. What are you meant to discuss instead, the 36 POIs? Randomly generated empty planets?
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
The r/Starfield mods banned me after I asked them why they deleted a post I had that didn't break any of the rules. Here is their seethe:

For me it's the smarmy condescending kiddo comment. Better yet this was their reply to my comment "Perhaps update the rules to add something like "No criticism/negativity towards Starfield" so you can be upfront about what type of community you're trying to foster. Cheers."

Things must not be going well for Starfield defenders if this is the type of breakdown they're having. Trying to spin criticism as "repetitive" on a sub meant to discuss one single game is peak cope. What are you meant to discuss instead, the 36 POIs? Randomly generated empty planets?
they must have brought @adamsapple on as a mod


Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022

This review on Steam put it sharply: "Starfield is a game that has an excess of nothingness. An open world RPG that is so overstuffed with meaningless content that the seams are starting to split and the empty calories are spilling out."

The game has also gotten quite a lot of flak for the way traversal of its universe works, which essentially boils down to lots of fast travel loading screens accompanied by cutscenes of your ship taking off, landing, or jumping to lightspeed. It doesn't bother me much since nearly a decade of modded Skyrim and Fallout experience has gotten me used to loading screens, and I have no idea if a solution to reduce or remove them would even be possible for games like Bethesda's where everything is subject to Creation Engine physics. But compared to other modern open world games with seamless transitions, Starfield's definitely stick out.

Though not directly related to the gameplay itself, it's also worth noting that Bethesda Customer Support getting weirdly defensive about Starfield in Steam review comments has likely contributed at least somewhat to its reputation, too. I've never seen a developer attempt damage control by telling people they're wrong for feeling a certain way about a game like this, and frankly, it's embarrassing for Bethesda.